Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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As you know, like you I am a political person and you won’t be surprised to learn I have an opinion on this. However, even though I enjoyed our political debates, as I am following the rules and indeed understand the reasoning behind making the rule, I won’t discuss them on this thread. This is of course unlike others who have politicised a thread because they just can’t help themselves.
Agreeing or not to providing children of the poorest with free food is not political - it is a matter of social conscience and what a civilised society should consider as core. Not expressing an opinion on the grounds of this being political seems poor and simply evasive.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Agreeing or not to providing children of the poorest with free food is not political - it is a matter of social conscience and what a civilised society should consider as core. Not expressing an opinion on the grounds of this being political seems poor and simply evasive.
I think you are going to have some difficulty with the new rules.
Everyone believes children should be fed. Whether that is the parents responsibility or the governments is political. Whether the benefit system is already providing for this is political. How any benefit from the government is delivered is political. Etc etc.
My stance is not poor or evasive. It’s following the rules. Mods have already indicated more than once this thread has strayed into the political.
Perhaps you should consider following the rules yourself rather than goading others to break them? Just a suggestion.

Deleted member 16999

I think you are going to have some difficulty with the new rules.
Everyone believes children should be fed. Whether that is the parents responsibility or the governments is political. Whether the benefit system is already providing for this is political. How any benefit from the government is delivered is political. Etc etc.
My stance is not poor or evasive. It’s following the rules. Mods have already indicated more than once this thread has strayed into the political.
Perhaps you should consider following the rules yourself rather than goading others to break them? Just a suggestion.
He isn’t goading anyone! Mods have a difficult enough job without people over reacting or exaggerating.

Most threads on here drift off subject at times before getting back on track whether that be through mod intervention or whatever.

We all understand Political discussion is banned and if you think someone is crossing the line then report it.

Shocking how since the ban came in some posters only contribution to the thread has been to question others motives and has had nothing to do with the thread title, double standards perhaps?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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When I was at school, my parents used to pay for 5 meal tickets, one per day.
Those who were less well off got their tickets free of charge.
I then exchanged one ticket per day for lunch.
Is this what still happens today?

Deleted member 18588

He isn’t goading anyone! Mods have a difficult enough job without people over reacting or exaggerating.

Most threads on here drift off subject at times before getting back on track whether that be through mod intervention or whatever.

We all understand Political discussion is banned and if you think someone is crossing the line then report it.

Shocking how since the ban came in some posters only contribution to the thread has been to question others motives and has had nothing to do with the thread title, double standards perhaps?

But this particular thread has long since drifted off from its original point as defined by its title.

As I understand it it was the intention of the OP that there should be somewhere for members to discuss their personal experiences with the virus. There was a separate thread for discussion on the Government's handling of the situation.

However, following GM Towers edict on threads of a political nature that second thread was closed.

The result has been that this thread has drifted ever further from the OP's intention and I admit to having been guilty myself in the past of taking the thread "off topic".

After all how many of us are personally affected by the provision of free meals for underprivileged children. In itself that issue is, after all, not specifically related to the coronavirus.

It is, however, a subject well worthy of our attention and how it should be resolved.

But the honest way for us to do that would be by a separate thread devoted entirely to the subject.

Deleted member 16999

But this particular thread has long since drifted off from its original point as defined by its title.

As I understand it it was the intention of the OP that there should be somewhere for members to discuss their personal experiences with the virus. There was a separate thread for discussion on the Government's handling of the situation.

However, following GM Towers edict on threads of a political nature that second thread was closed.

The result has been that this thread has drifted ever further from the OP's intention and I admit to having been guilty myself in the past of taking the thread "off topic".

After all how many of us are personally affected by the provision of free meals for underprivileged children. In itself that issue is, after all, not specifically related to the coronavirus.

It is, however, a subject well worthy of our attention and how it should be resolved.

But the honest way for us to do that would be by a separate thread devoted entirely to the subject.
It is for some of us though mate, I’ve become more involved with the local foodbank during this crisis, if it wasn’t for the crisis I don’t believe I would of.

Look at the mental health side of it, if someone comes on here and says outright how they are struggling people rally round and rightly so.

Maybe, just maybe, some of what is being posted or took off track is the posters way of coping with life at the moment, so instead of that being considered they are jumped on rather than us being more tolerant, after all due to the ban on politics this thread has evolved in to one stop shop.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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He isn’t goading anyone! Mods have a difficult enough job without people over reacting or exaggerating.

Most threads on here drift off subject at times before getting back on track whether that be through mod intervention or whatever.

We all understand Political discussion is banned and if you think someone is crossing the line then report it.

