Greenside bunker shots with the ball on an up-slope


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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The last couple of rounds I have had to play a shot whereby the ball has stuck on quite a severe upslope towards the front lip of the bunker. I managed to duff it out over the front of the bunker, but I caught them both really fat. How are you supposed to set up to the ball and play this shot? Thanks


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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The last couple of rounds I have had to play a shot whereby the ball has stuck on quite a severe upslope towards the front lip of the bunker. I managed to duff it out over the front of the bunker, but I caught them both really fat. How are you supposed to set up to the ball and play this shot? Thanks

Theres a Phil Michelson short game piece on bunkers on you-tube mate
its absolutely brilliant.
Basically you have to hit down hard and stick the club in the sand with no follow through.
Find the video and Bobs your uncle


Nov 16, 2011
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Provided the stance isn't restricted, this should be the easiest possible shot from the bunker!

I'd still try to set up level, or maybe very slightly leaning back - depending on degree of slope. Essential to maintain that balance though and not fall backwards. So really dig down with lead foot! Ball should come out much higher, with little roll. So simply gauge power of strike to distance to pin. Remember that if playing level, then more power is needed as you are effectively striking down into sand.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 30, 2013
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I can second the recommendation for the Phil Mickelson video. Only punch into the sand with the weight forward if it's plugged. Otherwise, on an uphill slope with the ball on top of the sand keep your shoulders parallel with the slope to allow you to have the same sweeping motion through the sand as you would on a flat lie. Lots of folk try to keep their body 'vertical' which means the club digs in too much. Obviously the ball will come out high and and go a shorter distance so you'll need to factor that in to your swing length etc.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Theres a Phil Michelson short game piece on bunkers on you-tube mate
its absolutely brilliant.
Basically you have to hit down hard and stick the club in the sand with no follow through.
Find the video and Bobs your uncle

That's the one for plugged lies PJ.

Uphill lie you want to try to get your shoulders as level with the slope as is practical.

If you don't do this then the arc of your swing will just be digging into the sand rather than taking a small slice out underneath the ball.

Edit: beaten to it again!


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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I can second the recommendation for the Phil Mickelson video. Only punch into the sand with the weight forward if it's plugged. Otherwise, on an uphill slope with the ball on top of the sand keep your shoulders parallel with the slope to allow you to have the same sweeping motion through the sand as you would on a flat lie. Lots of folk try to keep their body 'vertical' which means the club digs in too much. Obviously the ball will come out high and and go a shorter distance so you'll need to factor that in to your swing length etc.


Only thing I would add is even more speed through the ball than a normal bunker shot to get the ball up ASAP and any distance on it :thup:

Just wish I could play it!! :rofl:


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Theres a Phil Michelson short game piece on bunkers on you-tube mate
its absolutely brilliant.
Basically you have to hit down hard and stick the club in the sand with no follow through.
Find the video and Bobs your uncle

Cheers mate, will check it out. :thup:


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Provided the stance isn't restricted, this should be the easiest possible shot from the bunker!

I'd still try to set up level, or maybe very slightly leaning back - depending on degree of slope. Essential to maintain that balance though and not fall backwards. So really dig down with lead foot! Ball should come out much higher, with little roll. So simply gauge power of strike to distance to pin. Remember that if playing level, then more power is needed as you are effectively striking down into sand.

Thanks mate, I understand what you say about trying to get level with the slope, makes sense, So does the ball position stays the same? and do you open the face or keep the club squarer because of the elevation already provided by the slope? Apologies for all the questions !!!


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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That's the one for plugged lies PJ.

Uphill lie you want to try to get your shoulders as level with the slope as is practical.

If you don't do this then the arc of your swing will just be digging into the sand rather than taking a small slice out underneath the ball.

Edit: beaten to it again!

Cheers Gary :thup:


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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I can second the recommendation for the Phil Mickelson video. Only punch into the sand with the weight forward if it's plugged. Otherwise, on an uphill slope with the ball on top of the sand keep your shoulders parallel with the slope to allow you to have the same sweeping motion through the sand as you would on a flat lie. Lots of folk try to keep their body 'vertical' which means the club digs in too much. Obviously the ball will come out high and and go a shorter distance so you'll need to factor that in to your swing length etc.

Cheers Spuddy ! :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 30, 2013
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Thanks mate, I understand what you say about trying to get level with the slope, makes sense, So does the ball position stays the same? and do you open the face or keep the club squarer because of the elevation already provided by the slope? Apologies for all the questions !!!

Ball on the left heel, hands central and weight 60/40 on the left side. The lie of the face purely depends on how far your shot is. Have the face open for shorter shots and more square for longer ones.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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couple ways you can go about this. folks in general have trouble with these kind of shots because most times they don't practice & experiment with bunker shots in general.

using what's now maybes classed as the more 'trad' method you align knees, hips, shoulders to echo the slope (uphill or downhill) with this the ball position will be nearer to the higher foot in the stance.

on stance be a ways careful you don't fall foul of rule (usga) 13 in general & 13.3 in particular.
"13-3. Building Stance
A player is entitled to place his feet firmly in taking his stance, but he must not build a stance."

steeper the slope the nearer to the face & lip you have to be a ways careful with this. as the sand moves ways easier.

with the uphill front slope in a bunker align yourself with the slope. ball off inside left heel. with the uphill slope as long as you swing upwards into couple inches behind the ball you'll get the elevation needed without opening the face, so square leading edge (you don't want really to be using a 60º you won't get the forwards travel) real steep slope you may want to go with a gap wedge - why practice/experimentation is key)

the ball will come out high anyways, land soft, so not a ways forwards travel.
you going to need a hands to shoulder height back, then square into couple inches behind the ball, as you, with this method, swinging up the slope as long as the bank face isn't in the ways you carry the swing through to shoulder height - if slope allows - that ways you'll get further than just out on the lip.

crucial to the motion that first off you keep your vertical head height with real steady head. keep the body turn motion well centered with weight into the lead leg - if you don't you'll fall back off the shot & skull it or whiff it.

if the slope is real steep the above the ways to go.

if not so steep you can use the more 'modern' ways of using the knees as shock absorbers to work little ways against the slope so the hips & shoulders are a ways more 'level'.
ball position nearer to mid stance. but as the uphill slope is still there you still want a squarer leading edge maybes still a gap wedge if any distance required.
still hands to shoulder height, strike couple inches back of ball position. but this motion won't give you too much of a follow through. the ball will come out still with height but will be hotter so good to use to a further flag.

but the 'newer' method more difficult to get down at first so needs practice work.

& if the ball up in the face of a real steep slope the first method is a ways easier to get a handle on.
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