HELP, flip therapy needed!


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Oct 11, 2021
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Hi All, new to forum, looking for some help in eliminating a horrible hip stall and flip at impact. Would love to know if a stronger grip can help to eliminate this. In recent years I have been struggling with a pull, which on a bad day can be a pull hook. Common sense says that opening the face would help so I have gradually moved to a weaker grip, but I now wonder if this has led to my flipping the club, possibly to sub-consciously square the face. Would love to hear from anyone who has knowledge of the root cause of a flip, or anyone who has successfully cured a flip. I am desperate to get rid of it!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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You can try this drill below.
Hit the front ball without hitting the back ball.
You may want to replace the back ball with a headcover, rolled up towel or similar



Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I try and hold the 90 Deg angle that is formed with a fully cocked wrist and club for as long as possible during the downswing. It helps me not to focus on the ball , instead swing through to a high finish and forget the ball is there.

I was once told that you should not consciously try to release the club into the back of the ball. If you grip the club well, hold onto that angle and swing fast enough, then the wrists should automatically uncock at the ball. I think sometimes we are all guilty of trying to make this happen or allow this to happen prematurely.

I think light grip pressure and swinging freely is essential to helping this work also.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Exactly what I do, and, at address my hands with irons are covering my lead leg. It does deloft the club and I hit a 7 iron about 165 yards as a result. The only thing is that I don't take the club too inside or I'll turn the hands over and will pull hook


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Oct 11, 2021
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You can try this drill below.
Hit the front ball without hitting the back ball.
You may want to replace the back ball with a headcover, rolled up towel or similar

You can try this drill below.
Hit the front ball without hitting the back ball.
You may want to replace the back ball with a headcover, rolled up towel or similar

Thanks bobmac, I'll try this drill. I would like to understand the mechanics of this . I guess if I'm flipping, the club will be coming in to the ball on quite a shallow angle so in avoiding a second ball a foot behind the object ball that would promote more of a descending blow. Mmm.. interesting. I'll let you know how I get on with the drill. Thanks again.


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Oct 11, 2021
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I try and hold the 90 Deg angle that is formed with a fully cocked wrist and club for as long as possible during the downswing. It helps me not to focus on the ball , instead swing through to a high finish and forget the ball is there.

I was once told that you should not consciously try to release the club into the back of the ball. If you grip the club well, hold onto that angle and swing fast enough, then the wrists should automatically uncock at the ball. I think sometimes we are all guilty of trying to make this happen or allow this to happen prematurely.

I think light grip pressure and swinging freely is essential to helping this work also.
Thanks sawtooth. I'll try that, although I've always tried to throw the club through the ball from the top of the backswing. Holding on to the 90 degree angle would seem like a manipulation, but I'll give it a go. My wrists definitely uncock through the ball, but I guess too much, hence the flip. I have tried deliberately rotating my lower body to start the downswing, something that Paul Wilson on Youtube is big on, but I invariably shank it when I try this. Thanks again, I'll let you know how I get on.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I have tried deliberately rotating my lower body to start the downswing, something that Paul Wilson on Youtube is big on, but I invariably shank it when I try this. Thanks again, I'll let you know how I get on.

I think this is really bad advice, especially if the golfer is left unsupervised.