Blue in Munich
Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
I certainly don't take Kermode to heart. There are plenty of films that I have seen and loved that he has dismissed. He is not a fan of Jojo Rabbit right now but I loved it for example. Equally there are many he goes overboard on that I think 'not on your life' . I can generally decipher a popular film and why he doesn't like it and still work out if it will appeal to me. He really did lay into Doolittle though, with knobs on, and so that tends to make me think it is a truly bad one.
He gave a thumbs up to the Harley Quinn film and that surprised me. He is not normally a fan of Marvel or DC, unless they are truly dark and subversive (typical film critic)
I may have to review my opinion of Mr. Kermode...