Human rights...


Your (and others) views certainly differ from mine (and others). You are certainly entitled to have a different view (that's a human right enshrined somewhere .... Oh there!:D) but to imply that your view is that of 'the UK' is simply wrong.

You still seem confused where the ECtHR fits in the British Legal system and don't seem capable of changing imo.

And would you not consider the invasion of Iraq a rather extreme example of 'interfering in others affairs'?
Thanks for letting me have an opinion. The left don't usually like that.:) Where did I say my opinions were that of the UK? I don't think you can deny there are people in the UK who have had enough of others delving into our affairs. One of the reasons for the rise of UKIP I suspect. There is little doubt that the Qatada affair highlighted the view of the UK government differed greatly from the ECHR. It made our Prime Ministers blood boil apparently. I am not at all confused over where the ECHR fits in the British legal system. I am simply arguing that it shouldn't fit in at all. We have a perfectly good checks and balances system provided by the House of Lords, courts of appeal etc. However you and others seem to think others know better, even if you don't know who these "others" actually are. If you bother to read my posts, I have already stated that I disagreed wholeheartedly with us going into Iraq. I am very unsure as to why we are in Afghanistan. Though if we are limiting this discussion to human rights then Saddam was no champion and the Taliban aren't too hot in this area either. Can't actually remember the UK shooting a schoolgirl in the head for the henous act of wanting an education. But I might be wrong. We are the scum of the world after all.
Thanks for letting me have an opinion. The left don't usually like that.:) Where did I say my opinions were that of the UK? I don't think you can deny there are people in the UK who have had enough of others delving into our affairs. One of the reasons for the rise of UKIP I suspect. There is little doubt that the Qatada affair highlighted the view of the UK government differed greatly from the ECHR. It made our Prime Ministers blood boil apparently. I am not at all confused over where the ECHR fits in the British legal system. I am simply arguing that it shouldn't fit in at all. We have a perfectly good checks and balances system provided by the House of Lords, courts of appeal etc. However you and others seem to think others know better, even if you don't know who these "others" actually are. If you bother to read my posts, I have already stated that I disagreed wholeheartedly with us going into Iraq. I am very unsure as to why we are in Afghanistan. Though if we are limiting this discussion to human rights then Saddam was no champion and the Taliban aren't too hot in this area either. Can't actually remember the UK shooting a schoolgirl in the head for the henous act of wanting an education. But I might be wrong. We are the scum of the world after all.

Can't remember the Afghan Government doing it either, I think you'll find that the Taliban are a terrorist organisation not a ruling party.
Thanks for letting me have an opinion. The left don't usually like that.:) Where did I say my opinions were that of the UK? I don't think you can deny there are people in the UK who have had enough of others delving into our affairs. One of the reasons for the rise of UKIP I suspect. There is little doubt that the Qatada affair highlighted the view of the UK government differed greatly from the ECHR. It made our Prime Ministers blood boil apparently. I am not at all confused over where the ECHR fits in the British legal system. I am simply arguing that it shouldn't fit in at all. We have a perfectly good checks and balances system provided by the House of Lords, courts of appeal etc. However you and others seem to think others know better, even if you don't know who these "others" actually are. If you bother to read my posts, I have already stated that I disagreed wholeheartedly with us going into Iraq. I am very unsure as to why we are in Afghanistan. Though if we are limiting this discussion to human rights then Saddam was no champion and the Taliban aren't too hot in this area either. Can't actually remember the UK shooting a schoolgirl in the head for the henous act of wanting an education. But I might be wrong. We are the scum of the world after all.

1. Note my use of the word 'imply' and your simple use of 'UK' rather than the likes of 'many/most n the UK'!
2. Oh yes, no doubt many object. And in some cases I do too. But the ECtHR is not 'delving into our affairs'! It's simply ruling on whether rulings in member states breach a set of agreed Articles.
3. You've finally got the message that it' the government that's the cause/problem, for whatever reason - in the case of Qatada, an (not unreasonable imo) overwhelming desire to get shut of him as soon as possible!
4. Well, by the number of rulings that go against the government, it would seem certain checks and balances aren't sufficient. That doesn't mean they are not superb btw!
5 I agree that Saddam and Taliban (and, as I posted earlier, almost certainly Qatada) are highly umlikely to respect Human Rights in the same way! I'm certain they would (have) which is why some Articles and a Judiciary is necessary!
6. I'm certain that, should UK ever withdraw from The Council of Europe - and I cannot forsee circumstances where it would - it would merely uplift the Convention and Articles and use them in UK Law!
7. I believe the use of Depleted Uranium ordnance is about as abhorrent as many of the obscenities carried out by the Taliban.
8. It's not a case of being 'scum of the world'. Just a case of getting it wrong occasionally, then refusing to 'play the game' (which it's not!).
Can't remember the Afghan Government doing it either, I think you'll find that the Taliban are a terrorist organisation not a ruling party.
I think they would like to be in government though? And whilst we may question why the British are there, you can't deny our presence is helping human rights in that area.