Launch monitor question


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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I’ve borrowed a ‘my swing caddie sc300i’ launch monitor and I’m off to the range later to compare 2 driver shafts with it.

My question is about whether conditions affect the data. It’s a bit windy here and so if I’m hitting into wind the actual ball won’t go as far, but will the monitor pick that up?

It’s a fairly basic device which sits a few feet behind the ball, and so guessing it uses the initial ‘launch data’ to do some calculations and come up with some numbers. Rather than actually tracking where the ball’s gone until in comes to a stop.

Is that right?
I'd suggest that evaluating shafts/clubs outside on a windy day isn't the greatest. (the wind gets into the space between the ears) :)
Rather than actually tracking where the ball’s gone until in comes to a stop
From the specification it’s a radar so it will be tracking the ball. You are right however it might not be doing it all the way as Trackman does (supposedly).

I’ve borrowed a ‘my swing caddie sc300i’ launch monitor and I’m off to the range later to compare 2 driver shafts with it.

My question is about whether conditions affect the data. It’s a bit windy here and so if I’m hitting into wind the actual ball won’t go as far, but will the monitor pick that up?

It’s a fairly basic device which sits a few feet behind the ball, and so guessing it uses the initial ‘launch data’ to do some calculations and come up with some numbers. Rather than actually tracking where the ball’s gone until in comes to a stop.

Is that right?
As you suspect I think only tracks part of the flight, the radar isn't big/strong enough to track the whole flight like a Trackman so I doubt the wind will be a factor as it will just get initial launch data then use it's algorithm to spit out the numbers.

I’ve borrowed a ‘my swing caddie sc300i’ launch monitor and I’m off to the range later to compare 2 driver shafts with it.

My question is about whether conditions affect the data. It’s a bit windy here and so if I’m hitting into wind the actual ball won’t go as far, but will the monitor pick that up?

It’s a fairly basic device which sits a few feet behind the ball, and so guessing it uses the initial ‘launch data’ to do some calculations and come up with some numbers. Rather than actually tracking where the ball’s gone until in comes to a stop.

Is that right?
Correct. The full flight is not can use SC300's in a nett. To be honest....if you are looking to compare two shafts then what you see will be as much, if not more, value than the data from the LM...much of which will be calculated.

You will see any noticeable distance gains ( unless the range has a blind landing area!!), you will see any significant differences in ball flight (especially left/right deviation) and you will feel whether one shaft is easier to swing and more in tune with your swing.

Just my two penneth worth as an ex SC300 owner.
Thanks all, just got back. The wind dropped so wouldn’t have been an issue anyway.

Must admit I did find the numbers coming out to be a bit odd at times. Hitting a bad one and looking down to see it still went a fair distance, and then hitting one thinking ‘ooh, that was nice’ seeing it fly further than the others but looking down and not seeing that in the numbers!

Still gave me a good idea looking at the averages.

It was a regular versus stiff driver shaft I was testing. Always assumed I was a regular, swing speed according to the monitor around 95mph. But the stiff shaft came out better and also felt nicer, like I had control over it.

Interesting. True test on the course on Sunday!