Hand seperation question


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Jay -very very interesting seeing your vids

Your swing is frighteningly similar to my own, set up, head position, position through impact

Yours Los very tidy i think

You are trying to go further with your golf, so good luck -I'll be really interested to see how your swing changes go.

From my posts above, you'll note that I tend to keep my wrist cock very minimal, as I personally prefer the consistency in my golf that this gives me. What I have been working on however, is ensuring that my club goes back and comes back through on its initial plane . By doing a bit of videoing I worked out that's was way off plane very early into the backswing . Have done some work on that and bingo, the quality of strike is back.


Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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Cheers Sev,

I've had plane issues in the past, getting very flat on the way back, and to be honest when I went for a lesson I was sure that the pro was going to tell me I was getting back in to those old habbit. However, he said that I was nicely on plane and showed me a vid from down the line to prove it.

My big long term swing faults have been lateral movement on the way back, and getting the club flat and on the inside going back. I seem to have cured both of these judging by the latest lesson, but my pro was convinced more wrist break on the way back, would give me a better impact, by having a later "hit" on the ball.

Appreciate all the comments, always good to get opinions. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll start seeing some real progress.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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But in those pictures, you and tiger both have a good 90degree angle between the club and left forearm, suggesting a good full cocking of the wrists.

You don't need amazing flexibility to get a 90° angle between forearm and club. If you think about how you'd hold an umbrella that makes around 90° and I'd bet almost everyone can do that.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You don't need amazing flexibility to get a 90° angle between forearm and club. If you think about how you'd hold an umbrella that makes around 90° and I'd bet almost everyone can do that.


I wouldn't worry about the backswing as much as I'd worry about impact..... learn from the ball backwards. Lots of casting/flipping going on in that swing.... you DO know that you should hit a little bit DOWN on the ball?


Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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Yes I knoe you should hit down on the ball. I've been playing this game to an ok level for about 20 years, I've grasped that much. I also realise at present I am sweeping the ball away. I'm also aware that impact is the most important factor, however building some wrist hinge in to the back swing should make it easier to retain wrist hinge back to impact and thus create the downward strike.

I know there is casting in the swing, this is because I am not cocking my wrists naturaly, so when I'm forcing a bit of wrist hinge on the back swing, at present my body is still trying to get in to the same old positions on the downswing, this is where something like the pump drill mentioned earlier will hopefully help.

Perhaps you could elaborate on the "lots of flipping" bit though?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Here's Steve Stricker, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8VfY07DYTk watch his swing then compare it to the guy standing behind him who has a ton of wrist hinge, a full 90 degree angle, and is 'working on it' in the background....

They both end up here..... (a position know as P6)


Stricker is making lag on the downswing, not the backswing. He doesn't have a ton of lag (the player behind has hands just a bit closer to the right thigh)... but he has enough to make $37M


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
With regards to flipping...

This is flipped.... (compared to a pro on the right) .... your club passes the plane make by the straight left arm.



Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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Excellent. Can't beat pictures for a good explination.

Basically everything you have said is what my pro is working to get me to do. The whole goal of getting wrist hinge in the backswing is to hopefuly promote it leading in to impact (P6 as you say). I do get that it's not essential to have hinge on the backswing and it can be built in the downswing, but it does make sense to me that to incorporate a hinge going back and then maintaining it is probably as straight forward and sensible as trying to incorporate a move to just create lag from very little hinge at the start of the down swing.

Ultimately the goal is the same however, to have a good angle between shaft and forearm leading in to impact, to create a downward strike on the ball.

Incidentaly the picture used above left, is at the very start of my lesson before the pro had given any advice or shown me the video of my swing. Since then, I think, my impact position is slowly getting stronger. Hopefully that will show a little in the other video I posted (although maybe not :) ). I think I may have been swinging like this for a good long time though so it's likely to be a slow process getting to the position I'd like (nearer the right hand picture above).

Thanks again, the input is appreciated.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Here's Stricker PAST the position you were at and he STILL has the club more in plane with his left arm... the clubhead has NOT past his hands/left arm plane....


(Using Stricker as an example as he's known not to have a lot of wrist cock in the backswing) :thup:


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Lot of good discussion here
Personally I thought Kay's first swing wasn't flipping, more right hand turning over left through impact ?

Love the Stricker pics -that last one is exactly the position I have been trying to get to

LaSt point - Faldo's book (Swing for Life) talks simply about getting to 90 degrees wrist cock at halfway back (forearms horizontal) and just lifting the arms. Coincidentally this is what Leadbetter championed for many years. One of their exercises is half swing back to 90degrees, swing through to half way with wrist cocked again to 90degrees the other way.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Love the Stricker pics -that last one is exactly the position I have been trying to get to

Me too. Once you get to that point you can do what you like with the club, re-hinge, roll, hold it off or chuck it down the fairway before retreating back to the bar :D

Jay1 - I did think your 2nd swing looked better... ironically though you can get away with less lag with a driver as you're looking for launch angle and clubhead speed and less of a descending blow, or indeed, upwards a little.

My reply really only puts into pictures basically what Bobmac said....
If there is little or no wrist hinge on the backswing, there will be no lag hit into impact.
Therefor there may be a flip with the hands causing the club to 'bottom out' before impact.