Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Wonder if there is some kind of scientific link between reduced pollution levels and the weather getting nicer? Either that or mother nature just being a cow
Certainly makes Extinction Rebellion's efforts look very minor. Just what will we learn from this?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Certainly makes Extinction Rebellion's efforts look very minor. Just what will we learn from this?

I will predict now bugger all

Apparently sat images over China show the smog gone already and Venice the water is clear

If we could shut down the world for 1 month a year imagine how the planet could recover

Around December time tie in for Xmas lol

Money talks though won't happen

Deleted member 1740

Madrid no longer the epicentre for infection in Spain. Strangely enough its the 2 regions that the majority of Madridians escaped to just over a week ago.

Aye, I'm fully expecting Liverpool to be hit with a wave, after 3500 Madridians were allowed to come to our city without restriction a fortnight or so ago.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Madrid no longer the epicentre for infection in Spain. Strangely enough its the 2 regions that the majority of Madridians escaped to just over a week ago.
Unfortunately, my Sister lives in a region that was flooded by those from Madrid... To say the locals weren't happy is an understatement!

Deleted member 21258

UK chemical giant Ineos is set to build a plant within about 10 days dedicated to hand sanitiser near Middlesbrough. It’s thought that it will produce one million bottles a month.

Tom Crotty, the firm’s director, spoke to the BBC’s Today programme.

“We already make the fundamental raw material, ethanol, at one of our sites. It was apparent that there just wasn’t enough gel in the market for people to get - certainly not enough for the NHS, but even on the supermarket shelves. So why not make the gel ourselves, bottle it and get it out there?”

He added: “We already have expertise in this area, we have a spare building we can use, we’re installing the new kit as we speak and we’re hoping to have production up and running within those 10 days.

“Normally, we’d spend six months researching a market. But we’ve done none of that - we thought let’s just start and see how it goes.”

Love some of the 'feel good' stories that keep appearing among the many bad stories.

Every little step...


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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De-spidered the shed and put another shelf up in there, plus a place to hang stuff. Then scarified the lawn. Cracking days work. Tomorrow? Well I've got loads to do so not sure what will take priority.
Did my lawn the crap that comes off is amazing.
Hope you didn’t kill any spiders they keep the flies down?
Going to be a lot of nice gardens this summer.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Feel better than yesterday afternoon. Just a banging head and coughing up not nice stuff. The sun is out today, after 3 days rain. Pot of coffee and the online papers on the terrace is the plan.
That’s a good sign just sounds like chest infection.
It’s weird that you can be pleased you only have a chest infection.
Take care.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I don't understand why the government is not able to simply say that all zero hours contract workers (not covered by measures already announced) and all self-employed - will get a flat rate payment direct from government of £1000/month (an amount often mentioned in context of Universal Basic Income).

With mortgage payments deferred and all other payment to CCs and Lenders on hold, plus no risk of eviction through non-payment of rent (landlords can apply separately for loss of income) that gives every family £250/week for food (remembering that only essential food can be bought and plenty of us already have food for a week or three) and power (if you pay through a meter).

And in these difficult months ahead £250/week is surely sufficient for any family? What is it that I am missing?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I don't understand why the government is not able to simply say that all zero hours contract workers (not covered by measures already announced) and all self-employed - will get a flat rate payment direct from government of £1000/month (an amount often mentioned in context of Universal Basic Income).

With mortgage payments deferred and all other payment to CCs and Lenders on hold, plus no risk of eviction through non-payment of rent (landlords can apply separately for loss of income) that gives every family £250/week for food (remembering that only essential food can be bought and plenty of us already have food for a week or three) and power (if you pay through a meter).

And in these difficult months ahead £250/week is surely sufficient for any family? What is it that I am missing?

£250 p/week for food, seriously ?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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He must be shopping in Harrods.
£150 should do a family of four easy.

I'm just using £1000 per month as an example. OK then. The government gives every zero hours contract worker and everyone self-employed £500 / month. Straight off. No issues - no checking or means testing. And if we are that concerned about the cost to the country then it counts as income for 2020/21 SA tax return. But I know that my lad puts about £40 / week into the meter for gas and leccy. So make it £625 /month assuming £125/month gas and leccy - and £125/week food. And whatever it is, it counts as income for 20/21 tax return

Deleted member 1740

I’ve just read that your numbers are increasing greater by the day than any other city/region!

Stay safe.

Cheers fishy, hopefully I'll be ok. Been eating well and having extra vitamins etc, my main concern is my 86yr old auld girl.

Not seen her for 5 weeks and genuinely frightened to go and see her. I know this will finish her off if she gets it.

Worrying times for all.