I'm developing a golf analysis tool


Mar 31, 2015
Worcestershire, UK
Hey guys, I'm developing a web and mobile app called caddystats: http://www.caddystats.com

My first rough draft will be available in a week or so (you can sign up for early access). The aim of the app is too track your handicap, track how your golf game is coming along and to use the data to improve.

Future plans are a buddy up system, compare yourslef with other users and a bunch of features for groups/societies.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Hey guys, I'm developing a web and mobile app called caddystats: http://www.caddystats.com

My first rough draft will be available in a week or so (you can sign up for early access). The aim of the app is too track your handicap, track how your golf game is coming along and to use the data to improve.

Future plans are a buddy up system, compare yourslef with other users and a bunch of features for groups/societies.


Welcome along. Tough market with so may apps and systems like Scoresaver2 around. What are you providing that is going to make it different and therefore attract users?


Mar 31, 2015
Worcestershire, UK
Welcome along. Tough market with so may apps and systems like Scoresaver2 around. What are you providing that is going to make it different and therefore attract users?

Hi and thanks for the question, I guess that a lot of mobile apps I see are competing for the same thing which is basically a range finder with a glorified handicap tracker bolted on. At the other end of the market you've got complicated software that you have to download (pretty dated IMO).

My main focus with caddystats will be simplicity, cloud based and useful. I'll definitely be listening to my users closely to build what is needed, not what I assume people want. I'll also be aiming it more towards group play/societies so groups of people can input scores which will generate match day results, stableford/stroke play + more.

I also quiet like the idea of having a localised leader boards and profiles to make a little bit more social. You'll be able to watch people improve their game and hopefully build small communities within the app.. that's still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment though. As I say ill be focusing on the basics first.

During BETA i'll be getting the solo features done, and introducing the mobile app some where down the line. I guess I'm attempting to create the strava for golfers.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Hi and thanks for the question, I guess that a lot of mobile apps I see are competing for the same thing which is basically a range finder with a glorified handicap tracker bolted on. At the other end of the market you've got complicated software that you have to download (pretty dated IMO).

My main focus with caddystats will be simplicity, cloud based and useful. I'll definitely be listening to my users closely to build what is needed, not what I assume people want. I'll also be aiming it more towards group play/societies so groups of people can input scores which will generate match day results, stableford/stroke play + more.

I also quiet like the idea of having a localised leader boards and profiles to make a little bit more social. You'll be able to watch people improve their game and hopefully build small communities within the app.. that's still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment though. As I say ill be focusing on the basics first.

During BETA i'll be getting the solo features done, and introducing the mobile app some where down the line. I guess I'm attempting to create the strava for golfers.

Can't help but admire the enthusiasm. However, I think focussing on a dynamic, easy to use stats system is the way forward (in my own opinion). Have a look at Scoresaver2 (my platform of choice) or Golfshake for examples of what is out there. As I say, lots of competition across all aspects of what you want to do. I hope it works out and look forward to seeing the product when it's ready.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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It would be great to know what features you get the biggest value from by using Scoresaver2, what could you not cope without?

Good question. Toughie too. I'd like to see strokes gained/lost as Game Golf has just introduced but aside from that I like the versatility of the system and I can drill down in many ways and also produce details to give to my pro


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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The one stat I think us amateurs could benefit from (which I know some systems offer) isn't so much fairways hit, but 'normal shot' playable
As in were you able to hit an approach to the green unimpeded


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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The one stat I think us amateurs could benefit from (which I know some systems offer) isn't so much fairways hit, but 'normal shot' playable
As in were you able to hit an approach to the green unimpeded

This would be a great stat to be able to add.

Deleted member 15344

Looks like the stats you can get from HDID

Think to grab the attention you need to find something that makes it stand out - need to find an original angle

Deleted Member 1156

The one stat I think us amateurs could benefit from (which I know some systems offer) isn't so much fairways hit, but 'normal shot' playable
As in were you able to hit an approach to the green unimpeded

I don't see the point of this stat? So you could be playing on a wide open course and lash a drive miles offline but have a clear shot to the green but the same shot on another course could be out of bounds or buried deep in the trees? At least FIR give you an indication of how accurately you are driving.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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One thing that i think is missing, is a tool that could be used at the driving range in order to track stats.

Thinking that it could maybe select different clubs and maybe different shot types and you have to mark the shot out 5 stars or something. Obviously it would rely on you manually inputting an honest score but if used properly it could highlight strengths and weakness in your training.

I do try and stick to a patterned type approach to range sessions, however i personally find it easy to wander and start machine gunning balls.

Maybe if there was a 60 second delay between inputting your score and the next shot type appearing? this may help slow down and create a more natural pause between shots, which forces you to walk away and re set uo.

Id use that type of thing, especially in winter when it is easy for training sessions to get a bit labored and maybe even monotonous.

You could even have an inbuilt achievement type system or points and rewards etc. Give you something to keep interested


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I don't see the point of this stat? So you could be playing on a wide open course and lash a drive miles offline but have a clear shot to the green but the same shot on another course could be out of bounds or buried deep in the trees? At least FIR give you an indication of how accurately you are driving.

I'm with Mendie. I bet there aren't many on here with a worse fairways percentage than me, but I tend to miss in the right places most of the time.

There are some holes at mine where I'd rather be in the semi-rough on the correct side than in the fairway on the wrong side.


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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I don't see the point of this stat? So you could be playing on a wide open course and lash a drive miles offline but have a clear shot to the green but the same shot on another course could be out of bounds or buried deep in the trees? At least FIR give you an indication of how accurately you are driving.

It's one of the most important stats that county squads use.

Given my view of how massively overrated hitting fairways is at our standard I think it's very important.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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When I review the last round I generally consider any tee shot that gives me a reasonable chance of hitting the green as OK, it certainly doesn't have to be on the fairway.

Deleted Member 1156

I'm with Mendie. I bet there aren't many on here with a worse fairways percentage than me, but I tend to miss in the right places most of the time.

There are some holes at mine where I'd rather be in the semi-rough on the correct side than in the fairway on the wrong side.

Being in the semi rough is very different to being 30 yards offline but missing all the trees, OOB etc that would cause problems. If I'm playing on a links course, a perfectly good tee shot can finish in the first cut and I'm happy to consider that as a FIR.

It's one of the most important stats that county squads use.

Given my view of how massively overrated hitting fairways is at our standard I think it's very important.

What shall we call this stat? How about "I got lucky"? And why do you think hitting fairways is overrated?


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
To offer a slightly different perspective I don't need a different analysis tool. For me that's the easy bit. It's getting accurate data that's hard.

What would be wonderful would be a wristband and some tags for the end of my club - a bit like a blend of game golf and Microsoft band. The difference would be that the band would detect the club and when a stroke was played. So I didn't have to tag every blinking shot.

If it was uber clever it would also detect length of swing so it could give me an accurate distance reading for partial shots eg 9 o'clock wedge swings AND would detect when I pulled my ball out of the cup so it could give stats on proximity of pitches, chips, approach shots and lag putts. That would really help me understand what elements of my game need working on OR help me realise that I chip it closer with a 9I more often than a LW! ;)

If it was mega, super, crazy clever the wristband would also give me green yardages. One device to rule them all...


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Finishing in the first cut isn't an Fir is it, what happens if your approach finishes on the fringe/first cut of the green do you call that a Gir?

so you hit 14 fir all that tells you is you've had a good driving day, conversely your pp could be right up with you but been in the first cut/rough and only just missed the fairway but equally a good driving day and scored the same if not better!
Mendie is talking more about shots gained from the position you are in.