How are comps ran at your club?

If you mean literally cash i.e. can't pay with Debit/Credit cards, then I agree that is odd. Or if you think you should be able to pay with shop credit, see my earlier reply. Of course, loyalty needs to be earned but that is not the issue here, if clubs paid out prizes in a different way, then they would have to find a way of rewarding the Pro differently for the work they do in providing a front-of-house service, which would inevitably have a cost implication for members. The same loyalty issue would also arise if they have to find another non-cash way of paying out prizes.
Cold hard cash only.
I understand the logic behind funnelling all prizes through the club shop and I don’t necessarily have a major issue with it. Saying that, personally I think that loyalty should be earned. I’d prefer it if our Pro shop’s performance was proven by offering excellent products at competitive prices and great service. Rather than members being essentially forced to spend winnings there. I still can’t quite fathom though why all entries must be made in cash, when all prizes are given out as store credit. Or why details aren’t proactively shared.
Given I don’t win a great amount, what goes onto my club pro shop account is largely used up by drawdown of competition entry fees from it plus the occasional golf glove or sleeve of balls. The bread and butter of a club pro shop.
If we are talking the roll ups/swindles etc then it's normally £2 for entry then £2 for twos - which can be paid by either cash or card. Scores/leaderboard is posted on CLUBV1/HDID with who got twos. Though it doesn't break down how much each person won etc.
We have 3 club run comps per week (Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday) and they all cost the same, £2 comp, £1 sweep and £1 2's, so £4 in all. I think the 2's are optional but I always pay it. Can pay with cash or your club card.
The main difference is that the Saturday board comps are split into 3 divisions by playing handicap not index (up to 9, 10-17 and 18+) and each division winner gets £40. The sweep money goes to top 5 on the day regardless of division. If the Saturday comp is also strokeplay (probably 80-20 split with stableford and strokeplay) then there is also £20 best gross per division but the same person cannot win best gross and best net within the division. This is all new this year to try and spread the winnings around the membership more.
As for Sunday and Wednesday they are usually stableford sweeps (first Wednesday of the month is strokeplay). Winnings are split between the top 5 and depends on numbers. I won a Wednesday sweep during the summer and the turnout was pretty low at only 46 players (usually in the 70 region) yet I still won £52.
Scores are entered into HowDidiDo by going to Todays Golf or the terminal in the clubhouse and the leaderboard updates in real time so you can see the leaders and the 2's. Comps are closed before midnight and there is also a weekly email from the Pro on Thursday to tell members who won if they don't check themselves. You don't find out how much each person won, only what the 2's paid out.
All winnings are paid onto your club card (can see the balance and transactions in the ClubV1 app) which you can spend at the bar, in the restaurant, at the halfway hut or in the pro shop to pay for anything including your next comps. All are run by the club, the pro is also employed by the club. Only thing you can't use it for is lessons obviously.
We pay money at pro shop, which goes onto our competition account (which pays for comp entry fees only). We can then enter comps using howdidido / Club V1. Comps are £3. Optionally, it is £2 for 2's, and that money is paid in at pro shop in cash.

Competition winning breakdowns are published on the club noticeboard, which gives the position breakdowns, and how these vary depending on total entries into the competition. Winnings go directly onto your club account, which can be viewed on Club V1. This is to be spent in pro shop.
£3 comp entry
£2 2's sweep (optional)

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and lowest gross.
Nominal amount taken from fees to put towards keepsakes/ end of year do.

All winnings put onto club card.
£3 comp entry, £1 for the 2's sweep.

Competitions are run by the Committee and not by the Club (proprietary), so to ensure the "cut" goes to the committee, all entries are in cash, paid to the pro-shop who holds the funds until the prizes are allocated.

Prize values, and the number of places paid, vary depending on number of entries but as a minimum we pay 1st/2nd/3rd in each of three divisions for medals and 1st/2nd/3rd/4th in stablefords (sometimes we pay down as low as 8th place in a Stableford). Full comp results are posted on the club noticeboard including annotations as to how much was paid out in prizes, who won the 2's and what the payout was "per 2"....the total number of entries is clear for all to see. Results (but not prizes) are also available for anyone to see via Masterscoreboard (HandicapMasters equivalent to HowDidIDo).

