How I Became a Single Figure Golfer in 2 Years!


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Jul 22, 2020
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I have been playing golf for just over two years and I started life as a 25 HCP, but recently I have just made it down to SINGLE FIGURES (7.4)!

I thought I would make a little video that explains some of the most important tips I feel i have picked up over the past 2 years.

I hope they help some of you too!


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Tip 3, another gem? Avoid double bogies. That must be what I’m doing wrong, thought double bogey was good
Think it means play smart... hit the 8 iron out the rough instead of the 5 iron and play the chip ... or put the driver away on that tight hole when you can just hit something like a hybrid to get you within 8,9,pw yardage .. basically play to your honest strengths.
But then we all have those moments when the double makes it on to the card.


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Jul 22, 2020
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Welcome to the forum and well done on your achievement!

Not sure why there's so much animosity towards you, your video gives solid tips that all handicap golfers would do well to remember.

But now I think it's time to test your mettle on the Brabazon again. :)

?? there is a lot of animosity isn’t there! I appreciate your pleasant comment it makes a nice change, thanks! Ye the Brabazon has ripped me a new one twice ?


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Jul 22, 2020
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No nasty comments from me........just pure envy!!
I got down to 11.3 in four years, and now, THIRTEEN YEARS later, I'm at 11.5, having never been lower than 11.3, and never higher than 13.5.
So congratulations, I shall have to watch your video!

Oh wow ? I did fear that I would be the same when I was hovering around 10/11!

For whatever reason I have been in good form lately but I am under no illusions that it will last ? I expect to be getting a few 0.1’s back in the coming weeks!

Kind words, thanks ??

Deleted member 1147

Some good tips, although I fear the putting aggressively could be a little too cavalier. You should be looking to go no more than a couple of feet past. It’s fine for good summer greens, but when they are a little worn early/later in the season, or if you’re having a bad spell, too many long return putts could get a little wearisome.


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Jul 22, 2020
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Some good tips, although I fear the putting aggressively could be a little too cavalier. You should be looking to go no more than a couple of feet past. It’s fine for good summer greens, but when they are a little worn early/later in the season, or if you’re having a bad spell, too many long return putts could get a little wearisome.

I agree you don’t want to be going too far past! The idea was just to take the break out of those shorter putts. It’s definitely helped me with my putting anyway!


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Mar 3, 2008
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Have to say it is a grand achievement to go from 25 to 7 in two years. Many of us would like to.

However, I do think you missed one vital tip - which should be No.1 on your list - ie Tip 1 : have some ability. Obviously you do, as you wouldn't have done it otherwise. Practice & more practice just ain't enough for some of us.


New member
Jul 22, 2020
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Have to say it is a grand achievement to go from 25 to 7 in two years. Many of us would like to.

However, I do think you missed one vital tip - which should be No.1 on your list - ie Tip 1 : have some ability. Obviously you do, as you wouldn't have done it otherwise. Practice & more practice just ain't enough for some of us.

?? A bit ruthless to start a golf tips video with that though!

Everyone has the ability, you’ve just got to find the right way to unlock it and reach your potential ??


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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?? there is a lot of animosity isn’t there! I appreciate your pleasant comment it makes a nice change, thanks! Ye the Brabazon has ripped me a new one twice ?
I’m sorry if it came across as animosity but videos and books like yours do wind me up a bit. You have done well to reduce your handicap, much better than me But this doesn’t make you an expert. None of your tips are ground breaking and I feel they are very generic without giving specifics. It reminds me very much of the type of books ‘written’ by celeb mums about how to bring up a child/deal with post natal depression etc because they did it and therefore feel like they can preach to the rest.
Sorry again if you feel that this has put a dampener on your excellent achievement