
Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Been struggling with my irons as of late (regular Speedblades) with lots of shanks, slices and pushes, I've had the lies checked, shortened the shafts, lengthened the shafts again, had a pro check my swing (no issues there) I've even tried different demo irons and a set of standard irons 'off a colleague' in stiff which I hit well but horrendously short, nothing was going rite and I'd all but given up when I came across the set of 'Wilson Fatshaft MDS' irons that I'd picked up 2-3yrs back 'well gotta be worth a go' I thought so out they came...

First shot was a 7i from about 170yds out, a couple of practice swings and then I let the ole 'AD333' feel the steel 'WOW' these things motor, high and straight but slightly left went the first shot so I checked my aim 'yep, pointing left of target' the second was the same but slightly right so checked my aim again 'yep pointing right of target' but still straight and high...

Have used these irons for a few rounds now and no hint of a shank, slice, thin, fat and absolutely no pushing, the ball just fly's high and straight...

So my question is will anybody else admit to using 'Fatties' regularly or are they just to embarrassing to be seen out in broad daylight with ?

As it stands I've got no other option but to use em, other than to give up playing golf that is !...

Your thoughts please !... :thup:
:rofl:'Very good' I refrained from adding that one into the mix, my missus says that there's just more of me to love these days... :thup:
Would be worried about the pro not seeing the issues causing the shanks but that aside I did have a set of Fat Shafts many many moons ago. I don't really thing the fatter shaft made any real odds to my game. However if you like them and they work and you lose the bad shots then crack on.
When I said 'no issues' I meant 'no serious issues' I'm not the most flexible of people 'quite chunky if you like' so struggle with follow through a bit which was cured by using the 'feet together' stance and I now follow through and complete the swing nicely, I was told that I had quite an elegant swing for a bloke of my size/physique (and believe it or not that wasn't the first time I've been told that either) but it still doesn't account for the lack of ability with the 'Speedblades' so have come to the conclusion that they just don't suit my physique/swing/strength, one of my golf buddies commented that the 'speedblade' shafts looked like spaghetti when I swung the club 'all over the place' was his words !...
I was hoping for a thread suggesting the remarkably rotund be charged extra green fees/subs because they cause more damage to the course.

back on topic: your pro must be a bit rubbish

The lad's just learning his trade, I was a little reluctant to have him analyse my swing when it was suggested but as he was chaperoned and more importantly 'I wasn't paying' I wasn't in a position to argue, like I said he picked up on my lack of flexibility/ability to follow through and then toyed around with my stance until we found a solution to the problem, I'm happy with the results, my wallet is none the worse off for the experience and I've rediscovered a set of irons that do exactly what's required without costing me a small fortune which is an absolute bonus in my book !... :thup: