Golf Monthly Forum European Tour Fantasy League 2014

It's ysing both thr matchplay and Hong Kong Tournie as Imurg has mentioned
It's looking like another poor week for me.
One left in Hong Kong and four left in The Volvo .......................... no joker in sight!
Fortunately, my matchplayers are all in different matches which means that I might end up with four in the semi-finals, or none!

Stenson looks like he has bombed this, not playing well today at all. Similar story for Luiten as well really!
€770k + a bit.
I doubt many will move unless they had Illonen or had Henrik as Starman.
Tragically, I may have beaten Fragger by 13k.....,:clap:
Can I just say I had a 1,2,3 this week with Starman in 2nd place..............

Quite pleased with that - but why does it never happen on a BIG week?
Can I just say I had a 1,2,3 this week with Starman in 2nd place..............

Quite pleased with that - but why does it never happen on a BIG week?

Same here

Also had a few other finishes but didnt really earn much
Me too, but my Joker withdrew after the first round ..................... typical!
I also had another four players at T15 or better which should prevent me falling too many places.
I've earned €492,341 this week.
The big money starts from next week ................. bring it on!

Been done again...... changed team on Tuesday after notification email...... just looked at the current standings and my starman isn't even playing.... despite being picked from players listed as playing in the tournament. This is the third time it's happened in the last month or so..... getting cheesed off with it... last season of playing this methinks..