In desperate need of help


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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I've just been to the range and out of the 90 balls i hit, 70 of them were shanks. Shot completely right, i would say about 60 degrees right of target.

That's the swing

By the way, I have never hit a shank on the course. Whenever i go to the range i always hit a few shanks but nothing as extreme as today.

Now i have lost all confidence over the ball.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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It happens. Dont worry about it. You'll find that next time you play or go the range the problem would have fixed itself. Just be thankful it didn't happen on the course. I've played with a +2 handicapper that shanked in round in 18 over

Nice swing btw
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Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I've just been to the range and out of the 90 balls i hit, 70 of them were shanks. Shot completely right, i would say about 60 degrees right of target.

That's the swing

By the way, I have never hit a shank on the course. Whenever i go to the range i always hit a few shanks but nothing as extreme as today.

Now i have lost all confidence over the ball.

Looks like a good swing.

We have all had the shanks. Anyone that hasn't just hasn't been playing long enough. They pass.

If you don't hit them on the course, then there is something about the range set up that is throwing you off. Fortunately your handicap and medal scores are determined on the course not the range. Play more golf, go to the range less.

You'll be fine.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Your hands are very close to your thighs at address. Then, try and stop your video at impact and see the difference.
Take up youir normal stance, then before you swing, step back from the ball an inch and swing as normal.
And I agree, good swing :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Swing motion is looking very good.
As has been pointed out in #4 you're very crowded at address, hands to thighs no space.

So when you swing down to impact your arms hands so club are having to swing a little ways outwards away from your body, so what was middle of club face at address has the potential fairly easily to become a socket.

Better if you govern the distance you stand from the ball by how far the butt end of handle, so hands, are away from your body with all your clubs for normal full swings.

If you take stance to ball with the club in your left hand only with the posture you have in this vid you should as a general guide have enough room to be able to place your right hand in a fist + short thumb, between the butt end of the handle & yourself.

Have a look at this, although they are initially speaking of someone who stands too far aways so opposite to you, they speak to how to find the correct distance re the space between butt end handle & body consistently.

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