Illegal Driver.


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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My Cobra Driver becomes illegal for competitions after 2007. According to the manufacturers it has a C.o.R of 0.86, whereas the new legal limit will be 0.83. With manufacuring tolerances about 5.0%, my club could have a C.o.R of anything between 0.817 and 0.903 so it in fact could be quite legal. The problem is that it is marked as 'unlimited' on the sole and is therefore disqualified by the R & A. I don't think the 0.03 makes any difference at all to me and I would like to keep my driver, so the question I have is; could I have my driver re-tested somewhere, and if it is found to be below the legal limit, could it be re-marked and become legal for competition? Also, is there somewhere where the re-testing could be done?
I have every sympathy for you but as of the 1st of January it becomes scrap metal. The cost in finding someone approved by the R&A to test it would be more than buying another Big Dog. I was gutted when I got my dog put down last season (XR 05) but you have to be strong and move on.

Sell it on ebay NOW as a RECREATIONAL driver and you will still get a few bob for it. I got a Mizuno MX 500 for buttons with the NVS shaft and I am sorry to say I never give the 05 a second thought as I tickle the ball 280+ down the course.

In golf

Andy ;0)
shame on you Dave, it's a cheat stick and morally you shouldn't have been playing it for at least 2 years now! How can you take home sweep money and look your family in the eye?
Get rid of it and never look back!
I think the fact that that model is illegal means no amount of COR tests are going to make it legal. Think its time for moving on from the old friend. Good news is there are plenty of reasonably priced legal drivers around that will perform just as well if not better.
Have some sympathy too. I'm binning my soon-to-be illegal trampolining Taylormade r580 XD tomorrow in good time for the new rules coming in and giving it to a pal who only plays recreationally.

Getting custom fit by the Titleist Fitting Works van tomorrow at a local course and likely to have to pay out £250-£300 for what I have in mind but I knew the rules when I bought my driver, so.....

Will be interesting to see how a new legal driver compares to my illegal one though. If I get another 20 yards out of it I'll let you know !!
Nice one! There are so many high-quality drivers out there that fall in the legal boundaries and still go an absolute mile. Also if you go for a second-hand model (often these have only been hit a few times anyway by some equipment junkie who plays off 22) then you can get something really cheap. I picked up a Cleveland Launcher the otehr day for £90 at my pro-shop, total bargain and it goes so far....quite often in the wrong direction!
Its amazing how technology has improved since they set the new laws, new drivers are certainly better than the soon to be illegal models.
Sorry not to get back to anyone since my post, I've had a funeral to arrange and attend.

The point is that my driver probable does conform, as I noted in my post. Just because it's got the wrong wording on the soleplate does not give me a tremendous trompolining advantage. I take the point about the relative costs of re-certifying as opposed to buying new. It's just that I've got used to it and I like, but I guess I will have to bow to the inevitable and buy a new one. Another Cobra I think.

Thanks for all your replies.