General advice


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Oct 8, 2020
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I started back over the last 5 weeks after 6 years out the game. I used to play off 11 and took to it not bad when starting back.

I booked a lesson package with a good teaching pro and he altered things like grip, posture, club position (shaft lean) and hips (rotated so more weight on left side). On the day of the lesson all went very well and there after but some 10 days on now I I was struggling badly at the range last night with shots off the toe and thin.

Its so disheartening as I was striking very well but now i feel like packing it in.

Anyone have any simple advice to keep my faith? I'm guessing I'm suffering from an early release.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I started back over the last 5 weeks after 6 years out the game. I used to play off 11 and took to it not bad when starting back.

I booked a lesson package with a good teaching pro and he altered things like grip, posture, club position (shaft lean) and hips (rotated so more weight on left side). On the day of the lesson all went very well and there after but some 10 days on now I I was struggling badly at the range last night with shots off the toe and thin.

Its so disheartening as I was striking very well but now i feel like packing it in.

Anyone have any simple advice to keep my faith? I'm guessing I'm suffering from an early release.
Without being too glib about it. It's not so much hitting the ball off the toe of the club you need to really worry about - it's hitting it off the heel. Frustrating I am sure - but as you were off 11 h/cap it'll come back - you know how to ride the bike - just feeling a bit wobbly on it at the moment. Just give it a little time and I am sure that you will get your 'balance' back and before long you'll be hurtling down the road hands in the air (as it were) :)
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Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
If it was your first lesson, it sounds to me like he tried to change an awful lot in one go. Whenever I've been for a lesson the pro has adjusted one, maybe two items at a time. Otherwise your head is full of too many things at once.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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First question - where are you based and are lessons still going on (assuming Scotland/Wales etc that aren't shut in the current lockdown). I would go back and have a chat with the pro and explain what is happening. If its at a range he might have five minutes to look at the swing and see if an old fault is recurring or you've taken a change somewhere too far. If you got to 11 you have a solid degree of competency and it'll take some time to get it all firing again so I wouldn't despair over one bad range session


New member
Oct 8, 2020
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If it was your first lesson, it sounds to me like he tried to change an awful lot in one go. Whenever I've been for a lesson the pro has adjusted one, maybe two items at a time. Otherwise your head is full of too many things at once.

It was my 2nd, 1st one was grip and posture then 2 weeks later it was shaft lean and having more weight on my left side and hips positioned correctly. The results were immediate, hitting a big draw with solid ball striking.

Its so frustrating and I have booked back in with him on Saturday morning