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Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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As a follow on from the post about electric trolleys, where fitness comes into question, I was wondering...

Does anyone here train specifically for golf?
To answer my own question, I mainly train to keep fit and healthy, but my training is very golf orientated (oops didn't put that option!) as its the only sport I really do these days.
I've noticed it amkes a difference, and its def cheaper than buying the latest club everytime something comes out!

Interested to hear everyone elses ideas?
I definitely make sure I saty fit and healthy and train quite a bit. As for golf specific training, I don't really other than when I occasionally make a series of short practice swings with a medicine ball when at the gym. Good for building up all the golfing muscles according to Vijay Singh's fitness coach. Other than that I am not sure what you can do, I do a bit of weight training anyway so that will help with strength, I do lots of running but that doesn't come into it other than maybe stamina, and I always stretch from head to toe before a work out so that helps with flexibility of muscles. One thing I might try is a balance practice where you kneel on a sort of board that is attached to half an exercise ball (not a botched job thing a proper piece of equipment but I don't know the name) and rotate your upper body whilst holding a medicine ball outstretched- it helps your balance apparently and I saw Nick Dougherty doing it so it probably works.
I am trying to get HID and I into some sort of health kick at the moment so we are doing a lot of cardio-vascular work on the exercise bike and trampet. I have also got a small set of dumbells which I am using to build up a little particularly in my shoulders (inherent weakness from childhood) and my upper body.

I use to do a lot of running (marathons) and since I've stopped drinking and having got diabetes my weight and waistline has plummeted so it is really a case of just imroving on what I have.
I had a boss who once told me (re tennis, actually) 'get fit to play, don't play to get fit'. Unfortunatley I never seem to have time for both!
Recently did a few gym sessions, but as soon as the sun comes out, that's it.
A friend has given me coaching in Pilates which I try to do two or three times a week (lying on the bedroom floor can't be that hard!)especially for my back and some RSI probs caused by too much computer work.
Can't think how that has happened ;)

Dont train like i used to when i was playing hurling & football-but i am relative fit as i cycle to and from work every day-I do however do specific exercises to protect a back problem daily and i have a twenty minute routine to undergo before i play and a few exercises to perform whilst on the course.--I can safely say since i started the programme my golf has improved and the back is not a major problem playing-still gives me some ache for a few hours afterwards but the old ice bag helps.
I started playing golf partly for the exercise. I needed to after a few years doing nothing, this as a come down from a period when I was exercising to excess (six days a week in the gym, cycling and swimming) partly as an escape from a failing marriage (long over). That all came to a stop following an injury on holiday in Madeira - just a bruised foot but took 3 months to heal. Now, following on from the Forum diet club (still keeping going) I've re-started swimming but I don't think the gym will see me again.
I've started going to the gym again for general strength and toning work. I do feel as though it's helping my golf though. I'm not as knackered after the round, I feel stronger holding the club as such feel I have more control of my swing.

A guy who works at my gym, who I used to go to school with, went to the states on a scholorship relating to the biodynamics of the golf swing.

He's gonna help me out when my basic strength has improved enough.

Problem is that when there's a choice of beer or the gym there is only gonna be 1 winner!!
Good point Viscount - I enjoyed plenty of good healthy fruit juice last night.

PS - how many pints count as one of my five for the day?
At the moment i dont train. I play football, that keeps me fit and my job involves miles of walkin each day.

I usually train alot and am naturally very fit but at the moment I am carrying a few knocks so trying to see them off before I start out again.

I will be quite interested in including some golf specific excercises in my routine when I continue.
I'm on pyramids ATM - to cover strength, growth and toning!