Is it possible for Mr Average to become a scratch golfer in just 12 months?

May 27, 2014
Thanks for the advice Lewis, much appreciated. Westerham is a lovely course, I've been playing there quite a lot of late. if you ever fancy a round then let me know. Would be good to go round with some more exprienced players.
May 27, 2014
Hello golfers

Thanks to you all very much for your advice, tips, support etc etc

Just to reiterate as I dont think i was very clear at the beginning of the thread, I'm trying to play a scratch round. However I will also play 3 rounds at the end of the challenge to get an official handicap. Then people can really see how my handicap has improved in 12 months.

At the minute my coach, James Ellis-Caird, recommended I play off 22, which as it happens is what I scored at Westerham on Sunday 25th May, so a good starting point.

In case anyone missed it, you can see the first round with my brother on the 18th May, where I scored 25, here:

I am also now well aware that this challenge has been done before, and written about in Dream On (I have also read it and recommmend it). When the challenge was conjured up at XMAS by my brother I'd been playing golf for 3 months (apart from playing for about a year as a junior) and had no never heard of Dream On or John Richardson, or The Dan Plan etc.

However the fact it has been done before doesn't put me off, has only 1 person ever climbed Everist?? (not that I'm comparing this challenge to climbing Everist). I merely just want to play good golf and prove that if you put your mind to something, and dedicate time you can achieve, for personal gain but also to perhaps inspire others. And this is a challenge that will hopefully allow me to do this.

Thanks again for the support! keep them tips coming, each one is carefully noted.



Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Ask Virtuocity , after a year of practicing very hard and lessons, also getting advice for top guys on this forum. He managed to go from a 26 to a 13 h/c within a year. Not sure what his lowest scratch score is though ?????, he'll be along shortly to let us know.

best of luck.


Assistant Pro
Nov 16, 2011
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If you'd just started playing the game and were oozing natural talent I'd say yes, there's an outside chance.
Your also going to have to learn how to plot your way around the course, the problem there is that the season usually only lasts 7 months.

Good luck with it, it'll be interesting to see how you get on. :thup:

This is a limiting way of thinking I feel in that if you believe you have no natural talent it will end up a self-fulfilling prophecy. 'Natural talent' is generally created through hard work and quality practise.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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not read it in full, but do you have a full time job? what is your regime looking like? how many hours of practice per week and how many rounds?

I am gonna kick it off with a no chance, but wish you all the best,


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 11, 2011
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Its possible. Things that will make it more likely:
1) Taking regular lessons
2) Playing alot with people who have shot a par round before
3) Structured quality practise, get your pro to workout your practise routine

Things that will make it less likely:
1) Spending too much time blogging or posting on forums instead of playing or practising
2) Turning to equipment to solve all your issues
3) Negativity from people who don't think you can do it, either use it to motivate you or ignore it

Best of luck, its good to push yourself. Reach for the moon and you might touch the stars.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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shirt out
denim shorts
no socks


Kidding ...:)

But best to get used to missing putts of under 6ft and learn to contain emotions :)

Otherwise - a good place to start and good free swing and follow-through ... have fun and good luck!
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Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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So let me get his right, you are currently shooting in the mid 90's and want to shoot level par, or are you talking about shooting SSS. Difference being is that level par might be 72 somewhere but the SSS might be 69 as it is an easy course. Either way it is going to take some effort.

I would say you are going to need a good coach to start with. Then have 3 1 hour lessons a week, in each lesson covering long game, irons, short game and putting. Then you will probably need to hit a 1000 balls down the range every week along with going on a short game practice area. So lessons alone are going to set you back best part of £150 a week, just hope you have somewhere to practice or the driving range will cost you another £50 a week on top.

The level of improvement you are looking for is going to take a lot of money, time and commitment. If you had set target like getting down to single figures in a year I think that would have been more achievable as you would not have to master every aspect of the game. Shooting level means you can't afford to cock it up anywhere on the course, if you loose a ball you will need 2 birdies just to make up for it.

But good luck and I hope you do it, anyone putting that much effort in deserves some good luck in return.


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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This is a limiting way of thinking I feel in that if you believe you have no natural talent it will end up a self-fulfilling prophecy. 'Natural talent' is generally created through hard work and quality practise.

Sorry but I disagree. Natural talent is exactly what it says on the tin, Natural.You've either got it or you haven't. Others may call it "very good hand eye coordination "

I'll Agree that Johnny Average could probably get down to Cat1 over a number of years with plenty of practice and Determination. But there's also a Small number of Golfers out there that find this game quite easy, They can just go out and play & don't need to practice much & still maintain a H'cap of low single figures or less.

Im sure most of us know one or Two of these annoying people :D
I'm not sure if Theres any who post on here though :whistle:

In my opinion, if the OP is going to pull this off he needs an amount of natural talent for the game, and also to learn his strengths and weaknesses out on the course very quickly.
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Assistant Pro
Nov 16, 2011
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Sorry but I disagree. Natural talent is exactly what it says on the tin, Natural.You've either got it or you haven't. Others may call it "very good hand eye coordination "

I'll Agree that Johnny Average could probably get down to Cat1 over a number of years with plenty of practice and Determination. But there's also a Small number of Golfers out there that find this game quite easy, They can just go out and play & don't need to practice much & still maintain a H'cap of low single figures or less.

Im sure most of us know one or Two of these annoying people :D
I'm not sure if Theres any who post on here though :whistle:

In my opinion, if the OP is going to pull this off he needs an amount of natural talent for the game, and also to learn his strengths and weaknesses out on the course very quickly.

