Inerness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Some people may not be able to get a 4 night away pass, so it will be built around 3 main courses, with others just being tagged on depending upon numbersand requirements. The three it will be built around are as follows:-

Royal Dornoch , Castle Stuart, and probably Nairn

There may also be an optional game at the boat of Garten, but that may alsochange to Tain, Moray firth or others. There may also be a half-way stop forthe northern English raiders in mid-Scotland either on the way up or back, tobreak the journey up. Maybe somewhere likeSoutherness,Gleneagles,Blairgowrie,Powfoot,Silloth,Pitlochry,Boat ofGarten.

We now have the following as confirmed (subject to numbers and
a possible
2014 slight priceincrease) and at the moment we have the following as the highest/lowest optionsfor the courses:-

Top weekend price (2013) / Cheapest option 2013/2014

A. Royal Dornoch full price is £110 /
Our best price is £65 Twilight in May.

B. Castle Stuart full price is £175 /
£75 –(even on the weekend), yes £100saving!

C. Nairn full price is £ 110 weekday £ 120 weekend /
** stop press ** Now they have offered us a 50% discount which is now £55/£60 net.

Price total for the above 3,based on 2013 prices is £ 405. Cheapest weekendoption based on 2013 is approx £ 195.00. A potential saving of over £210, which
maypay for your travel/accommodation.You will not get these deals again, unlessyou go as larger group in the future, so get to these courses whilst you can atthis price. Can you afford to do it? Can you afford not to do it, is what Isay, at these prices. All in all, with accommodation options being anythingfrom £80 - £150 (in total) each for varying levels of comfort and travel. Thereare cheap caravan options for £20 a night and various guest house accommodationoptions, to suit your own budget.

If you were to do this with just a few mates it would cost you a bomb, but aspart of a larger group, it should be heavily discounted. The plan is to collecta deposit for the golf only in the next month or so. Look into accommodationoptions in the next 2 months, put a deposit on that. That way, you can pay athird approx 8 months before, pay the rest in early 2014 (ideally February) andjust get your spends together nearer the time we go.

So i
f you can get a 3 or 4 night pass from HID, you want to play some of themost scenic, out the bloody way courses in our fair isles, you can afford themoolah, get your name down here.

Some of the courses normally require full payment in advance, which 8months before is daft. We are hoping to do it in staged payments of 30-40% in thenext month or so, balance to be paid in February.

As I always say, if people pay theirdeposits, it is up to them to sell it on, not us, or lose the money.

Fr iday 23rd May - travel up, play a round most of the wayup or around Inverness.
Saturday 24th May - Royal dornoch or castle Stuart hopefully
Sunday 25th May - Royal Dornoch or castle Stuart hopefully
Monday 26th May - Possibly Nairn
Tuesday 27th May - travel back, play a round on the way back or aroundInverness.

The other courses under consideration are Moray, Tain, Boat of garten andSoutherness.

Accommodation - we will have some options once we have a good idea of numbers,but it may still be left up to individuals to sort out their own, or differentoptions may be posted up. Podgster is also working on one good/cheap option,also.
THIS IS NOT JUST FOR NORTH WESTERNERS/SCOTTISH - THIS IS OPEN TO ANYONE ON THE FORUM, SO LETS SEE A FEW NEW FACES. Some of the Yorkshire/north east guys, Marshy, Chiefio? Any of the southerners/midlands?

For people who want to fly, there may be some kind people who will transportyou to the courses, but I'm not promising you !
This is mainly planned around 4 nights away (5 days golf), but if some can onlymake it for 3 nights, the premium courses will hopefully be played over theweekend.

If any Scottish just want to play one or even two of the courses, this isalso available, as we want to fill up the booking as much as possible.
We will only commit tothis once we have 8-10 deposits paid, so lets get this sorted, before xmas ison our doorstep, and balances can be paid in February hopefully. I am initiallylooking for approx £50-75 initially, but will confirm with the courses, once wehave solid commitment.
Come on then, this will be epic........:thup:
It may be October/November now, but picture late May sunshine in bonny Scotland. This production was brought to you by Liverbirdie/Birchy.
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Count me in :whoo:

Just a note regarding travel as well. We could possibly work out some travel shares once interested parties have decided.

As an example
people could if travelling from further south than north west England meet up in north west and share from there etc.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Note to Mods - can you edit the title for me please, should read Inverness, not inerness, and too late to edit. In case someone is searching.:thup:

Deleted member 17920

Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

I could be very interested in this, Will talk to you at St Annes old links. Love that part of the world. Having read so much about Pitlochry that must be one to consider either on the way up or back down the road from hell the dreaded A9.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Sorry guys as much as I'd like to make the trip I can't afford it, already got a couple of stag do's and then the weddings plus a weekend away with the lads golfing in July plus the family holiday too.


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Jan 26, 2009
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

I'm in for this fellas. it should be a great few days away.
its a part of Scotland I haven't been to before and with the courses we've got on the list to say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement :D:D:D


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

I'm in for this fellas. it should be a great few days away.
its a part of Scotland I haven't been to before and with the courses we've got on the list to say I'm looking forward to it is an understatement :D:D:D

Good to have you on board, fella. Lincoln quaker, welcome chief.:thup:


Head Pro
May 8, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Hi All,

Count me in. I am going to look at travelling up on the Friday after work (quieter roads thus allowing this to be done in under 6 Hours from Liverpool) and then head back on the Monday (after playing golf) so I am back in work on the Tuesday.

