Do you use the line on your ball?


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Hmm, I’m not following this.

Yes pick clean & place on the fairway can only be done once [I think], but if your marker is still in place, I’m sure you could still adjust the ball again, but not wholly sure.

Mark the position. Clean. Replace. Then cannot touch the bal again

However, on the green as long as your ball marker is still in place, what’s the difference between winter & summer, you can adjust the ball as many times as you want, can’t you?

Mark it, clean it, replace it. Repeat as often as you like, fill your boots


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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You said “eg The allowable winter rules states "the ball may be lifted once and once placed it is in play"

I can only assume you mean on the green, and if he put his marker down, positioned his ball whilst the marker is still in place, which everyone does, then he can keep adjusting the ball as many times as he likes, standing up, lifting the ball again as some do, and once he’s happy he then removes his marker and the balls in play. You’ve made no reference or expanded on the situation, other than to say, he can’t lift it or place it twice, which technically he can as long as the marker has never been lifted.

I thought it was reasonable clear that I meant on the fairway by my reference to winter rules. The rules for the green are no different between summer and winter.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I did put the line in the approximate direction of the hole. Didn't really make any difference and I now put the ball down so I don't see anything other than the dimples. Do my read, pick a spot and putt


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Nope, After cleaning the ball on the greenm I replaceit with as much of a blank side of the ball facing me as possible.

I think those that have lines on their balls are one of the major contributing factors to slow play. Mark the ball clean it, find a line, replace the ball, few steps back check alignment, squat, move ball a barely noticeable amount, step back, check alignment, repeat process, once possible twice more, remove marker, change mind, replace marker, go through whole process again.

Okay that maybe slighlty exagerated, but the prinicple remains, up and down 2 or 3 times before actually hitting the ball.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Nope, After cleaning the ball on the greenm I replaceit with as much of a blank side of the ball facing me as possible.

I think those that have lines on their balls are one of the major contributing factors to slow play. Mark the ball clean it, find a line, replace the ball, few steps back check alignment, squat, move ball a barely noticeable amount, step back, check alignment, repeat process, once possible twice more, remove marker, change mind, replace marker, go through whole process again.

Okay that maybe slighlty exagerated, but the prinicple remains, up and down 2 or 3 times before actually hitting the ball.

You just play with slow people.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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You just play with slow people.

Mine is pick a line, by viewing from low side and low end. Pick a spot about 3 feet in front of the ball on that line.

Line ball up to mark 3 feet in front. Two practice swishes looking at the hole.

Line up using the ball line and fire.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Played the medal today, 30 putts. If I thought a line would help, tried it, I would put it in play. However, to get that line spot on takes a few goes and eventually I got bored of it and besides it was doing nothing for me but slow the whole game down.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Mine is pick a line, by viewing from low side and low end. Pick a spot about 3 feet in front of the ball on that line.

Line ball up to mark 3 feet in front. Two practice swishes looking at the hole.

Line up using the ball line and fire.

I approach the green, mark ball, walk halfway, get a reading, place ball down and then wait my turn. I’ll have a practice putt while others balls are rolling.

Using the aid on the ball isn’t slow as others think. It’s how you maximise the time when your not doing anything so your ready.

Preparing your shot and practice putting/swinging while others are playing theirs. As players move around the course it should be a harmonious affair. You can almost take as long as you want if golfers maximise their time. Those 4 hour fourball rounds can turn into 3 and a half.... and you’ve used your alignment line on the green, aimpoint fingered every hole and had time for a pint before the missis goes spare.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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As players move around the course it should be a harmonious affair. You can almost take as long as you want if golfers maximise their time.

Beautifully put👍

That's exactly it

It's the players who won't do anything (get a yardage, read the wind, have a practice swing, read the green, line the ball up etc etc ) until it's 'their turn' who give everyone a bad name. If you can do those things 'harmoniously' it won't, un my experience, cause any delay whatsover.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I’m sorry my post confused you, I will aim to more clearly explain my points in the future. If you wish for clarification I am happy to addrsss any specifics.

Apologies, didn't mean to sound snarkey 👍

Think I've spent too long in the Aimpoint thread :(


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Nope, After cleaning the ball on the greenm I replaceit with as much of a blank side of the ball facing me as possible.

I think those that have lines on their balls are one of the major contributing factors to slow play. Mark the ball clean it, find a line, replace the ball, few steps back check alignment, squat, move ball a barely noticeable amount, step back, check alignment, repeat process, once possible twice more, remove marker, change mind, replace marker, go through whole process again.

Okay that maybe slighlty exagerated, but the prinicple remains, up and down 2 or 3 times before actually hitting the ball.

and that's after Ive spent 1 min feeling slope with my feet and deciding is it 2 or 3% and a further 30 secs alternating between the 2 or 3 fingers. 👍


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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I always line up to a spot/mark a couple of feet or so away, if you can't line up your ball line to that then there is something seriously wrong with your eyesight. It should never needed multiple adjustments and that person must have a dozen other things that slow their game down .

Personally I've never seen anyone adjust their ball once they have put it down on the green, I'm either lucky to not play with these people or its another myth of the game.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
I have no 3D vision and for me the line is a life saver. I can work with piciking a spot in front of the ball (which is what I do for my chips and my full shots), but on the green, especially when they are really good greens, I find it difficult to find a spot which is distintive enough. Without lining the ball up, I pick a spot, set up to the ball, am uncertain if the spot I am looking at is really the one I picked, step out of the shot once more, look at the line from behind the ball, pick a spot, set up, get uncertain ... you get the idea. I promise you, lining the ball up is a lot quicker for me ;)


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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I do but only as a guide. I agree people can obsess over it when pace is far more important.

I pick a line, line up with the line (which takes a second or two) and then from that point i know line is set and I can focus on length control.

I think that’s the most important part of putting, setting line first so your mind can focus on pace and pace alone.

I have started to do so recently - was missing too many putts right.

It has helped.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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I used too, but then when i didn't stroke the ball to where I thought I was I wondered if it was because I had lined up incorrectly or because I put a dodge stroke on it.

So now I replace my ball with no writing or graphics showing and just use my club head and the line on the putter to line up. Find I get a lot more on my target line now. All that leaves me to worry about is pace.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I think one of the key takes from this thread is that whichever method you use - be decisive. No second guessing or doubting.