Drop shot rule


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Jul 17, 2023
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Hi all new here so go easy on me please lol

I enjoy a game of golf with friends standard not that great but I enjoy how I play nevertheless.

While playing yesterday in a four ball one of the players played his second shot out of bounds.
He dropped another ball right there and played it and stuck it on the green.
Here’s the confusion some are saying he’s now about to hit his putt for stroke four and some saying he’s about to putt for stroke five.

Can anyone clear this up for sure


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Jul 17, 2023
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He's putting for 5. He counts all the shots he has hit, including the oob shot & adds one penalty shot.

That’s what I was saying but my team mate was adamant that he was making putt for 4
I couldn’t see his logic when the player put shot 2 OB then dropped and played again
My team mate says “I play all the time I know the rules” oh really yeah made up rules haha

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I thought that the “drop it out and take 2 penalty shots” practice is only permissible if a local rule is in place to allow it. Otherwise it is back to the original position to retake the original shot with a one shot penalty under “stroke and distance”. Obviously no problem with dropping it out in a social game, but beware in a competition.

Colin L

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I thought that the “drop it out and take 2 penalty shots” practice is only permissible if a local rule is in place to allow it. Otherwise it is back to the original position to retake the original shot with a one shot penalty under “stroke and distance”. Obviously no problem with dropping it out in a social game, but beware in a competition.
Nothing to worry you in a competition. You may take relief from a bunker back on the line outside the bunker at a cost of 2 penalty strokes. It's a Rule (19.3b) and so there is no local rule required:


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Dec 31, 2020
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Nothing to worry you in a competition. You may take relief from a bunker back on the line outside the bunker at a cost of 2 penalty strokes. It's a Rule (19.3b) and so there is no local rule required:
No mention of a bunker in the OP.

Steven Rules

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Mar 18, 2022
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I thought that the “drop it out and take 2 penalty shots” practice is only permissible if a local rule is in place to allow it. Otherwise it is back to the original position to retake the original shot with a one shot penalty under “stroke and distance”.
The OP said: "He dropped another ball right there..." I sense that those who responded interpretted that the ball was dropped correctly "right there" at the original spot of the second shot.


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Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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To the OP ...
I'm assuming the others posting above are correct in that the player saw his ball go our of bounds, so dropped a ball at the same spot from which shot 2 was played, then the player was playing under 'stroke & distance' - which is covered by rule 18 and in particular 18.2. Check out the R&A rules App - it's easy to use.

So, expanding on what Maninblack says,
Stroke 2 goes out of bounds
Drops a ball at same spot and plays stroke 3 onto the green
Adds a penalty stroke which is stroke 4
Then goes forward to make the first putt which will be stroke 5


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2020
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To the OP ...
I'm assuming the others posting above are correct in that the player saw his ball go our of bounds, so dropped a ball at the same spot from which shot 2 was played, then the player was playing under 'stroke & distance' - which is covered by rule 18 and in particular 18.2. Check out the R&A rules App - it's easy to use.

So, expanding on what Maninblack says,
Stroke 2 goes out of bounds
Drops a ball at same spot and plays stroke 3 onto the green
Adds a penalty stroke which is stroke 4
Then goes forward to make the first putt which will be stroke 5
Count is correct, but the rules re-order 3 and 4. Stroke 2 goes OOB, S&D requires that ball to be dropped again per 14.6 guidance and that ball is lying 3 when dropped into play correctly. Then the next shot is stroke 4, even though it is the 3rd 'talent' stroke.
I thought that the “drop it out and take 2 penalty shots” practice is only permissible if a local rule is in place to allow it. Otherwise it is back to the original position to retake the original shot with a one shot penalty under “stroke and distance”. Obviously no problem with dropping it out in a social game, but beware in a competition.
This MLR (E-5) has no relevance when the player plays again from the original location, even if it is posted (the OP says nothing about that). RB rulings are the player has taken S&D if the player intends to play again from the original place and does so, even if the player was not actually thinking "I'll take S&D".