I won a Club Major

Good work... I won a board comp at my old club but feel like it doesn't count as its an electric honours-board that nobody can see...

Still dreaming of getting my name up on those wooden boards!

Once again well done mate
Well done! Playing well and shooting a good score is a great feeling, and winning is the icing on the cake!

What counts as a "major" at your place?

At my old club there were a few board competitions, I managed to win a couple of the stableford ones. Are all board comps majors? I generally thought of the majors as being the Spring Meeting, Summer Meeting plus Club Championship. Not sure if there was an Autumn meeting too, there might have been!
Well done sir. I think the only comps I've won were all monthly medals/Stablefords. I won a net eclectic comp over the whole year as well, which might have been a board one, but all our boards got taken down and binned anyway, so I don't know.
I Can’t believe I’ve won a club major, I won the Autumn Cup which consists of 4 rounds, with the 3 best scores counting, the last round had to count. I shot 72, 68 & 68 to win by one shot. Not bad consistency off 21 (now 19) for a 64 year old. To say I’m pleased would be an understatement ???️‍♂️?️‍♂️


But what a huge bandit you are if you are shooting 68 off a 19 handicap! What is the par at your course?
As a "major" winner at my club welcome to the fold. We have gone away from the old wooden boards and gold lettering to a modern perspex and black lettering (that does look modern and crisp). I did like looking at my name on the old boards but still nice to see my name on the modern boards too