Dropping the club on the downswing


Deleted Member 1156

What I think is none of your concern.

I haven't the time or inclination to go backwards and forwards with a keyboard warrior.

Enjoy your Sunday evening.

Apologies for wasting your time, I was trying to help.


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
What I think is none of your concern.

I haven't the time or inclination to go backwards and forwards with a keyboard warrior.

Enjoy your Sunday evening.

Bit harsh considering what he was saying was sound advice, maybe forget about the scores and how it plays on the course. Just concentrate 100% on what 'your' pro asks you to stick with. It will take a while for it to feel comfortable, almost everyone creeps back to old habits, that is why pro's have so many regulars to prevent that.

Its great getting advice from people on here, but like D$S says they cant see your swing real time in the flesh, and they down know what it used to be like so they cant compare it. As helpful and good as coach may be he would probably offer slightly different advice in person.

The final bit is if it is none of D4S concern what you think, best not to post asking for advice. And before you say I have read the full thread and all anyone has done is offer sound advice that you have chosen to dismiss if it wasnt what you wanted to hear.

Keep at the lessons, stick with the practise, don't worry about the scores till next season and start in April with your ingrained swing and better scoring.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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hey 'swasterix' hope the practice going good .... along with the lessons

my take would be it seems maybes to have developed into being a little ways too confrontational difficult to see the exact reason why that pretty abrupt approach, as 'swasterix' said in the op he was trying & looking to do what his Pro had asked of him - he never intimated he wouldn't be continuing on this path would be my reading of it - & he was continuing with the lessons - so that would seem all good

the Q in the op was about drills that could help with this to see if that nudged the motion back to what was experienced during the lesson

drill I outlined is working towards the same motion his Pro had asked him to feel
- & as an 'obstacle' drill it just helps re-inforce by giving some parameters to the path the club has to take & helps to 'feel' the space where the body arms/club move to be able to achieve that
- arms club have to go to the top more infront of the body, the sternum then move down in a similar motion - instruction from the Pro to feel like you swinging a little ways over the top - is exactly what the drill would help with

that the Pro's instruction was being studiously tried by 'swasterix'but was presenting a ways of difficulty to achieve sure is natural when trying to change patterns, hence the interested Q in op

how the lower body works from the get-go at transition - particularly the hips

- can just pre-program the arms & club to drop back behind overmuch & present as a path issue into impact to exactly the kinda shot outcomes that were outlined
- so if the lower motion is either too violent laterally left or just too much lateral left shift this will place the upper body out of alignment the the lower & a result of this would be to continue to drop the hands/arms/club too much back & behind the lower body motion
- sp no matter how much folks try to address the first movement from the top with the arm & club it just won't happen as this kinda lower body movement won't allow it to
- so something to be aware of and maybes give some consideration to check this isn't as to why everything is proving a might difficult in practice to achieve the change trying to be worked to

good look with the swing change with the Pro hope it goes down good


Medal Winner
Jan 23, 2015
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Bit harsh considering what he was saying was sound advice, maybe forget about the scores and how it plays on the course. Just concentrate 100% on what 'your' pro asks you to stick with. It will take a while for it to feel comfortable, almost everyone creeps back to old habits, that is why pro's have so many regulars to prevent that.

Its great getting advice from people on here, but like D$S says they cant see your swing real time in the flesh, and they down know what it used to be like so they cant compare it. As helpful and good as coach may be he would probably offer slightly different advice in person.

The final bit is if it is none of D4S concern what you think, best not to post asking for advice. And before you say I have read the full thread and all anyone has done is offer sound advice that you have chosen to dismiss if it wasnt what you wanted to hear.

Keep at the lessons, stick with the practise, don't worry about the scores till next season and start in April with your ingrained swing and better scoring.


Hi Steve,
Think The Coach has more or less hit the nail on the head with his observation. I posted to the forum with a specific request for guidance to reinforce the observations that my Pro had mentioned. I had been following the guidance given, but as was struggling thought I would like to gain some further guidance with this specific issue I was having.

I appreciate that D4S was well meaning in his original posting, however I didn't come here to discuss the merits of gaining advice online. My request was fairly specific to the issue I am having. Like anything in life, I realise that in golf there is bad and good advice, and potentially many causes to an issue. I have enough off to realise this. I believe that the pointers raised by Bob, Coach and Gary were sound.

I had intimated in my reply to D4S that I was continuing with the suggestions from my pro, and that I was merely looking to back this up. I do feel however that this reply particularly was a little confrontational.

No problem. It's your money to waste on lessons then not do what the pro tells you to do.

My reply was prompted by this in the main, to make it clear that I didn't really want to continue with this line of conversation. Perhaps a little harsh, but I had tried to get my point across in previous posts.

Thanks for your thoughts on the post, and your good wishes.

PS - Coach, your point regarding the lower body movement being a possible cause is an interesting one! I will mention this to my Pro at our next session. Appreciate your feedback.

Happy golfing to all!

Deleted Member 1156

I was quite simply trying to make 1 point. There are NUMEROUS causes of any particular fault in a golf swing and without seeing a video or the swing in person, anyone making a suggestion is just guessing at possible causes. You did the right thing going to see a pro in the first place, I was suggesting that you carry on down that route as you said in your OP that he had you hitting the ball really well.

Once again I apologise for trying to advise you, I certainly won't be offering you any advice in future.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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It is goddamm difficult to find 'that slot' with a square club face every time and hit a straight ball.

It is pretty easy to always come under or over the plane but bang on is difficult to do.


Medal Winner
Jan 23, 2015
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I was quite simply trying to make 1 point. There are NUMEROUS causes of any particular fault in a golf swing and without seeing a video or the swing in person, anyone making a suggestion is just guessing at possible causes. You did the right thing going to see a pro in the first place, I was suggesting that you carry on down that route as you said in your OP that he had you hitting the ball really well.

Once again I apologise for trying to advise you, I certainly won't be offering you any advice in future.

apology accepted.