It was inside the right heel. Never noticed until a blister the size of a bunker appeared that night. I looked inside the shoe and the heel lining was worn out and that was only since May. I took them back to AG and the let me trade up to 360's.
Hi Teeshot, one thing you won't be short of here is opinions! You will get used to certain idiosyncrases, like Jon's mission to convert us all to the Cobra, but we can live with that. No-one on here is trying to sell you anything - those that are don't last long.
By the time you've got through your first year (or six months) you'll be thinking of changing things and when you read back through all the threads on club choices the common denominator is getting them fitted but for now stick with what you've got. If the stiff shaft is wrong it will probably hurt you a lot less than having one that's too flexible.
Welcome aboard skippers. Thoroughly decent set of chaps on the forums here.
One thing about golf shoes, you certainly get what you pay for. An example, I had a cheap end of the market pair of Footjoys and had to junk them in favour of a more expensive pair of Hi-Tecs which im still wearing, and are totally comfortable but ive also had higher end par of footjoys and they felt grand too. Check out the materials used in manufacture before buying as they will give you a clue to how well they will wear, ie plastic or pleather uppers will not wear in as easily or as cosmetically as real leather.