Driving woes


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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From being a really good driver a few months ago I've now turned into a gibbering wreck on the tee.

Never know whats coming next, mixed of pulls, slices and occasionally a straight one :confused:

Had a lesson and identified the dreaded over the top swing.

Must work really hard to start the swing with my hips and was beginning to get the hang of it by the end.

first practice session today and again mixed bag of strikes.

Are the any useful vids I can look at the try and get the right swing back ?

Ideally something I can try in the garden between range session.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Look at videos from this guy. He explains clearly how to power thr golf swing and take the hands out of it:



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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From being a really good driver a few months ago I've now turned into a gibbering wreck on the tee.

Never know whats coming next, mixed of pulls, slices and occasionally a straight one :confused:

Had a lesson and identified the dreaded over the top swing.

Must work really hard to start the swing with my hips and was beginning to get the hang of it by the end.

first practice session today and again mixed bag of strikes.

Are the any useful vids I can look at the try and get the right swing back ?

Ideally something I can try in the garden between range session.

Did the Pro say anything about the OTT move, being any ways as a result of a takeaway that was a ways too much back inside around the legs some?

So when the hands around hip/waist height the club shaft points a little ways behind the legs so the backswing to top is a ways too flat which often results in the club/hands/arms & right shoulders first move being out towards the ball target line instead of first move from the ground up with the right shoulder arms/hands/club moving downwards towards the ground. Instead of taking the club back so the club head remains 'outside' the hands so at hip height the club shaft is parallel to the ball/target line & the ground & also the toe-line.

Although you do want the hips to move laterally some at transition, just a 'small bump' couple inches laterally left, what you have to guard against is a big hip slide left which can tend to also take the upper body left with if which you don't want that will cause you to be a good ways too steep into the ball as the body's (sternum) is a ways forwards too then you can't deliver any real club head speed. Or with a big lateral lower body slide you can also leave your upper body & head plus the arms & club a good ways too far behind so the arms & club gets 'stuck' behind.

If you find you can focus on the small lateral hip move left as the trigger & can get that to work then all good, sometimes folks find this difficult to do anywhere near consistently with the results as above.

Often easier to get is the feeling of pressure down first as the trigger into the ground under the lead foot which moves the knee left so thigh & hip left too, feeling it this way your less likely, I've found, to slide hip too much left, or slide hip & upper body together left, or as a reaction move the upper body head to the right & down some so then the club/arms get stuck behind you.

Analogy I've posted about before is when you get to the top in good shape, to then trigger transition & that small lateral hip move left feel first your lead foot "squeeze" some water out a an 'imagined sponge' under the foot.

Here's a drill to that but using a water bottle to get to feel that transition move which then gets the sequence of downswing timing in good order so everything doesn't move from the top out & over the swing plane.



Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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Pro says takeaway is good and I'm in pretty good position at the top (sometimes get a little long and across the line)
It just my swing starts with my shoulders rather than my hips.

Ok with the irons but struggle with the driver and sometimes the fairways.

I'll try and post a vid sometime.

Thanks for your help.
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