Golf with a GPS


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Wow, played yesterday, and today, and I thought I hit a reasonable (not long, but not embarassing) distance off the tee. Now I know it is autumn, there is little run, the cold ball doesn't carry in the cold air, but heck, a well struck drive is a well struck drive. Trouble is, apparently it goes no where.

I melted one yesterday, measured it, 220. WTF, 220. Longest was down wind, down hill, 251.

Measured the longest in our 4 ball today, a whopping 235. It is amazing, when you measure your distance with a gps, it is like having your manhood shortened. Staggered.

If you haven't tried this, you need to give it a go. A real reality check.

Oddly, hit an 8 iron about 160. Ooops, was only supposed to go 130. Never even touched the green. Into wind too. Bugger.
I've used a caddy lite for the last 4 rounds and have measured all driver distance avearges.........

(drum roll).................

200 yards!! :(

I always knew I wasn't a long hitter, but 200 yards!
it has helped my game though and bar a couple of disaster holes i believe it is a definite bonus to have an accurate distance to the green and a good idea of which club to take.

They are definetly worth getting, more so than a new club i would suggest. If you can handle the reality about your manhood.

on the other hand it is nice to burts the bubble of supposed 'long hitters' :D

I would go with that, it is just a huge suprise, that's all.

I did have to laugh in the club house afterwards. I asked a mate who hits maybe marginally longer than me 'what was the biggest drive in your 4 today', answer ' I hit one that paced out around 285'.

The guys I was playing with were a bit stunned to find their actual distance. Bit of a diappointment for them, to find they had 'smashed' one 212.

People really have no idea.
i too have used a sg5 for the last 3 months,every one i have played with and asked how far do you think they drived were surprised to find out they didnt hit it 280-300 more like 220-240,ok you can melt the odd one only have to look at the pros average driving distances theres is 280/300 ish not your average club golfer .
I've been championing the SC5 for ages and the distance measuring feature. Perfect for finding out that you can't hit a 7 iron 170 like the pros. To be fair I knew I was a short hitter anyway (I strive for accuracy over length - I normally fail!) and so 205 and 210 measurements were actually a pleasant surprise. I was actually also pleased to note that I hit a 7 about 135-138 avereage and had always assumed I hit it 140 so I wasn't greatly out.

I've measured my irons into a wind and down wind and to be honest I was only +/- 5-7 yards on what I estimated anyway so it was good to know the internal rangefinder was pretty good. Even better to know for sure what I hit and what I can and can't do. Has made a real difference to my club selections
It really is amazing to actually check your yardages, as I thought I knew, roughly, and it turns out I haven't got a clue. Mind you, today wasn't an easy day, but hey, at least I know I am not one of the big boys.

Where that 8i came from, god knows.

I think the key to it is to know what you can and can't do with any chosen club. It is just a culture shock to find you don't wing it 150 with a 7i, like you thought you did, based on a one off, 3 years ago on a sunny day with 20 yards run out.
I am still waiting for my free software from caddy aid they just keep sending me emails saying that the software will be sent on launch day, wasn't that 2 months ago???

Anyway, I am contemplating an SG5 so it might hit the christmas list
SG5 is what I bought. Unbeflippingleivable how good this is. A casual glance at it hanging on your bag, and you know the yardage to the middle. (amongst other things, but this is the most useful). However, be prpared to have your manhood cut short. You don't hit it as far as you think.
SG5 is what I bought. Unbeflippingleivable how good this is. A casual glance at it hanging on your bag, and you know the yardage to the middle. (amongst other things, but this is the most useful). However, be prpared to have your manhood cut short. You don't hit it as far as you think.

Oh do keep up Mog.......nice to hear you've finally sucumbed!!!
The SkyCaddie 2.5 has probably been one of my most useful purchases for a while. Only had mine just over a week now and used it for my round yesterday.
Anyway on our 8th green it is probably 40 yards wide but in the middle of the green its only 8 yrds deep with a bunker guarding the front and a 5 yrd carry i.e. 9 yrds from lip of bunker to flag yesterday. So on a couple of holes previous I hit my 8 iron perfectly and shot it 148 yrds. So i'm on the 8th fairway with 149 yrds to the pin, 8 iron out of the bag, struck it sweetly, mosied (sp?) up to the green and...............2 ft from the pin, honestly the grin on my face was the length of the fairway.
On the drives, I thought that i was a potential 280-300yrd guy and measured my drive to be 268yrds yesterday with a slice.......damn that slice :mad:
I hope to test all of the yardages like Homer has said, well I know my Driver and 8 iron anyway.
268 in the conditions we have had recently is a heck of a drive. None of the guys I have played with on Friday or Saturday have got close to 230. We were all amazed at how short we were.

Didn't take it out today. Way too wet to bother. You hit the club you could hit, not the one that would get you to the pin. It was all carry too, so who knows what club to take. Even got 3 ft back spin off a 21 degree hybrid.
I have had the caddy lite for about 6 months now and I must admit I have kinda fallen out of love with it. I went back to using the stroke saver and found that by looking at the over view of a hole it gave me a better perspective of what shot I had to hit. With the GPS it gives you the theoretical part of the info but not the practical part.

I also found that with the stroke saver I manufactured the shot to suit the layout in front of me but with the GPS I just hit a shot to get me the dstance.
I have played about 15 courses this year using my Caddy Lite and more than half have had the yardages wrong but with a strokesaver they have been produced and measured as a package whereas GPS companies trust people on peice work (£75 per course and some people were mapping 5 in a day)to measure them accurately.
Caddy Lite do not measure the courses by person as far as I know hence why the measurements are pants. SkyCaddie all the way for me - used mine for about 5 months now and the only problem with the yardage I have is me hitting it that far!!!