Shocking how since the ban came in some posters only contribution to the thread has been to question others motives and has had nothing to do with the thread title, double standards perhaps?
Despite me saying on at least two occasions that I was declining to comment simply because we have been asked not to enter into political discussion, he has requested my opinion and indeed told me I was being evasive and “poor”. So he is goading me.
I have no need to report it (not that I would anyway), the mods have already asked us not to politicise this thread, so they are clearly aware.
If you think it is shocking that some are pointing out where they believe a thread had crossed the line then all I can say is you are easily shocked.
As I have already said, I would love to debate political stuff. I enjoyed it when it was permitted and I never held a grudge against anyone with a different view. Quite the opposite. However, just as in golf, you can’t change the rules and you can’t choose which rules you obey. And that goes for you, me, Hogie and everyone. So no double standards from me.

Deleted member 16999

Despite me saying on at least two occasions that I was declining to comment simply because we have been asked not to enter into political discussion, he has requested my opinion and indeed told me I was being evasive and “poor”. So he is goading me.
I have no need to report it (not that I would anyway), the mods have already asked us not to politicise this thread, so they are clearly aware.
If you think it is shocking that some are pointing out where they believe a thread had crossed the line then all I can say is you are easily shocked.
As I have already said, I would love to debate political stuff. I enjoyed it when it was permitted and I never held a grudge against anyone with a different view. Quite the opposite. However, just as in golf, you can’t change the rules and you can’t choose which rules you obey. And that goes for you, me, Hogie and everyone. So no double standards from me.
You declined to comment by answering him directly, therefore encouraging him, surely the easiest way is not to engage and report him for goading and politicising the thread.

Reporting actually helps the mods, it doesn’t make you some sort of underworld snitch who may need to go in to witness protection.;)

Deleted member 18588

It is for some of us though mate, I’ve become more involved with the local foodbank during this crisis, if it wasn’t for the crisis I don’t believe I would of.

Look at the mental health side of it, if someone comes on here and says outright how they are struggling people rally round and rightly so.

Maybe, just maybe, some of what is being posted or took off track is the posters way of coping with life at the moment, so instead of that being considered they are jumped on rather than us being more tolerant, after all due to the ban on politics this thread has evolved in to one stop shop.

I realise that some have more personal experience, my own son is a primary school teacher and some of what he can relate is truly heart rending, and certainly agree that there should be a platform for our thoughts and concerns.

But if the powers that be have decided that "political" discussion is outlawed then perhaps a separate thread should be started for this subject.

Then having established that there is clearly a problem and one that will continue long after the pandemic members can offer their ideas on how we, as a society, can address that problem.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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You declined to comment by answering him directly, therefore encouraging him, surely the easiest way is not to engage and report him for goading and politicising the thread.

Reporting actually helps the mods, it doesn’t make you some sort of underworld snitch who may need to go in to witness protection.;)
So I was goading him to goad me. ???.

Thanks for the advice on reporting.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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I realise that some have more personal experience, my own son is a primary school teacher and some of what he can relate is truly heart rending, and certainly agree that there should be a platform for our thoughts and concerns.

But if the powers that be have decided that "political" discussion is outlawed then perhaps a separate thread should be started for this subject.

Then having established that there is clearly a problem and one that will continue long after the pandemic members can offer their ideas on how we, as a society, can address that problem.
Mrs Sweep is a primary school teacher and I can identify with your comment about some situations being truly heart rending.
Much of this though bears no relation to coronavirus and it’s hard to see how such a discussion can be held without becoming political. I hope we can though.

Deleted member 16999

So I was goading him to goad me. ???.

Thanks for the advice on reporting.
Here’s an issue in yourself you might wish to consider! At no time did I say you were goading him, I said encouraging, ie, entering in to a debate/conversation with him, to which he will respond.

Twist it however you like.

Deleted member 16999

I realise that some have more personal experience, my own son is a primary school teacher and some of what he can relate is truly heart rending, and certainly agree that there should be a platform for our thoughts and concerns.

But if the powers that be have decided that "political" discussion is outlawed then perhaps a separate thread should be started for this subject.

Then having established that there is clearly a problem and one that will continue long after the pandemic members can offer their ideas on how we, as a society, can address that problem.
I’d agree and I’d like to see it happen, unfortunstely I think there would be zero chance of it lasting on here, too many would play the poster and not the post.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Here’s an issue in yourself you might wish to consider! At no time did I say you were goading him, I said encouraging, ie, entering in to a debate/conversation with him, to which he will respond.

Twist it however you like.
So I “encouraged” him to “encourage” me. ??? Twist the language however you like.
Here is an issue in yourself you may wish to consider. Hogie is big enough to fight his own battles.
Better still, how about we just get back on the topic of how the pandemic has affected you? Which was my point in the first place.

Deleted member 16999

So I “encouraged” him to “encourage” me. ??? Twist the language however you like.
Here is an issue in yourself you may wish to consider. Hogie is big enough to fight his own battles.
Better still, how about we just get back on the topic of how the pandemic has affected you? Which was my point in the first place.
It’s not about anyone being big enough to fight their own battles, it’s the calling out of the constant form of “attack” by posters on here everytime silh posts, same people respond to him and then the same people “like” those responses to him, it verges on bullying at times and goes back to my point on mental health.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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