hitting fades...


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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never though id see the day when i was asking how to hit a fade. played a fade for the last 3 years. worked on hitting draws over the winter at the range. had an attack of the shanks during the year and it transpired that i was trying to hit my usuall fade with an in to out swing path causing a shank.

my question is,do you still release the club fully when hitting a fade? i actually think im over doing this release these days causing pulls and hooks :( be carefull what you wish for! i used to be extremely accurate with the fade.


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I couldn't hit a fade if my life depended on it. I can hit a big slice but only by spinning my hips and coming way out of it. A draw or a Bubba like hook I can do at will. All to do with my swing path and something we are going to address over the winter to get a better plane and release


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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the next time i get out on the course by myself i am going to play the whole round with a fade. it is in there somewhere ;)


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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never though id see the day when i was asking how to hit a fade. played a fade for the last 3 years. worked on hitting draws over the winter at the range. had an attack of the shanks during the year and it transpired that i was trying to hit my usuall fade with an in to out swing path causing a shank.

my question is,do you still release the club fully when hitting a fade? i actually think im over doing this release these days causing pulls and hooks :( be carefull what you wish for! i used to be extremely accurate with the fade.

Very similar story to my year last year Garry....
But gave up trying to draw the ball....I was all over the shop with shots missing left and right....
I know have a flat one plane swing which i hit my irons pretty straight or with a very slight fade....I fade my woods and im pretty accurate with the wedges...
But from trying to draw the ball i now hit a push fade.Rather than a pull.Iv an in to in swing path now......


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Shot shaping is an extension to a controlled reliable golf swing. If your swing is based on something that changes from shot to shot then how can you expect to take control of it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i want to change it as and when it is required. can you tell me. when you fade the ball, do you let the club head release fully or do you hold it off?


Nov 16, 2011
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my question is,do you still release the club fully when hitting a fade? i actually think im over doing this release these days causing pulls and hooks :( be carefull what you wish for! i used to be extremely accurate with the fade.

As the ball has long gone by the time you 'release', is a 'full' release going to change anything?

It's what happens before/at impact that's important.

And you may be having a case of the 'Kaymers' - trying to convert from a natural fade to a draw! Very dangerous - and hard work! - to try and change your 'natural' swing imo!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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it cant just be at impact. the follow through has an affect on the flight. see cutting off the follow thru for punch shots and also full follow through on lob shots!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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This is something I've never really understood. If you have a natural, repeatable shot shape, why would you want to change it?

I hit a fade, I always have done and always will. I can hit push draws with my irons, but manage this by manipulating the ball position instead of changing factors about my swing.

Is a draw preferable to a fade?


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 11, 2011
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I am no expert, but I have been working on this quite a bit. Its a combination of the release and the lag. The more you get the lag and delay the release the more likely you are to have the club face open at impact which will cause either a fade or a push depending on your swing path.

If you want to reliably shape the ball either way, which I am nowhere near doing, its either by setup or by controlling the release and you cant do this in realtime, its a subconcious thing...see the shot, practise swing with the shape in mind and then let it happen. By your handicap, you are a better player than I, so take what I say with a pinch of salt, I am just repeating what my pro has told me.

Good luck


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i used to hit a very high fade. this was fine on nice still days. i may aswell not have bothered on windy days. i was having to aim 30yards left of greens to allow for the wind. these days i am alot more accurate in the wind. i think it was some nightmare days at links courses that prompted me to learn to hit a draw.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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thanks general - nearly sure i have to hold off the release as you say. watching mark crossfields video on release fundamentally changed my swing. i used to keep the clubface pointing at the target on the follow through as he describes in the video with the ball always leaking to the right. going to try to do this today and see what i can do.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Most Golfers dont tend to have perfect swings and their natural fades/draws or what ever are based on their type of swing fault. I think most here now understand what creates sidespin on a ball (NBFL) and if you want to hit a different type of shot then it is quite easy to work out what changes to make. I do tend to agree that if you have a natural shot shape and it allows you to score well then stick with it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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didnt get to play by myself today so couldnt spend the whole time trying fades. attempted one at a par 3 and just sent the thing straight left. probably something i should try at the range.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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didnt get to play by myself today so couldnt spend the whole time trying fades. attempted one at a par 3 and just sent the thing straight left. probably something i should try at the range.

Gary the commentators in the states last night were talking of Woods.......They interviewed him during the week before this weeks competition about his shot shape....It might surprise you to know that he said that 80% of his shots are a left to right ball flight...Thats what he prefers and what he feels more comfortable hitting.....

Everything i guess is subjective.....Most that hit a draw naturally, want to be able to fade the ball....and vice versa.....
But heres the thing.....A draw is desirable for distance but gives up control....But if you can hit a push fade then you aint going to give up much distance to a lad that can draw the ball.....

What i find funny about any conversation that bring the " A draw is better for distance argument" Maybe it is to a point.....
Iv played with lads that naturally hit a draw but iv sailed my fades past them for fun....It all depends on who's hitting the fade and how hard they can hit the ball with control....So the Draw vs Fade distance argument for me is very subjective.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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my fades were high and got blown about by the wind. the draws seem to cut through it better. need a range session.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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starting to have some success now at hitting these fades. had to hit two tonight in competition. managed it nicely. really weakening the grip on the left hand has had a big affect on this. shot 8 over tonight. happy with that! :)


Nov 16, 2011
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it cant just be at impact. the follow through has an affect on the flight. see cutting off the follow thru for punch shots and also full follow through on lob shots!

If you can explain how you can influence the ball flight, after it has left the club, then you'll become a squillionaire!

However, the thoughts of what you are going to do after you have hit the ball could well (virtually always does) have an influence on your down-swing. Consequently, it's quite personal as to what works best for the shot shape you desire.

For a larger fade (than my normal normal 5 yard or so one) I keep my right wrist/forearm a little tighter and the follow through a little shorter.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i cant believe i did such a boring dissertation when i had a topic such as ballflight laws to explore! doh!

im still confused as the follow thru in a chip shot is so important to get even a fraction of more height on the shot. would love to find out exactly the point in the shot where the club stops influencing the ball. i need a robot as u say a human has the desired shot influencing his swing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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think i have the fade worked out again. hitting some nice cut wedges in from 100 yards tonight. weaken left hand, feet to the left of target, swing across the line of the feet. yay :)