driving range sort of rant!!!


Tour Rookie
Nov 13, 2011
st austell, cornwall
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for the benafit of this post m = me and r= random guy

so i had an early tea and not got time for golf this weekend so thought i would treat my self to some range time. Arrived up range and its empty :D got whole place to my self.

Brought my balls and its a 10 range bay so went far end away from machine and the door. Been there about 10mins and i hear a car to arrive. Not a problem. This mid aged gent comes in buys his balls then proceeds up to the bay right behind me?? theres 9 other bays why not space out :mad:

anyway so after 1 more swing..
r= hello
me= hi
r= been here long
m= (thinking i got almost a full basket so guess) no just got here

i hit a few more... r= ooo that was a good flight m=thanks.
hit another couple and start slicing. r= i see you struggle with a slice. m= it comes and goes. r= im the opposite i have a hook sometimes just a nice gentle draw.

at this point im thinking go up the other end and leave me to it. and hit a couple more. r= what do you play off. m= 27. r= o i play off 17 have done for a few years kind of stuck only play once a week.
im then thinkin well if you practice more instead of speaking to random people you might get cut. Next i pull out the 3 wood and spank a few nice ones then top one. r= oh dear what happened then? m= i topped it badly! r= thought it didnt make that nice ting sound you had a moment ago thought u scooped it. me= no i topped it comes with playing off 27 *chuckle*
r= what 3 wood is that? m= benross quad. r= ooo its one of those posh white ones. m= hmmmm
anyway now hit my ping hybrid. shank 2 or 3 then hit a couple average ones. r= is that a ping? m= yes. r=what loft m=23. so i hit another one. r= my friend has got one horrible looking club isnt it. m=i quite like it just not this evening its not working.
(at this point im gettin rather annoyed with this random fell but trying to be polite)
another car pulls up i think thank god. this other guy comes in im mid swing and R shouts to him HELLO. needless to say i shanked it lol
ok time for some pitching. I get my wedge out and pitch at the 50 yrd marker. r= are you trying to hit it. m= no im trying to get close. r= very important part of the game isnt it the short game, anyway im out of balls enjoy the rest of your session.

Ok i know he was only being polite but please leave me to it, this experience went on for at least 30 minutes. we never met before you had no decent tips to give me so why not just say hello and go in a different bay up the other end!!! ive never even seen him before and it wasnt even the range of my club but its floodlit and open to visitors so i used it but from now on i think i might just only use the range up where i play as its all open practice fields and i can easily walk off and go and practice bunkers or something. im all up for people helping you with tips or pointers of somehting im doing glaring obviously wrong. But random guys like this i find more annoying then some bloke with his mrs up there and her going i cant do it and shrieking with joy when she hits it 15yds. (no offence to the female actual golfers)

sorry for the huge post :eek: just thought id share this experience with you all


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Id have said " Sorry mate, but I have limited time and I need to concentrate fully on my practise"

it is a social game, and I expect that he didnt realise that he was intruding

It takes all sorts to make a world, the problem is that they are out there and they breed!!!



Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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HaHa, I feel your pain. When I go to the range I want to go into a nice bubble, just me my sticks and some balls. I don't want to talk to anyone or think about anything other than golf. Call me moody or unsociable but that's just the way it is.


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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How frustrating you would of hoped 'r' would of gotthe message when seeing you up the far end of the range. Fair enough if your in the middle or by the machine and you encourage talk but when you want some quality time on your own, arrgh!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm another who prefers to be left alone to work on the drills or swing thoughts I'm trying to get right. I don't cvare what you play off, how good my swing looks to your untrained I (I know its still crap) and what club you are using. Unfortunately I am not as patient as the OP and would have said something early on and eventually stuck a range ball into an unplayablel lie


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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No poke at the OP :) but r was a middle-aged guy so may have been any or all of the following:

a) lonely
b) retired
c) unemployed
d) widowed
e) Have had a bad day and wanted to chew the fat.

Hardly the worst crime in the world to instigate a bit of chat if he'd not had much company that day.. It's a public driving range not the practice ground at a European Tour Event.

Not a dig at anyone who has posted on this thread, but I sort of wish people generally had more time for each other in this world.

EDIT: forgot to say your OP is very amusingly written Connor... like a golf version of Willy Russell ;)


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Big moody looking bloke works for me ;)

You are one, or are you looking for one?

Me,? Head phones and iPod, only way to go. Can't hear a thing. I used to use a range where twenty odd teen aged girls had a group lesson, shrieking and shouting. They enjoyed it, and I just ignored them. Well, apart form some letching, obviously.