Hitting the draw and ball still goes straight??


Assistant Pro
Feb 13, 2012
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I set up with the club pointing at the target and aiming my body to the right but when hitting on my body line the ball goes straight??

Has anyone had this trouble before ??


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Here we go again.

The ball will go where the club face points.

I'm guessing that even though you think you are standing closed, either you aren't, or, you are coming over the top, and the swing path comes out pretty straight.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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the ball goes straight

Could you narrow down where straight is? Straight at the target, straight along the line of your feet?

As Murph, says, the way of hitting a draw you are describing is based upon teaching of the old ball flight laws, which suggested that the initial direction of a golf ball would follow the direction of the swingpath and that the relative angle of theclub face would impart any resulting spin.

Search on this forum for new ball flight laws, and read one of many threads (usually started by Justone :D ). In a nutshell, modern technology has allowed the ball flight law to have been revisited... and it turns out that the ball takes off in the direction of the clubface , with spin infleunced by the direction of the swing relative to the club face. IE, the opposite idea to what used to be taught.

Have a read around and hopefully it'll help you to understand and hit a draw better. Good luck!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Regardless of old or new ball flight laws, to get a draw the face must be pointing to the left (RH golfer) of the swing path at impact.

If the ball is flying straight then the swing path and club face are aligned together.

If the ball is going on the line of your feet then you have unknowingly opened the face during your swing.
If the ball is going straight to your target then you are swinging out to in relative to your feet line.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Regardless of old or new ball flight laws, to get a draw the face must be pointing to the left (RH golfer) of the swing path at impact.

If the ball is flying straight then the swing path and club face are aligned together.

If the ball is going on the line of your feet then you have unknowingly opened the face during your swing.
If the ball is going straight to your target then you are swinging out to in relative to your feet line.

Bloody hell Gaz you should be a pro


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Bloody hell Gaz you should be a pro

Nah, the pros don't know the ball flight laws :rolleyes:

It's quite odd the way there are so many clips on YouTube and the like of the famous touring pro's explaining it wrongly. Obviously since they can hit the shots they want to they must be doing it right.

I assume the likes of Donald, Faldo, Rose etc wouldn't have taken the PGA exams that teaching pro's do,
so teaching pro's will be able to explain the right way.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I have had all of this explained to me recently on here. If you set up with your body right of the target, clubhead square to the target in theory it will move right to left. But it will start at the target then move left, rather than starting right and moving back towards the target. But if you are swinging out to in then you are not going to ge the draw you thin you should. As the new ball flight laws are all to do about the the direction of swing path and the angle of the clubface in relation to the swing path.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I have had all of this explained to me recently on here. If you set up with your body right of the target, clubhead square to the target in theory it will move right to left. But it will start at the target then move left, rather than starting right and moving back towards the target. But if you are swinging out to in then you are not going to get the draw you think you should. As the new ball flight laws are all to do about the the direction of swing path and the angle of the clubface in relation to the swing path.



Ball flight laws above... its full on so be aware. The bit I have copied below is the bit you want I think...

Image 1 shows the clubface orientation and clubhead path that a
golfer would likely adopt if he was indoctrinated by the "old" ball flight laws
- the clubface (and lie angle tool) would be directed along the ball-target line
and the clubhead path would be in-to-out through the impact zone. To draw a ball
towards a target that is along the ball-target line, a golfer would be
instructed to aim his clubface at the target (target point "somewhere" along the
ball-target line where he wanted the ball to end) and he would then be
instructed to swing his clubhead in-to-out to produce draw spin. However, that
combination-choice would not produce his desired result! The ball would actually
start just to the right of the ball-target line, and then draw more leftwards
(to the left-of-the-target) due to the presence of draw spin (due to the fact
that the clubface is closed to the clubhead path).
To hit a controlled push-draw shot, where the ball
starts off to the right and then draws back to the ball-target line (back to the
center) later in its ball flight, a golfer needs to choose a clubhead path that
is to the right-of-the ball-target line, and a clubface orientation that is also
to the right-of-the-ball-target line, but where the clubface is slightly closed
to the clubhead path - see image 2. Note that the ball starts off to the right
(85% in the direction of the clubface orientation relative to the clubhead path)
and draws back to the center due to the presence of draw spin (due to the fact
that the clubface is closed relative to the clubhead path - even though it is
open relative to the ball-target line). A good combination would be a clubhead
path that is 6 degrees right-of-the-ball-target line, and a clubface orientation
that is 3 degrees right-of-the-ball-target line (50% of the clubhead path). The
same principle would apply to a pull-fade shot, where the clubhead path should
be approximately 6 degrees left-of-the ball-target line, and the clubface
orientation approximately 3 degrees closed to the ball-target line. That
combination would produce a ball flight where the ball starts off just to the
left-of the ball-target line, and fades back to the center (ball-target line)
later in its ball flight.
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Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Yes in Bob's example the ball would be moving from left to right (fade flight) and could potentially be a push-fade, pull-fade or even a slice depending on where the person was actually line up.

(he has exaggerated the angles to make it easier to understand, no one alive would have the face that open to the path.... apart from Smiffy perhaps) :whistle:
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It is. It's just a bit simpler than reading pages of scientific data

For sure but I just don't learn anything the easy way!! As a child I was told fire burns but I am sure I still checked.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It's quite odd the way there are so many clips on YouTube and the like of the famous touring pro's explaining it wrongly. Obviously since they can hit the shots they want to they must be doing it right.

I assume the likes of Donald, Faldo, Rose etc wouldn't have taken the PGA exams that teaching pro's do,
so teaching pro's will be able to explain the right way.

Faldo was taught before the PGA adopted the new method. Donald and Rose were taught in the USA where the old (wrong) laws are still taught. As I have said a few times they dont actually do what they say.


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Still baffles me this that Pro's like Donald,Rose explain how to play a type of shot and then step up to the ball and execute it in a totally different manner. There is a video where Rose aims his club at the target in this case the flag then aims his shoulders,feet,hips to the right of the flag giving a closed stance he then swings along his feet,hip line and the ball start off to the right of the flag and draws into it landing a few feet away.Surely this under new laws should have started directly at the target and landed left of taget upon landing. Confused:confused:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Still baffles me this that Pro's like Donald,Rose explain how to play a type of shot and then step up to the ball and execute it in a totally different manner. There is a video where Rose aims his club at the target in this case the flag then aims his shoulders,feet,hips to the right of the flag giving a closed stance he then swings along his feet,hip line and the ball start off to the right of the flag and draws into it landing a few feet away.Surely this under new laws should have started directly at the target and landed left of taget upon landing. Confused:confused:

Yeh, what happens is the clubface doesn't actually come into the ball square to the target at all, it comes in maybe 10° more open than he THINKS it does and subsequently starts the ball more to the right. You can SEE where the ball starts on his video... that is pretty much where the clubface is actually pointing at impact. :thup:

Poulter has a similar video to both Donald's and Rose's