All prizes and 2's sweep money are paid to a player's club "bar card" which can be used in the bar or also to purchase things from the pro-shop...but not for your competition entry. The balance of the entry fees is then handed over to the committee. Committee takes on average 17.5%. Money goes to fund engraving, honours board updating, competition management software licenses, printer consumables, support for the various club teams (shirts, covering the cost of food when playing away matches) along with providing cover for a few competitions where we traditionally "make a loss".

There is no publication of how much money any individual has on their simply can ask a member of the bar staff or in the pro shop to check what your balance is.
£3 comp entry, £1 for the 2's sweep.

Competitions are run by the Committee and not by the Club (proprietary), so to ensure the "cut" goes to the committee, all entries are in cash, paid to the pro-shop who holds the funds until the prizes are allocated.

Prize values, and the number of places paid, vary depending on number of entries but as a minimum we pay 1st/2nd/3rd in each of three divisions for medals and 1st/2nd/3rd/4th in stablefords (sometimes we pay down as low as 8th place in a Stableford). Full comp results are posted on the club noticeboard including annotations as to how much was paid out in prizes, who won the 2's and what the payout was "per 2"....the total number of entries is clear for all to see. Results (but not prizes) are also available for anyone to see via Masterscoreboard (HandicapMasters equivalent to HowDidIDo).

All prizes and 2's sweep money are paid to a player's club "bar card" which can be used in the bar or also to purchase things from the pro-shop...but not for your competition entry. The balance of the entry fees is then handed over to the committee. Committee takes on average 17.5%. Money goes to fund engraving, honours board updating, competition management software licenses, printer consumables, support for the various club teams (shirts, covering the cost of food when playing away matches) along with providing cover for a few competitions where we traditionally "make a loss".

There is no publication of how much money any individual has on their simply can ask a member of the bar staff or in the pro shop to check what your balance is.

Almost identical to my place in regards to all the practice here! But there is a function on our website which allows you to view your bar card balance and transactions.

We also produce a once weekly winners sheet which goes out via email and shows all winnings paid to who etc
We have Intelligent Golf, so all the upcoming comps are listed on the IGmember app. I can enter a comp on my phone if I want, or enter it on the terminal in the pro shop (tend to do the latter as it's a last minute decision, ha). £3 entry and £2 optional two's sweep usually. Some of the major comps might have a slightly higher entry fee. The money just comes off my pro shop/bar account which I top up at the bar when it runs out.

Actually, when I enter on my phone it often doesn't let me enter the twos sweep, doesn't work for some reason, that's another reason I'm more likely to use the terminal.

When I did win a comp they gave me a voucher saying how much the prize was, and then I took that to the bar to put it straight back on my tab.

I can't imagine having to pay the entries in cash, that would be incredibly annoying. Who the hell has numerous pound coins to use every week? I'd be constantly getting a tenner out on my way to the shop and buying a Mars bar or something so I had change. ??‍♂️
We have Intelligent Golf, so all the upcoming comps are listed on the IGmember app. I can enter a comp on my phone if I want, or enter it on the terminal in the pro shop (tend to do the latter as it's a last minute decision, ha). £3 entry and £2 optional two's sweep usually. Some of the major comps might have a slightly higher entry fee. The money just comes off my pro shop/bar account which I top up at the bar when it runs out.

Actually, when I enter on my phone it often doesn't let me enter the twos sweep, doesn't work for some reason, that's another reason I'm more likely to use the terminal.

When I did win a comp they gave me a voucher saying how much the prize was, and then I took that to the bar to put it straight back on my tab.

