Golf Monthly Forum European Tour Fantasy League 2014

We currently have 16 runners, last time we had over 80, so come on peeps, join in

Ive had a chat to Mike and he has very kindly offered to dig a little something out of the GM cupboard as a prize to the winner

Roll up, Roll up :)
the first 2 mths were enjoyable but if you missed 2 weeks or a biggie you were so far behind it just wasnt enjoyable anymore. Star player doubling points I like, very Jeux sans frontier :whistle:

So I'm in
First Tournament in the new Fantasy League is the Volvo in South Africa starting on 9th January

Get your teams entered just Go to the European Tour Website and follow links to set your team up

To enter the League just find the Join Private League button and use the PIN 4890

we have 28 teams so far, Mike is putting up a prize from the GM mystery cupboard

Still working on a team that will challenge for the top, It will be done and in by the deadline.

You don't need to enter your team yet, but you can register now.
You can change your team totally each week and you will get reminder emails from the tour with cut off times for each week
The main difference this year is you pick one star player who's earnings count double .and you can change this at will

So register now and sort out your team a day or so before each tournament as players can and do withdraw at short notice
Pending me accepting you into the GM League as I set the league up.

All done, you should have a confirming email very shortly


Thanks mate, all sorted.
Excuse my ignorance, this doesn't look like other fantasy style set ups I play. If you want you can basically pick the top 10 in the 2013 EU money list and go for the ride :thup:
I was expecting a Sun Dream Team like config with high ranked players having a higher value.
Should be good fun though.