Drills to stay on plane?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
t.b.h. my theory is that the plane is slightly less inclined on the way down so the sticks are kind of "in the way". That also ties in with my pro's theory that an explanar is OK for backswing but dodgy for full swings. He's so anti it that he won't even let me use it.
I agree........ I wouldn't let you near one either :D..... you just can't be trusted with anything!

Issue with the explanar is that MOST people don't turn properly when using it as they are letting the club 'ride down' on plane during the downswing.

This device is far better (looks a bit ricketty though)......

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Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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videod myself today.....OMG:eek: my swing comes in around and under my shaft plane then over the top of it on the downswing, no-wonder I J Arthur and top, thin, push and pull (some long straight ones to as 2 wrongs sometimes do make a right), that was a nasty and depressing wake up call, but the camera doesnt lie

might try this swingyde thinghy but does it make you stay square on the takeaway?

Ditto. Been working on my swing for months. Videoed my PW and was looking very tidy, but not perfect. Full of confidence I recorded ny driver.. Jeez...it's got worse. :eek:. Need help with the bigger bats in the bag. May try this Gyde thingy.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Sticks are sticks, don't think too much about them. If you can trace the ball to target line then you MUST be on plane.


Nov 16, 2011
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Ohh...I'm just watching this one too....


at 1m:45s - he's doing an impression of my bad swing. :(

While there are advantages to being relatively 'on-plane', I believe that the requirement to be on-plane is greatly over-stressed.

In the above vid, for example, the guy says he set the alignment sticks up on his address line, but then drops his hands so is under plane. He talks (well drones) about the 'half-way back position', then says 'parallel or just above'. So to me that's killed any argument about 'on-plane' works, off plane does not compute!

And the guy in Brian's vid lost my belief with his first sentence which was 'if you want to hit the ball straight, you need to swing on the swing plane'! Utter tosh imo!

Having said all that, wandering randomly above and/or under plane does make it difficult to be consistent - but I see that more as evidence than cause.

Personally, 'tempo, timing and tension' seem much more important than any particular flavour of swing-plane mechanics.

BTW. Swingyde is quite a good tool - but mainly for wrist-cock imo.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Try tracing the ball target line as I explained earlier.

At a lesson once, I was given a drill to try to help with this.

Stick a tee in the ground (or an object on the floor - another ball etc) about 4' behind the real ball on a direct line back from your target.

Address the ball as normal, but then take the club back so that the club head 'covers' the object on the target line behind your ball, until the club is parallel to the ground then stop.
Make sure the club hasn't been brought back inside the line. To me it felt like I was really holding the club far too far away from me but the pro confirmed it was good.

From there you just turn to complete your backswing then hit the ball.

For extreme case (like wot I woz :eek:) I was told to feel like the club goes around a balloon at the top of the swing to make sure I came down inside the line I went up on.