I can't imagine having to pay the entries in cash, that would be incredibly annoying. Who the hell has numerous pound coins to use every week? I'd be constantly getting a tenner out on my way to the shop and buying a Mars bar or something so I had change. ??‍♂️
At ours you pay in to the comp at the pro shop, so that's why it's cash or club card. The pro then gives you your card with you name, index, course and playing handicap stuck onto it. It's pretty seamless when the internet connection is working as he uses some sort of label printer that must lookup your handicap for you.
At ours you pay in to the comp at the pro shop, so that's why it's cash or club card. The pro then gives you your card with you name, index, course and playing handicap stuck onto it. It's pretty seamless when the internet connection is working as he uses some sort of label printer that must lookup your handicap for you.
None of that goes on at ours, you just grab a blank scorecard from the pile. If you're lucky it might be the new updated one, if not then it's the old one that still lists the 14th as a par 4. :LOL:
None of that goes on at ours, you just grab a blank scorecard from the pile. If you're lucky it might be the new updated one, if not then it's the old one that still lists the 14th as a par 4. :LOL:
Ours only got fancy this season. I feel really let down now on the days the internet isn't working and I have to write my name on a card.
£3 for comp and £2 for two’s.

My club publish a full breakdown for each competition stating how many people entered, how much of the pot went to the club, breakdown of 2’s, and prize distribution for the top 8.
Given I don’t win a great amount, what goes onto my club pro shop account is largely used up by drawdown of competition entry fees from it plus the occasional golf glove or sleeve of balls. The bread and butter of a club pro shop.
We can’t use our accounts to pay for competition entry fees. Would make life easier.
We have Intelligent Golf, so all the upcoming comps are listed on the IGmember app. I can enter a comp on my phone if I want, or enter it on the terminal in the pro shop (tend to do the latter as it's a last minute decision, ha). £3 entry and £2 optional two's sweep usually. Some of the major comps might have a slightly higher entry fee. The money just comes off my pro shop/bar account which I top up at the bar when it runs out.

Actually, when I enter on my phone it often doesn't let me enter the twos sweep, doesn't work for some reason, that's another reason I'm more likely to use the terminal.

When I did win a comp they gave me a voucher saying how much the prize was, and then I took that to the bar to put it straight back on my tab.

I can't imagine having to pay the entries in cash, that would be incredibly annoying. Who the hell has numerous pound coins to use every week? I'd be constantly getting a tenner out on my way to the shop and buying a Mars bar or something so I had change. ??‍♂️
To make it more of a chew on, our Pro is leaving at the end of September. The new Pro doesn’t start until mid-November. In the interim period, the club are providing envelopes, which competition entrants need to fill with the correct cash and post in a secure box. On the envelope (made me chuckle that they stated it will be brown) you must write name of each entrant, h/c index of all players and the amount of cash included within.
All our comps are run through V1. Entry fees are taken from our account and winnings including the 2s sweep are paid back into your account.
Some of the entry fees here are interesting. If you can only play at weekends and do not wnat a ridiculously late finish, I have been at clubs where you pretty much have to enter a comp. With some clubs charging a fiver to enter, that is an extra £100-£200 on top of the current membership cost for a weekend golfer just to ensure getting a round at a reasomable time.
Some of the entry fees here are interesting. If you can only play at weekends and do not wnat a ridiculously late finish, I have been at clubs where you pretty much have to enter a comp. With some clubs charging a fiver to enter, that is an extra £100-£200 on top of the current membership cost for a weekend golfer just to ensure getting a round at a reasomable time.

My old club was like that. If you wanted to tee off on a Saturday between 7am and 5pm in the summer. You had to play in the comp.
Some of the entry fees here are interesting. If you can only play at weekends and do not wnat a ridiculously late finish, I have been at clubs where you pretty much have to enter a comp. With some clubs charging a fiver to enter, that is an extra £100-£200 on top of the current membership cost for a weekend golfer just to ensure getting a round at a reasomable time.
My old club was like that. If you wanted to tee off on a Saturday between 7am and 5pm in the summer. You had to play in the comp.
Fortunately not the case at our place. You have to use the booking system to bag a slot, but there's no compunction to enter the comp.

There's a couple of 'majors' (and I'm pretty sure it is just two) where you have to be in the comp - but effectively the booking system is closed to free booking anyway.