How are comps ran at your club?


Assistant Pro
Jul 18, 2013
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How are comps ran at your club? At mine we are charged £2 entry, which MUST be paid in cash. The Two’s comp runs separately and is an additional £1 (which also must be paid in cash). So £3 all in. However, no information is published on how many entries there are or how much winners get. Also, no information is published on how much of the takings is top sliced for either the pro or the club. ALL winnings are paid out in pro shop credit. Your amount of credit is not published anywhere. You need to ask in the pro shop. Ha, so not very transparent! Is this similar to how other clubs run comps?


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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£4 and £1 for 2's.Paid with club card,I believe we're changing that entry fee will be taken at point of booking soon.
All results published with monies won for placed winners and 2's report on the Men's match noticeboard.
Full results on HDID


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Typically £3.50 to enter and optional £2 two’s sweep - taken from my shop account.

Winnings are calculated according to number entering and then whether there are sufficient for separate divisions. There is a simple spreadsheet (agreed by committee) that is used to calculate winnings accordingly. It is available to any member on request…I know that as I asked about winnings calcs for a comp I won and was provided with the spreadsheet.

A full breakdown of all entries and number of twos is published by the system IG. Winnings are not published (as IG knows nothing of that) but can be worked out if I am so inclined (as above). Winnings go straight onto our shop account.
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Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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It's £4 to enter plus £1 for the 2's sweep, paid by card or cash. Results are published in full via the IG app/website and a separate prize sheet is sent to all competitors. Around 80% of entry fees are paid out in prizes with the 20% used for engraving, updating boards etc. Place prizes and 2's sweep winnings are paid as a credit to your shop account. Like you, we have to ask for an up-to-date balance in the shop, as their software is not compatible with IG.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2019
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Sounds like the OP has a poor Competition Secretary.
Our Summer Sunday Comps are £4 to enter, with an optional £1 twos sweep and an optional £1 nearest the pin sweep. All payments are through our club card.
Winnings are proshop vouchers, as it is now illegal to pay amateur golfers in cash. 2 divisional prizes of 30/20/15, plus a best gross of £20, and an additional £40 if it is a board comp.
The whole field is emailed with the results either on the day, or the day after. Also uploaded to HDID. Prizemoney is logged on a spreadsheet, which is emailed to the office at the end of each calendar month, and the monies paid into accounts.
Also, the Consolidated prizemoney list is pinned up in the locker room at the start of each month.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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£5 entry, optional £3 for the two’s.

2 divs with a payout for top 5 in each Div. No idea how it gets distributed but about £90 to the winner.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Regular weekend comps are £4 + £1 optional 2s sweep; Monthly Medals are £5 + £1; trophies & knockouts are generally £5 (some trophies have a 2s sweep).
Except for the men's knockouts, all club comps are open to everyone (men, women, seniors and juniors); the ladies and senior sections also run their own midweek comps, championships and knockouts.
Prize breakdowns and rake (to cover costs: engraving, stationary, additional prizes, external entry fees, etc.) are published in our handbook; balance sheet maintained for competitions rake, reported periodically to the members committee.
Non-trophy comps are played in handicap divisions; to ensure balanced distribution of prizes, division boundaries are dynamic, but they are fairly predictable.
Results are published on HDID, with leading places on the noticeboard; some results are also communicated via monthly newsletter.
Most prizes are in shop credit, with account balances accessible via the pro shop app.
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Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Entry includes 2s pot and paid in pro shop. Not sure what is taken off the top but winning amounts and full results posted on website and IG app. Winnings are shop credit


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Men: Much like many above. £4 & £1 (option). 3 divisions. Winnings based on proportion of entrants. Prizes via pro shop. All info on HDID and notice board. Engraving, glassware etc costs born by club.
Ladies: No idea but all manual.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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£3 for the comp and £3 for the optional 2's. Club Comps must be paid by card, (Pro-shop comps can be paid in any negotiable currency). All results available on the iG app & club website. Winners & prize amounts are sent out to everyone by email (winners also named in newsletter). Scores, prizes, and 2's money published on club notice boards.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Ours are £3 +£1

You enter via the computer system or on the website and the entry fee is taken off your club card.

All winnings go on to your pro shop account

If you want to know how much is on you proshop account you can either ask or use the proshop app on your mobile.

The club takes 20% of the entry fee some of which goes towards trophies and engraving.

IG shows the entries and results plus number of twos in the comp.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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It's £4 to enter plus £1 for the 2's sweep, paid by card or cash. Results are published in full via the IG app/website and a separate prize sheet is sent to all competitors. Around 80% of entry fees are paid out in prizes with the 20% used for engraving, updating boards etc. Place prizes and 2's sweep winnings are paid as a credit to your shop account. Like you, we have to ask for an up-to-date balance in the shop, as their software is not compatible with IG.


Not the same club folks!


