Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Post here and leave the other thread to be "how is it affecting you". It used to be my go to thread each day as it was informative and potentially a place for those having a bad day to say
"I'm struggling today".

Now it's the brexit thread by another name.

So feel free to discuss PPE and who's right and wrong to your heart's content BELOW - please...pretty please.

Deleted member 15344

Well i have just read through this thread on twitter where is shows the whole article from the Sunday Times

Trump maybe an incompetent leader in the public domain but if this ST article is telling the truth then our leader is showing the same level of incompetence but hidden behind the scenes

It could be argued that the lack of action could be criminal to the point that lives were lost because of their actions or indeed lack of actions. New Zealand appeared to act immediately and just look at their figures

This was Boris Johnson first real test of leadership and for me he has so far been found wanting in fact he has failed to lead our country. He was desperate to be in charge to the point he lied and cheated his way to the top. I have impressed by the chancellor but our PM has let us down - and it’s the point where it’s making me think about his scare with the virus and how bad it was

Norrin Radd

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Aug 6, 2015
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Well there you go first post on this thread and it's a socialists let's kick Boris cos some other country a million miles away did it differently . Nothing to do with the fact that if you want to talk to your neighbour in that country you probably have to drive fifty bloody Mike's to to get within earshot
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Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Well there you go first post on this thread and it's a socialists let's kick Boris cos some other country a million miles away did it differently . Nothing to do with the fact that if you want to talk to your neighbour in that country you probably have to drive fifty bloody Mike's to to get within earshot
And this is why political threads are pointless. Phil posts a lengthy opinion, backed by evidence. And the immediate response is to attack.

Debate the opinion or attack the poster. Too much of the latter, and not enough of the former.
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Deleted member 15344

Well there you go first post on this thread and it's a socialists let's kick Boris cos some other country a million miles away did it differently . Nothing to do with the fact that if you want to talk to your neighbour in that country you probably have to drive fifty bloody Mike's to to get within Earshot
And there is the first post from someone “attacking” another poster just because you don’t agree with their opinion

It two posts for someone to make it personal

How about you try and debate the actual points being made and not the poster
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Well there you go first post on this thread and it's a socialists let's kick Boris cos some other country a million miles away did it differently . Nothing to do with the fact that if you want to talk to your neighbour in that country you probably have to drive fifty bloody Mike's to to get within earshot
And did you see who wrote the article 'Owen Jones' the most extreme left wing Tory hating journalist in the land
Very unbiased.
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Norrin Radd

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Aug 6, 2015
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The evidence is hardly fact based , it's a snipe at Boris fullstop. NZ is sparsley populated to compared tous and as such the spread of a virus would be far far less than a more densly populated country
It's not rocket science and
digging at Boris isn't going to change things
I have no political bent although I did vote Tory last time around (the opposition wasn't worth considering )
But does anyone really thi nk Boris could have done it differently , at the time of the lockdown people were bitching about him doing it too soon

Deleted member 16999

Awful idea of a thread this, sorry Amanda it needs deleting, personal attack and straight downhill from the off.
The main thread really hasn’t been that Political, 99% have behaved and supported the Government, this thread will drive division and spill back on to the other thread.

Locked or binned for me!


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Awful idea of a thread this, sorry Amanda it needs deleting, personal attack and straight downhill from the off.
The main thread really hasn’t been that Political, 99% have behaved and supported the Government, this thread will drive division and spill back on to the other thread.

Locked or binned for me!

I too have been looking for an "ignore this thread" button.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Crikey, that didn’t take long :ROFLMAO:

FWIW I read the article and it’s no different to some of the pro / anti government articles that have been published countless times across the last month or so.

I’m not sure how they help at this point in time. Most, including this, are relatively shallow examinations of timelines to paint a narrative. Would much prefer a forensic review with evidence and facts (ever the optimist).


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I too have been looking for an "ignore this thread" button.
To be fair, the idea was good. The first post was challenging but was also the biggest story doing the rounds today so needed posting. Then it went downhill when people who clearly hadn’t read the article started attacking it and the poster. A sad (but wholly expected) indictment of this forum currently.

I think I’ll also excuse myself from it now...


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Crikey, that didn’t take long :ROFLMAO:

FWIW I read the article and it’s no different to some of the pro / anti government articles that have been published countless times across the last month or so.

I’m not sure how they help at this point in time. Most, including this, are relatively shallow examinations of timelines to paint a narrative. Would much prefer a forensic review with evidence and facts (ever the optimist).
To be fair, the article itself isn’t really the story. It’s the newspaper that’s carrying it.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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To be fair, the article itself isn’t really the story. It’s the newspaper that’s carrying it.
I get that, and thought the same.

But there is a lot of content assimilation doing the rounds at the moment, possibly because there is only really one story in town.


Sep 11, 2011
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I think its a great idea to post up a thread like this for those that feel the need to link the issues politically. There's merit in that. Some people want to deal with the mechanics of fighting COVID, and that's fine too. We all get to choose which threads we read and contribute to.

The ST article is relevant to this discussion, irrespective of whether you agree with it. Well posted Phil!

Deleted member 18588

There's no doubt that the Government and its advisers will be found to have made errors in their handling of the crisis.

However, having read the ST article I think there is too much of a danger of reaching a conclusion based upon not enough evidence at this stage.

Throughout the media have been quick to seize upon opinions and theories offered by those with a different view to that of the Govt. Understandable as, in their eyes at least, it makes for a good headline

This latest article is no different with much of its content attributed to unnamed sources and of the remainder much comes from those with a previously expressed difference of opinion to the Govt's advisers.

But a wonderful opportunity for the likes of Owen Jones to snipe.

Once the country emerges from this then and only then there should be an independent enquiry into the handling and all those giving evidence should be fully assured of immunity and protection from any action.

That is when questions should be asked, not now when all efforts should be focused on the present and dealing with the virus.

Deleted member 15344

The evidence is hardly fact based , it's a snipe at Boris fullstop. NZ is sparsley populated to compared tous and as such the spread of a virus would be far far less than a more densly populated country
It's not rocket science and
digging at Boris isn't going to change things
I have no political bent although I did vote Tory last time around (the opposition wasn't worth considering )
But does anyone really thi nk Boris could have done it differently , at the time of the lockdown people were bitching about him doing it too soon

I think what it shows is you haven’t read the Sunday Times article of which have the facts that people are referring to and you instead just looked at what I posted. The article clearly states about Boris being missing from many important cobra meetings , members of his cabinet attempting to downplay the whole issue

Many I should use South Korea as an example ? Either way some countries acted quicker and understood the threat straight away and didn’t attempt to downplay it or come up with ideas like “herd community” - remember it was our leader on a sofa saying we should “take it on the chin” “ let it spread through us “ etc

In this time of crisis the country has needed a strong leader - from evidence I don’t believe we have had one and indeed maybe others within the cabinet have stepped up and shown themselves to be stronger

It’s just an opinion but I hope when this finishes there will be a full enquiry and timeline to see if someone could have been done a lot earlier to restrict the number of people who have died - I suspect there could have been
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