Driver and ball position: do I just have an odd swing?

Apr 30, 2012
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I have been playing on and off for a few years, I have never really got to a stage where I was any good, and just play for fun. My main problem is I have never been able to use a driver. Well, I played 9 holes last week and decided to give my driver a go on a par 5, no luck. So I thought I would spend some time on the driving range, read a load of articles and watched loads of videos on the subject, went to the range, still no luck. But I am persistent and went again today and after a few awful shots I thought I would try a different ball position. All the articles/videos say that for a driver, the ball should be just inside the left heel for a right hander, so I thought I would try just inside the right heel! From them on, 4/5 shots went straightish and about 150ish yards, probably sounds bad but for me thats amazing! So whats wrong with me? Do I just have a really random swing or am I doing something very wrong?


Nov 16, 2011
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Could you elaborate?

It may be wrong but I'd rather hit it 150 yards wrong than 15 yards right!

Does seem rather short, so unless you are either approaching 85 or 8, you should be getting it out much further than that - even in 'tentative' mode.

Perhaps you should elaborate too. How far do you hit a 7-iron? Do you hit other woods? How far?


Jul 10, 2011
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I thought I would try just inside the right heel! From them on, 4/5 shots went straightish and about 150ish yards, probably sounds bad but for me thats amazing! So whats wrong with me? Do I just have a really random swing or am I doing something very wrong?

If your hitting the ball from that position, then you have a very weird swing indeed.
So much so that no amount of words or advise on here will be of any use to you at all.
Save yourself a whole lot of stress & time & get some lessons.
Also look at the slow mo swings on U-Tube.
Apr 30, 2012
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Im not 100% sure how far I hit with a 7 iron, maybe 120ish yards. I can't use other woods either. I'm not 85 or 8, I know it's not far but to go from nothing to 150 yards in one day seems pretty good to me. I would hope with practise I will improve.

I will consider some lessons then, see if that helps me.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If you look at all good golfers or even reasonable golfers, they all play the ball well forward in their feet.
If you've tried that and it hasn't helped, it sounds as if your weight is too far back towards your right foot at impact. Try and finish up with your weight on your left side up on your right toe
Apr 30, 2012
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I did what you suggested bobmac, and it didnt go as bad as I thought. I was not hitting it as consistently as I was with the ball further back but it was better than I had done before. Most of the shots did go straight, but very few of them actually got any height or much further than 150/175ish yards. I am not really worried about the consitency as I would hope this would come with practice, but how I can I get some height and length into my drive?