Golf is not a hand eye coordination sport, otherwise how would blind golfers get on?

Those low single figure players you refer to will have paid there dues at some point and now make it look easy. No one gets good at anything without a heck of a lot of repetitions. But when you look at these good players you're not seeing the process they went through - just an end product.

I'm sure I heard a story about Snead being asked about natural talent and he sneered at the comment and asked the questioner to come to the range and watch him practise until his hands were bleeding.


Q-School Graduate
Mar 22, 2011
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Hello all,

Question for you.

Is it possible for Mr Average to become a scratch golfer in just 12 months?

That's the challenge I'm facing after I took on a challenge from my brother and started officially on May 11th.

If he is proved correct, Jimmy has agreed to do a sponsored round of golf for charity….wearing only a jockstrap!
I currently play off around 20-25, putting him in the distinctly average category. But I'm a trier, have self-belief, and dedication to do it. I'm currently playing at a particularly difficult course in Kent called Westerham (well I think it's difficult).

Anyway, thought I'd pop along here and get your thoughts. What do you guys think, is it achievable?

For more information or to follow the challenge check out:





Cheers Folks


It's possible but is it likely, No.

Things are achievable but again, No.


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Golf is not a hand eye coordination sport, otherwise how would blind golfers get on?

Those low single figure players you refer to will have paid there dues at some point and now make it look easy. No one gets good at anything without a heck of a lot of repetitions. But when you look at these good players you're not seeing the process they went through - just an end product.

I'm sure I heard a story about Snead being asked about natural talent and he sneered at the comment and asked the questioner to come to the range and watch him practise until his hands were bleeding.

Would you agree that Natural Talent had a bearing on Greg Norman Getting to Scratch within 2 years after starting the game as a 16 year old?


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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It's possible but is it likely, No.

Things are achievable but again, No.

My best advice, have a lesson to have a pro evaluate you swing, if it is fundamentally solid, then do not tinker with it and just get out there and practice practice practice . Don't just blindly hit balls at the range, make sure your practice is structured, that it has a goal. Say from 30yds get 3 balls out of 10 within 6 feet of the flag, do that 10 times, then make it 5 out of 10, then 7.

It doesn't matter if you swing looks like an Orang-Utang trying to play guitar while flying a kite on a skateboard as long as you balls land on the short stuff and you can get up and down that's all that matters. Finesse and fine tuning can come later.

Ignore the nay sayers, the doubters, the people that will tell you it is impossible, those that jump at every chance to tell say you will fail, they only want to be able to say 'I told you so', prove them wrong.

We all have bad days ether when playing or practicing, those days where no matter what you do everything seems to be conspiring against you, those are the days when you need to change it up, so your drives are all going wrong, use a 3 metal or a 5 iron, go to you favourite club to get you back on track.

Play the percentages, don't go for the glory shot through the trees, just take you medicine and play out onto the fairway.

Club up, if your yardage is 110yds to the pin and you best hit with you pitching wedge is 110yds, hit a 9 instead, getting on the green in regulation will give you a lift.

oh and practice practice practice.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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So you don't actually have an official handicap just now???
Are you going to be looking for level par from the yellow tees playing with your mates or under competition circumstances??

I'm afraid I'm going to vote no for this is it's under competition standards, if just in a bounce game then I think you might do it.

Key factors for me would be you! Almost half the season is gone already, I see your full if enthusiasm just now, but how much enthusiasm will be there in January when you have to force yourself outside in the wind/rain/frost playing on winter greens etc.
Level par golf is a huge achievement, and IMO a bridge to far, you need good mental strength, being able to hold it together if you get to level par with 3 holes to go, the ability to cope with set backs,injuries, bad weather and just general being fed up of golf.
In this instance I'd generally be more inclined to get you to play non stop, and not practice as much as others seem to think,learn how to get the ball in the hole. Sure you will need to practice but I'd definitley be hitting the course far more often than the range.
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It's odd that so many say it can't be done when it already has, in fact Richardson shot under par.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 21, 2008
East Yorks
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Oh its 'Possible'.

So is me, at aged 52, getting a sudden call up for Englands Internationals against the All Blacks........

Its about the same odds I'd say.

In 25yrs of playing Golf to a reasonably good Club Level, I've ever only once shot a level Par 16 holes, and that was when I wasnt trying to.......just messin about.

Good luck and all that, and I hate to be so negative, but I'm a realist !


Assistant Pro
Nov 16, 2011
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Would you agree that Natural Talent had a bearing on Greg Norman Getting to Scratch within 2 years after starting the game as a 16 year old?

I'd imagine his naturally athletic physique certainly helped but there's no evidence for people being born with the motor patterns required to make golf swings! It's learned ability.

I have no idea about the conditions of Greg Norman's life when he was young. Maybe he played other sports all through his youth and developed a good ability to hit objects with an implement that he could transfer to golf. And then perhaps had access to the best coaching and learning environments to improve his play.

You can't compare his 2 years with someone else and claim it as like for like and say the only reason one got to scratch and the other didn't is natural talent. There are incalculable other variables involved - access to coaching, parental influence and support, motivational factors etc etc.

Look at the women's game. Has a golf gene spread across South Korea in the couple of decades? No, of course not, what happened actually was Se Ri Pak winning the US Open was a motivational trigger to the youth living in the country to pick up the game and try it for themselves.