Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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In the news today that Taiwan have reached 200 days with no positive cases in the community (we’re behind them having just reached 186 days)
There’s nothing to gloat about looking at the global numbers & in particular the numbers in the UK, but in hindsight I am thankful for the severe measures put in place in those early weeks

Not sure it would work a second time round


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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I understand that the Rule of 6 continues to apply.

The reference to the number 30 was in respect of the total capacity of a specific dining room.

don't think so -

'Indoor working lunches of up to 30 people could be exempt from tier two restrictions, as potential loophole has emerged. People living in high risk and very high risk areas, such as London, Greater Manchester, York and Liverpool, are banned from mixing with other households in any indoor setting. The rule applies to pubs and restaurants, as well as homes. Groups of six from different households are still allowed to meet outdoors but gatherings of larger groups is illegal. However, Downing Street and local authorities last night suggested the rules can be bent if the meetings are for ‘work purposes’. Visit our live blog for the latest updates Coronavirus news live According to Government guidance, up to 30 workers from different households can meet in restaurants and pubs as long as they are Covid-secure.'

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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Could equally be posted under 'Things that gladden the heart'...

My lad called this morning clutching a straw that's been dangled in front of him this morning. One of the artists he's worked with in the past is trying to put together a 'Covid-compliant' series of gigs in December - and the tour management company has asked my lad if he wants to be part of trying to sort it and make it happen. Of course he does - but he is pragmatic and is keeping his expectations low. In truth - I don't expect it to happen and neither really does he...but it's positive that artists are thinking about how they might put on live music whilst living with the virus... and of course it's positive that the tour management company has come to him...

So it was a nice (for a change) call to get and it made my Mrs smile - a little...

He still needs a job mind...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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don't think so -

'Indoor working lunches of up to 30 people could be exempt from tier two restrictions, as potential loophole has emerged. People living in high risk and very high risk areas, such as London, Greater Manchester, York and Liverpool, are banned from mixing with other households in any indoor setting. The rule applies to pubs and restaurants, as well as homes. Groups of six from different households are still allowed to meet outdoors but gatherings of larger groups is illegal. However, Downing Street and local authorities last night suggested the rules can be bent if the meetings are for ‘work purposes’. Visit our live blog for the latest updates Coronavirus news live According to Government guidance, up to 30 workers from different households can meet in restaurants and pubs as long as they are Covid-secure.'

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I heard discussion on this that suggested any such pseudo business 'lunches' would be frowned upon by the would a restaurant/venue risk it?


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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Got a shocker today when my phone with nhs T&T suddenly showed an exposure notification. In the past 48 hrs I had left the house once to go to the bank in the town centre . I hardly spent more than a few mins speaking to a John. Kept my distance and also did not touch anything (other than myself).

So sprang up from the sofa to see more details. Clicked on the notification and the bleeping thing disappeared. Searched every where in the phone under every single setting but could not find the message !!

So googled the message and it looks like it is a known issue where in the app says exposure notification is working! More details here

I had a raised heart rate for about an hour. You have been warned

I've had the app installed from the day it was released. Took the mrs out for lunch today, did the check in thing, and as I opened the app the screen flashes up in red, 3 more days of isolation to go. WTF? Not once have I recieved a notification, text, email etc to say I have been in contact with someone infected, so I potentially have been merrily spreading this around for the last two weeks absolutley none the wiser. Whats more, checking back two weeks to when the alleged contact happened, I wasn't at work that day , I was at home nursing a nuclear hangover!
I realise no system is going to be perfect and there will always be anomalies but this thing is a total cluster...


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I've had the app installed from the day it was released. Took the mrs out for lunch today, did the check in thing, and as I opened the app the screen flashes up in red, 3 more days of isolation to go. WTF? Not once have I recieved a notification, text, email etc to say I have been in contact with someone infected, so I potentially have been merrily spreading this around for the last two weeks absolutley none the wiser. Whats more, checking back two weeks to when the alleged contact happened, I wasn't at work that day , I was at home nursing a nuclear hangover!
I realise no system is going to be perfect and there will always be anomalies but this thing is a total cluster...

Not sure if it has had an impact but it looks like they changed the algorithms today to make it more sensitive to contact. Not sure if that is picking up on prior contacts.

Deleted member 15344

Huh. was there ANY doubt? I'm done with watching all sport now. It's a disgrace that sport is allowed to continue with all this going on.

Why is it a disgrace? Providing all precautions are put in place then surely sport can continue ?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Huh. was there ANY doubt? I'm done with watching all sport now. It's a disgrace that sport is allowed to continue with all this going on.

Some sport like international football I agree. Completely should be scraped until this is over but league football for example .. great to have it

Provides that tiny bit of normality for people

Helps mental health


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Update , Boots in Scotland have suspended giving all flu jabs, due to unprecedented demand and stock availability. HID has to attend her designated clinic at 7 pm, must be in the same the health board area as our doctors surgery :mad:
Update - We got our Flu jabs locally today, after a friend told us over 65s can just walk in register and get jabbed, no queue and over and done in 10 minutes.

Old Skier

Tour Winner
May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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Similarly - Report in the Sunday Times that some city workers and company bosses (coming into the UK) could be exempt from a quarantine period. Denied. We are all in it together or one rule for 'us'...

I find that sort of thing frustrating, confusing and disappointing. Quarantine either matters for us all or it doesn't. Not even sure why the quarantine period can be reduced from the two weeks it currently is. But that's another matter.

There’s a “could” in there