High Impact Hands (Videos)


Feb 22, 2016
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I'm looking to make some changes to my swing as i feel fundamentally, it is flawed. Nothing confirms this more than a shank that comes outta nowhere! This is something i have suffered with for as long as i can remember. I have seen several pro's over the years and whilst they help initially, the problem remained. I can't help but feel that my hands are getting very high at impact, more so than would be expected.

Here's a video of me just swinging normally


The next one is of me practising a drill that tries to keep my hands lower through impact


I hit probably 50 balls using that drill.... then removed the stick.

Caution: The following video is not suitable for those of a sensitive disposition.


I look forward to hearing anyone's opinions, please don't feel the need to sugar coat. I'm literally at the stage where i feel i need to make drastic changes and i'm very happy to do that.

Many thanks for reading


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Has anyone mentioned your posture to you before?
It looks as if the weight is very much in the heels at address
Then at impact, you move forward and straighten up your body


I'd suggest you get the weight more in the middle of your feet and try and hold your posture
into impact

Note how Luke Donald has less weight hanging out the back at address and he keeps his posture throughout the swing into impact


So, stand up more at address and try and stay level into impact.
Hope that helps.
What a pleasant change to see a well filmed and well trimmed video :thup:


Feb 22, 2016
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Many thanks for your help bobmac. I'm at the range today so will take on board what you have suggested and start putting it into practice. I appreciate your time.


Assistant Pro
Feb 7, 2015
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This might be useful?



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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would agree with bobmac's points over weight distribution & movements

so just a tad less knee flex to feel taller - would try placing an alignment stick under the center of both feet to identify that centered weight at set-up - can make some slower speed swings with it there but take some care as even with just the stick there it can disturb ankle stability some

realize the range bay doesn't give much space but a face on view would help a whole bunch as pretty sure that would help illuminate a couple of things mentioned later on

one thing worth checking over would be grip, hold of the lead hand - pad of the palm on top of the handle handle more across the very base of the palm & fingers, fingers close then thumb pad on top and being able to see 2&1/2 knuckles - so not handle further up in the palm with only 1 knuckle on show at address, or in the correct part of the hand but only 1 knuckle visible

can see why the drill has been in place but my take would be to put that on the back burner for now

reason being it's not so much the high hands/vertical shaft playing into the issues but more the outwards path of the arms/hands/handle/clubhead away from the body that's more hurting strike (should you return to the drill would angle the stick little ways higher/steeper through the basket so you can place a bag towel at the sharp end to pass under that ways should you clatter it you don't get hand/wrist damage)

instead would place the upturned basket or rolled bag towel the other side of the ball just 2" away (so just enough clearance from the toe for a centered strike) ball would appear in the middle of basket/towel - will help identify how the path to the ball has to be little ways from the inside to strike to little ways back inside - so if you do that slowly clubhead from knee high in the downswing through where centered strike impact would be (if ball there) toe end just misses the basket then arc back inside to clubhead around knee high - should begin to see and sense the clubheads path through the impact zone a ways better
then starting at 60% swing speed couple of full length rehearsal swings - then 60% again through couple shots and repeat

here's a couple of stills to highlight the areas to have a look at (once the set-up, weight, posture has been refined some)


so 2 close to impact positions - put them in to show not a whole bunch of difference from an okay strike to a heel based one

would say a couple things to consider from impact here

yellow line shows how far - outwards - the hands/arms have moved but also the hands/handle here look a little ways back - more opposite the trail thigh so little ways early release - notice how the right arm is pretty close to straight/extended before the strike - right elbow a ways out from the right hip - but notice in both neither hands/handle here is a good bunch high

alsoyou can see how square on the hips are also having lost some of the pelvic angle with the trail leg (knee) not working to the lead leg knee, right foot very flat no inward roll - all stuff face on view would have made a tad easier for you to see

going back to the backswing just monitor that weight doesn't get to the outside of the trail foot as you take the club back - if you pause the top of the swing from dtl looks a mite cramped so right elbow tucked into side leads to pretty short overall backswing which leads to the top firing back a ways quick at transition

will put up a vid that may help some over this last point and why it's something to maybes consider

think it would be real useful to put yourself into a good impact position as a posed position drill
so weight on lead leg (more on heel) with the lead hip turned/cleared some, chest little ways open to target, hands/handle ahead of the ball with a forwards leaning shaft, left side of face opposite ball, with the right elbow in front of & brushing the front of the right hip (kinda belt high) plus the right arm will still have retained a good bunch of angle - doesn't feel straightened any until post impact


Feb 22, 2016
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Many thanks for all your help, it's much appreciated. As stupid as this sounds, I agree with everything you're saying, I have a decent idea what a good golf swing should look like, I just have a real hard time doing it myself and what it feels like compared to what I actually look like feel like different people!

Ill take onboard you advice and get to work. Thanks again