Is my swing to steep?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Video robin made yesterday. Girl has a similar swing to you. worth a look.



Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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So thanks for all the advice and video links, much appreciated. I've taken them on board and made some changes, especially trying to keep my right arm more connected to my body.

I started gripping the club more on top, and also spent a few times at the range with a driver cover under my right arm too to keep it closer to my body. Quite uncomfortable at first, but feeling better with it now. I also played a round with this swing which worked quite well for me, I did default back to my arms all over the place but with practice I'll get there.

This is what it's looking like now, with my PW (not the best camera angel but I didn't have my tripod with me that day). I think I can see an improvement, the Pro was on the range when I was practicing this and he said it's looking better too compared compared to what I was doing before (I showed what my swing had morphed into over the year) and have now also booked some coaching over winter to try improve it even further as he said with some coaching I'll start to get my wrist action working better and get some more club head speed but he has given me a drill to work on it with in the mean time.


Still got lots of work to do but feel its an improvement already.


Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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You're always going to slice/pull with that swing path.
It needs a major change to get it to 'neutral' and A LOT of hard work.

Do you mean neutral grip? As explained here



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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During the golf swing the club shaft is parallel to the ground 3 times.......on the backswing, on the downswing and on the follow through.
At these 3 points, the shaft should be pointing at the target, especially on the downswing.

Here's yours


The red line shows you where it should be pointing.
It's actually very close to where it is in the backswing which is also wrong.
Get to work with your pro and fix the swing path BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE if you want to have a 'neutral golf swing.


Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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During the golf swing the club shaft is parallel to the ground 3 times.......on the backswing, on the downswing and on the follow through.
At these 3 points, the shaft should be pointing at the target, especially on the downswing.

Here's yours

View attachment 17767

The red line shows you where it should be pointing.
It's actually very close to where it is in the backswing which is also wrong.
Get to work with your pro and fix the swing path BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE if you want to have a 'neutral golf swing.

Will get on the Explanar with the pro tomorrow to get a better feel for the swing path.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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great that you decided through the off season to get series of lessons definitely the ways to go

(unless your Pro has asked you to do drills with headcover under right arm for a specific reason - would can that as it can easy encourage the backswing to get a ways too narrow which can then exacerbate the downswing starting with the arms & shoulders from the get-go of transition & throwing the downswing out & over so swinging well leftfield through the ball)

swinging out to in from the top can largely be due to the motion being out of sequence (although how the club goes back will also play into it either too much back inside or as in your swing vid a little ways out & away through takeback can also tend to encourage an out to in swinging left through the ball) so starting down with the movement of the arms/shoulders instead of the lower body weight pressure into the lead side moving lead knee back to target (so back inline over the ankle) 'small' lead hip bump to target before hips rotate

can help to 'feel' from the top that the 'back' stays momentarily 'looking' to target at the top as that lower body moves the 'weight pressure' back into the lead side, lead foot, then swing down & through

here's a 'gate drill' that can help with the swing direction coming down from transition into & through impact (run it by your Pro to see if he's okay with you using it in practice) you will need to 'feel' that swing sequence changing with the lower body leading transition to swing easy through the 'gate'

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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one further thing that may help you, an alternative or addition to the basket gate drill, if you can get hold of an old box clubs delivered in or you could use a shoe box - again run it by your Pro that he's okay with you doing it in practice {until you can do the basket gate or box drill pretty good would stay aways from the 3 ball drill as you could end up with them flying off anywhere as it's a mite more difficult

but the box an 1&1/2" on the outside of the ball, with ball position center of box (lengthways)
pretty easy to see that to be able to get good impact conditions the club has to travel little ways from the inside & down some {with every ball that's not up on a tee} (again back to the swing sequence from the top to be able to achieve this) & after impact return a little ways back on the inside - if both these conditions not met you strike the box either on the ways too the ball or after striking the ball

the quality of the vid here not so great but you can see the 'box' position

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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Those gate drills are fantastic. I stood for many a cold nigh a few years ago pounding these drills.

4.06 on this video will be key to your stooping coming so over the top. if you use those step drills your body may naturally work out how to move in order for you club to swing and avoid the baskets.

That magic bump of the hips left at the top of the swing may well be key to allowing you to bring the club down on a shallower plane.



Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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Did some of these gate drills yesterday at the range, but I think I set up the front basket wrong as I kept hitting it, couldn't get a feel for it, need to watch the videos again as I think I had it in the wrong place, but the back one helped a lot with the take away.

I had a lesson this morning and we worked on the take away and back swing, he showed me 3 parts of the swing to look out for (what would be 3 parts as we only concentrated on the take away and back swing) but worked on making the takeaway more parallel to the ground and continuing on the plane and rotating my shoulders more at the top which ended stopping my ridiculous over swing as he identified I was using my arms to much to complete the back swing.

Couldn't hit a ball properly afterwards due the changes but he said he's not bothered about that for now as next week we'll work on my downswing, then the following week we'll work on ball striking.

Feel I've made some progress due to being able to practice quite a bit in the weeks now, doing that gate drill I feel really improved my takeaway, pro said its a good drill but I was taking away a little bit too flat to compensate for not hitting the basket (he videod my take away with it and I was taking away quite under the plane). Back again at it tomorrow followed by the front 9, looking forward to it.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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could be that the forwards basket not quite in the correct place (to that don't forget you put the shaft at address plane as the final guide & just move basket a fraction away from shaft to have just a little ways clearance) {as your Pro is okay with the drill just ask him to go over how you set it up}

alternatively could have been you still starting down from the top so swing still just a little ways out & over with from the top the hips rotating left straightaway which means path through the ball would still be a ways leftfield

something you could do to stop turning back too much inside as you miss the basket on the ways back - is around 6", 7" on a straight line back from the ball put a small coin to clubhead has to pass over the coin so 'just' miss the basket

hope it all goes good