If anyone is interested in car sharing these times (route will be Liverpool to Inverness - or as close as possible) to aid with days off/work commitments then let me know.

Admittedly you'll be a bit tired for work on the Tuesday but you can get the sleep you need when you are dead!


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Doubt I'll be able to get a 4 day pass but I might be able to get away with a weekend. Need to double check our holidays for next year but, if they're clear, so I'd be very interested.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

I would certainly be interested in this trip. Those are some cracking courses and I always enjoy visiting Scotland. I was thinking of trying to arrange a little visit up to that part of Scotland with a few of my mates but nothing materialised so your motley crew will have to do. :D Not sure I could handle your epic sessions though. I will ask my brother see if he is interested as well.


Tour Winner
Mar 23, 2013
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

OMG, this sounds good but for the 7 hour drive each way. Also, not sure if I could manage so much back to back golf due to high handicap and my age:eek:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Doubt I'll be able to get a 4 day pass but I might be able to get away with a weekend. Need to double check our holidays for next year but, if they're clear, so I'd be very interested.

Good stuff, more than welcome. There may also be others from the north west who only go for 3 nights, so you may be able to share driving between yourselves.

I would certainly be interested in this trip. Those are some cracking courses and I always enjoy visiting Scotland. I was thinking of trying to arrange a little visit up to that part of Scotland with a few of my mates but nothing materialised so your motley crew will have to do. :D Not sure I could handle your epic sessions though. I will ask my brother see if he is interested as well.

You and your bro, would be most welcome, Josh. Updated handicap certs required.....;)

OMG, this sounds good but for the 7 hour drive each way. Also, not sure if I could manage so much back to back golf due to high handicap and my age:eek:

Only 5-6 hours from the leafy garden suburb of Lytham. Or stay in Aviemore, which is even less, just meet up at the courses. NWJocko said you were a mere slip of a girl. You could always have a day off in between.

You dont have to sign up for all 4-5 days golfing, just the courses/days you want to.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

## Update ##

2 of the regular forummers are very interested, if the date is changed.

I have asked them to come up with dates between mid-April and mid-June, of when they can go. I will then post up these options and see where we go from there.

I don't want to push out any of the people who have said they are ok for the initial date out of it though. So hopefully next week we will have some more date options.

We may also cut this down to a 3 night trip (4 days golf), incase it attracts a few more, or makes more commit. Some of us may still do 4 nights, but any overall comps, will be for the 3-4 rounds.

Chellie, Chiefio (and your partners/mates) and any others, if you can also declare an interest or not, or even if it is date dependent, in the meantime, would be great.

We hope to tie things down in the next week or so, for final organisation.


Tour Winner
Mar 23, 2013
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

We'd be flexibile on dates as we can't book time off work until next year anyway. Any ideas on where's best to look at accommodation as will also have to look at overall costings with there being two of us. Don't think HimID would be impressed if I left him at home;)Would also be interested in car share if that's a possibility as not sure if our car would manage such a journey. Not asking much am I:eek:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Sorry Pete & Scott....I guess it better done sooner than later but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pull out of this as, to be honest, my golf bookings for next year are already beginning to get a bit out of hand. May see you at the Woodall Spa Meet, end of April... all the best with the meet mateys.... Hope it comes together. Dave


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Hi Peter me and my brother are in. I think we are leaning more towards a 3 night stop over. Don't worry I handed my cards in last week so should be getting my first official handicap soon. At least now I won't feel so bad picking up the dosh at the end:eek:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

We'd be flexibile on dates as we can't book time off work until next year anyway. Any ideas on where's best to look at accommodation as will also have to look at overall costings with there being two of us. Don't think HimID would be impressed if I left him at home;)Would also be interested in car share if that's a possibility as not sure if our car would manage such a journey. Not asking much am I:eek:

Bring him along, the more the merrier. We'll look at care shares nearer the time, but will be ideally trying to do 3 people per car.

Sorry Pete & Scott....I guess it better done sooner than later but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pull out of this as, to be honest, my golf bookings for next year are already beginning to get a bit out of hand. May see you at the Woodall Spa Meet, end of April... all the best with the meet mateys.... Hope it comes together. Dave

No worries dave, always welcome, if you change your mind.

What kind of tee-times are we talking - sensible ones or ridiculous ones?

Most are during the day, but 1 may be a twilight.

Hi Peter me and my brother are in. I think we are leaning more towards a 3 night stop over. Don't worry I handed my cards in last week so should be getting my first official handicap soon. At least now I won't feel so bad picking up the dosh at the end:eek:

Good stuff, Josh.

Right, I checked the holiday calendar in work and my colleague has jumped in ahead of me, so a date change (if everyone's ok with it).

Starting Saturday 7th June - Saturday, Sunday and Monday night stopovers (travel Saturday and Tuesday) for those doing 3 nights. Are we all ok for this, please answer one way or the other, please.


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Im in. Looking for a bit on the side too :whoo:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

QUOTE=Birchy;929089]Im in. Looking for a bit on the side too :whoo:[/QUOTE]

Eh? Is this a message for Scouser?