Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Why are people shocked we are looking at a 2nd lockdown, we were warned about a 2nd spike in the autumn last April, we were warned about coming out of lockdown to quick.

Better a 2nd lockdown and a further 12 months for the economy to recover than losing thousands of more lives that could be saved if we do nothing.

But what about the 3rd lockdown and then a possible 4th in spring? How many businesses will survive that? The chancellor will have to offer more financial support but a lot of us received nothing from him during the first lockdown and will probably get nothing in the next.

Deleted member 16999

But what about the 3rd lockdown and then a possible 4th in spring? How many businesses will survive that? The chancellor will have to offer more financial support but a lot of us received nothing from him during the first lockdown and will probably get nothing in the next.
I haven’t seen anyone in Government or working with the Government mention or make statements about a 3rd or 4th lockdown as they did about the 2nd lockdown?

They are in positions of responsibility with, hopefully, all the latest information to hand, they have to make these hard calls and if a 3rd or 4th lockdown is muted then again, they must bare responsibility.


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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I haven’t seen anyone in Government or working with the Government mention or make statements about a 3rd or 4th lockdown as they did about the 2nd lockdown?

They are in positions of responsibility with, hopefully, all the latest information to hand, they have to make these hard calls and if a 3rd or 4th lockdown is muted then again, they must bare responsibility.
Know you were likely meaning UK, but there has been some talk

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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The UK Government has this evening (31 October) announced a one-month lockdown of England, starting at midnight on Thursday 5 November and running until 2 December.

These new measures will see the closure of pubs, restaurants and non-essential retail.

People can continue to exercise for unlimited periods outdoors, either with people from their own households or on a one-to-one basis with one person from another household.

England Golf is working with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf to study the detail, and to establish the exact restrictions on golf clubs and their facilities as the information becomes available.

We will communicate definitive guidance once received from government.

Please continue to consult our social media channels and the England Golf website for all updates via our dedicated coronavirus news pages. This includes our FAQs document which will be reviewed and refreshed at the earliest opportunity.

Our best wishes to you and your families. Please stay safe and well.

Jeremy Tomlinson, England Golf CEO


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We had no ICU Covid patients as of yesterday so at the moment we are ahead of the curve, for now. Had a whatsapp to attend a 9.00am briefing on Monday to discuss our plans for the next month so assuming we are looking for the longer term picture and expected increases again. We started the last wave really slowly and it seemed to hit in one tsunami and we went from zero to 40 cases in a matter of days. Hopefully we'll have learned the lessons from last time. My biggest immediate fear is the number of staff we have either positive or self-isolating so lets see what Monday brings.

Some tough times ahead for everybody and I simply hope we all stay safe (and our loved ones)


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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But what about the 3rd lockdown and then a possible 4th in spring? How many businesses will survive that? The chancellor will have to offer more financial support but a lot of us received nothing from him during the first lockdown and will probably get nothing in the next.
The Furlough scheme was probably the most generous in the World and was extended to the self employed.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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Next year there may be a cure or a help with medication. Maybe it will be good, maybe less so. The damage that this virus has done to the country is now, in my opinion, far outweighing trying to protect us against covid. The build up of deaths from undiagnised cancers and other diseases will only become aparant over the next two or three years. Many of the covid deaths would have happenened anyway. It is all getting far beyond the twilight zone. I think we need a much more counter-policy decision and look to Sweden and have the courage to put resources round the vulnerable and let the rest of society get on with life as near normal. £150-200bn or so cost so far and the legacy this does to the next generation is a price too high to pay.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Next year there may be a cure or a help with medication. Maybe it will be good, maybe less so. The damage that this virus has done to the country is now, in my opinion, far outweighing trying to protect us against covid. The build up of deaths from undiagnised cancers and other diseases will only become aparant over the next two or three years. Many of the covid deaths would have happenened anyway. It is all getting far beyond the twilight zone. I think we need a much more counter-policy decision and look to Sweden and have the courage to put resources round the vulnerable and let the rest of society get on with life as near normal. £150-200bn or so cost so far and the legacy this does to the next generation is a price too high to pay.
I think the World as a whole needs to stop trying to do things country by country, company by company and accept that now is the time the World as a whole worked together for the first time to try and beat this virus.
Trying to be the gold medallists in the race to beat CC19 is just slowing us all up and prolonging the fight.

Deleted member 16999

I have to be careful here and happy to send the link to anybody interested, but I believe it is in the Sunday Times tomorrow, this week the Chair of UK’s Vaccine Task Force gave
“official sensitive” government documents to a $200-a-head event for elite US venture capitalists last week

Kate Bingham, showed guests a list of products which the government is set to invest in.

In her talk she said she expects all over-50s to have vaccine available by Easter

Now, I am not making a political statement here, but surely this information shouldn’t be getting shared with US Venture Capitalists, surely, We, the British Public, should be informed.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I’m relieved they’re finally grasping the nettle and doing something although I fear it’s still not enough.

300+ people a day are dying at the moment. I’m appalled at the callousness of people who want to turn a blind eye and let that number increase.

Completely agree with you. There seem to be so many people on social media saying that restrictions/lockdown aren't needed as the fatality rate for the virus is "only" around 1%. That doesn't sound too bad until you realise that there are approx 70 million people in the UK. They seem to be happy with the fact that there would be around 700k deaths from the virus if it was left unchecked.

EDIT - maybe happy isn't the right word in the last sentence but following their logic an acceptance of 700k deaths.

Deleted member 16999

Completely agree with you. There seem to be so many people on social media saying that restrictions/lockdown aren't needed as the fatality rate for the virus is "only" around 1%. That doesn't sound too bad until you realise that there are approx 70 million people in the UK. They seem to be happy with the fact that there would be around 700k deaths from the virus if it was left unchecked.

EDIT - maybe happy isn't the right word in the last sentence but following their logic an acceptance of 700k deaths.
Sadly they seem to be putting money before life.


Aug 5, 2018
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Sadly they seem to be putting money before life.
In the society we live in though, money is life... If you lose your job and so don't have money, you won't have a roof over your head, food on the table, etc.

It does sound callous to talk in those terms I admit, but at what point does saving lives today, cost us many more in the long run?

I don't have the answers, and I'm not sure anyone has. Rock and a hard place for everyone.

Deleted member 16999

In the society we live in though, money is life... If you lose your job and so don't have money, you won't have a roof over your head, food on the table, etc.

It does sound callous to talk in those terms I admit, but at what point does saving lives today, cost us many more in the long run?

I don't have the answers, and I'm not sure anyone has. Rock and a hard place for everyone.
Not heard of the abused and out of dated benefit system? Sort of makes your first paragraph pointless.

I do however, agree there is a line and a balance point, but to me that is not with a virus we know very little about, not the diseases/illness’s we deal with on a daily basis, make this one a financial decision, which one next? Depression? Cancer? Heart disease etc

Deleted member 16999

Why the condescending first line? I'm well aware of the benefit system, which really doesn't help everyone, particularly the many thousand of homeless people in the UK. Do you think all of them live on the streets for fun?

Jeez, what is it with this forum - everything is black and white on any subject :ROFLMAO:
It’s not meant to be condescending and I apologise if you read it that way, but we are talking about life and death and read your post as you being black and white that everybody suffering your first paragraph is left for dead or dies due to what you described.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Me and my Mrs got a bit worried watching the briefing as it looking like Boris was going to be on the end I hope that last night is as close as he gets...the thought of him doing the Charleston or a Cha-cha-cha...?? Phew...