Assistant Pro
Jul 18, 2013
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Sounds like the OP has a poor Competition Secretary.
Our Summer Sunday Comps are £4 to enter, with an optional £1 twos sweep and an optional £1 nearest the pin sweep. All payments are through our club card.
Winnings are proshop vouchers, as it is now illegal to pay amateur golfers in cash. 2 divisional prizes of 30/20/15, plus a best gross of £20, and an additional £40 if it is a board comp.
The whole field is emailed with the results either on the day, or the day after. Also uploaded to HDID. Prizemoney is logged on a spreadsheet, which is emailed to the office at the end of each calendar month, and the monies paid into accounts.
Also, the Consolidated prizemoney list is pinned up in the locker room at the start of each month.
I would prefer this type of approach. It’s interesting the slightly different approach taken from the threads posted. Like many others, our results are posted on HDID. However, there is no specific info provided on prizes. I’ve no idea if the general split is the same every week, what cut the pro or club gets nor if there are separate prizes for lowest gross etc. Or if there are bonus payments for majors. They publish who gets a two, but not how many entered. To insist on cash payments, to then only pay out in club shop credit seems a little… odd. Only thing non dodgy I can think of to explain is if the card machines cost the shop a small % for each transaction.

In addition, our V1 app linked to HDID records your annual fee payment and things like the locker fee payment. So it doesn’t sound too much of a stretch to link pro shop accounts to show balances. Saying that, the pro shop is probably ran as a separate entity. We have a weird system where our clubhouse card we get discount from can only be used for bar purchases. If you order food, no discount occurs and you have to pay via bank card/cash as the caterers are essentially contracted in.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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£5 to enter, £1 for twos. Results on HDID on Sunday evening. Prizes a fixed 80, 60, 40 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 50 for gross.
Twos pot all goes to proshop credit, and shows up on your HDID purse.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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Usually £3 to enter (£4 for major comps) and optional £2 for 2s. Winnings are typically 30 or 25/20/15 per division (although I don’t think that the amounts are published anywhere) and there is a choice of pro shop voucher or credit to your bar tab. 2s winnngs are a pro shop credit.

Earlier this year the pro shop got a Point of Sale system that you get a receipt emailed to you each time you buy something or a voucher credited. The receipt includes a note of your current balance.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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I would prefer this type of approach. It’s interesting the slightly different approach taken from the threads posted. Like many others, our results are posted on HDID. However, there is no specific info provided on prizes. I’ve no idea if the general split is the same every week, what cut the pro or club gets nor if there are separate prizes for lowest gross etc. Or if there are bonus payments for majors. They publish who gets a two, but not how many entered. To insist on cash payments, to then only pay out in club shop credit seems a little… odd. Only thing non dodgy I can think of to explain is if the card machines cost the shop a small % for each transaction.

In addition, our V1 app linked to HDID records your annual fee payment and things like the locker fee payment. So it doesn’t sound too much of a stretch to link pro shop accounts to show balances. Saying that, the pro shop is probably ran as a separate entity. We have a weird system where our clubhouse card we get discount from can only be used for bar purchases. If you order food, no discount occurs and you have to pay via bank card/cash as the caterers are essentially contracted in.

Most clubs do it this way for two reasons, the main one being it is against the Rules of Amateur Golf, to pay prize money in cash. Secondly, it is not always easy to get and retain a club pro due to the competition from online retailers, offering shop credit helps to ensure the Pro receives sufficient business to carry on.

Banchory Buddha

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
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Home club - £1 sweep £1 2's sweep (paid in cash no pro shop)
Away Club - £2 sweep £2 2's sweep (Pro shop credit - shown on your shop account via the app)

All optional, all paid out in full. No entry fee for comps at all.


Assistant Pro
Jul 18, 2013
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Most clubs do it this way for two reasons, the main one being it is against the Rules of Amateur Golf, to pay prize money in cash. Secondly, it is not always easy to get and retain a club pro due to the competition from online retailers, offering shop credit helps to ensure the Pro receives sufficient business to carry on.
I understand the logic behind funnelling all prizes through the club shop and I don’t necessarily have a major issue with it. Saying that, personally I think that loyalty should be earned. I’d prefer it if our Pro shop’s performance was proven by offering excellent products at competitive prices and great service. Rather than members being essentially forced to spend winnings there. I still can’t quite fathom though why all entries must be made in cash, when all prizes are given out as store credit. Or why details aren’t proactively shared.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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I understand the logic behind funnelling all prizes through the club shop and I don’t necessarily have a major issue with it. Saying that personally, I think that loyalty should be earned. I’d prefer it if our Pro shop’s performance was proven by offering excellent products at competitive prices and great service. Rather than members being essentially forced to spend winnings there. I still can’t quite fathom though why all entries must be made in cash when all prizes are given out as store credit. Or why details aren’t proactively shared.

If you mean literally cash i.e. can't pay with Debit/Credit cards, then I agree that is odd. Or if you think you should be able to pay with shop credit, see my earlier reply. Of course, loyalty needs to be earned but that is not the issue here, if clubs paid out prizes in a different way, then they would have to find a way of rewarding the Pro differently for the work they do in providing a front-of-house service, which would inevitably have a cost implication for members. The same loyalty issue would also arise if they have to find another non-cash way of paying out prizes.