Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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The PPE has been distributed to the NHS, the problem is the ability of the NHS to sort out their distribution problems. The continued blame of the government is unfair on this point IMO. Norfolk had a major delivery yet we get the staff on the Norfolk blood donation organisation complaining about no PPE.

Just back from a Logie RM group at Chivnor who have been involved and at the distribution centres that they went to the staff there just stood on one side and left the unloading to the boys. Seems like there are areas of the NHS letting their own colleagues down.

They need to bring back the Lightnings into Chivenor and get then to light up the afterburners - they'd be jumping around after that :D:D


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I doubt many new start-ups will show a profit per se, what with set-up costs etc, sometimes it takes a couple of years before you start seeing the nuggets fall to the bottom line.

Not sure what the SE can claim that only started within this financial year, thus no accounts, I think he should have made a different (smaller) allowance for them based on their accounts forecast?

I’m still trying to find some clarity towards being SE trading through a limited co, as such being a director drawing max allowance monthly plus top up, thus PAYE, but too early to take dividends yet, so am I SE and claim 80% of profits or PAYE and claim 80% of my directors monthly allowance wage only or what I pay myself PAYE?

I’ve found Fundy’s thread now so I’m much clearer where I stand.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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The PPE has been distributed to the NHS, the problem is the ability of the NHS to sort out their distribution problems. The continued blame of the government is unfair on this point IMO. Norfolk had a major delivery yet we get the staff on the Norfolk blood donation organisation complaining about no PPE.

Just back from a Logie RM group at Chivnor who have been involved and at the distribution centres that they went to the staff there just stood on one side and left the unloading to the boys. Seems like there are areas of the NHS letting their own colleagues down.
Wouldn't argue. NHS logistics arrived at 10.00pm last night and wondered why there was no staff there to help unload. We are getting stuff in but as of tonight have escalated out of ICU into the next pod in theatres and there is serious concern bearing in mind how often staff have to get in and out of PPE whether there will be enough. I know our technicians have been busting their guts, calling in favours, cajoling and begging to get as much of everything as possible and doing daft hours in the process. It is drifting in but as you agree, not sure we have the joined up processes in place, certainly compared to what the army can and do do


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Several houses in our street clapped and could hear clapping in the background from other streets (as well as some fireworks!) so thank you on behalf of everyone working so hard for sparing a few minutes thinking about the NHS. A little gesture but I know it'll give everyone a boost.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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We've just done the Spanish 8 o'clock clap, and with shouted messages to various neighbours we'll be out again at 9pm, 8 o'clock GMT.
Quite disappointed out of 27 houses in our street only the wife, me and the neighbours across the road did it, quite surprised really, I was all dressed up with a carrier bag with eye holes over my head and my rubber gloves .:D


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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To all my forum friends that have just taken a few minutes to applaud the NHS staff, I thank you on behalf and each and everyone of my colleagues in every NHS function across the UK. Such a small gesture but it means so much. As someone working in an ICU and working with such a dedicated, professional and caring bunch on a daily basis, it fills me with pride to watch how they are facing this crisis head on with steadfastness, compassion and humour. We are one and we will get through it. Thanks again guys. Stay safe, and stay indoors. I can tell you from what I see daily, it really does make a difference


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Quite disappointed out of 27 houses in our street only the wife, me and the neighbours across the road did it, quite surprised really, I was all dressed up with a carrier bag with eye holes over my head and my rubber gloves .:D

Ahh that's a shame. Our village as a whole seemed to embrace the idea and felt lovely to be part of it.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Rant. What is it with joggers/runners.

We go out for a short early evening walk through very quiet park and fields - actively remaining aware of anyone else behind or coming towards us - to make sure we absolutely maintain at least 2m separation - stopping and waiting where the path is about to narrow - and other walkers do likewise.

But joggers (well the ones we've encountered) just keep running - straight towards you or right up behind you and past less than 2m away. Really, really pees us off. What is it with runners that makes then think that they don't need to do their part in maintaining separation - that they and only they don't have to stop and wait for someone else.

Rant over.
Generally someone on a run is probably trying to achieve a particular time or milestone - or for me personally if I had to stop and stand still for 30 seconds it completely ruins the run for me because I'm trying to complete the distance without stopping. On the runs I've been doing I run right out in the road to get round people if there's no car coming, but also people have been courteous and stood to one side for a second. If there's no space I just hold my breath while I run past!


Jul 13, 2015
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So I'm listening to another utter bawbag on the telly telling us that these Police powers are to Draconian.

This is what we're up against.