Controlling wedge shots


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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Can someone give me a little advice on how to control full wedge shots.

For example I have a 60 degree lob wedge and I don't think I can hit it further than 20 yards. It just goes up and up with zero control, no consistency to the shot. If it helps, I can't seem to strike it very well either, lots of fat shots


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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These are poison clubs in the wrong hands but very useful tools with practice.
I suggest you stop trying to play full shots with it until you can tame it, and just treat it as a up and over club around the green.


Nov 16, 2011
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Can someone give me a little advice on how to control full wedge shots.

For example I have a 60 degree lob wedge and I don't think I can hit it further than 20 yards. It just goes up and up with zero control, no consistency to the shot. If it helps, I can't seem to strike it very well either, lots of fat shots

Dangerous club at the best of times. Downright suicidal when the ground gets soggy.

Park it until Summer (or the Range) and learn to hit your 52* less than full - very few Wedge shots should be hit 'full' anyway.


Aug 5, 2011
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Dangerous club at the best of times. Downright suicidal when the ground gets soggy.

Park it until Summer (or the Range) and learn to hit your 52* less than full - very few Wedge shots should be hit 'full' anyway.

I would expand on that and say park it full time- use your 52 and 56 more and learn a whole barrage of useful shots


Q-School Graduate
Dec 31, 2014
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I once bought a 64 in some gay moment of abandonment with my wallet in my distant youth. I still give it an airing now and again, mainly from really close with no green to work with. It gives a new meaning to the word up and down!
I hasten to add I've thinned more than I've got right!
I did have it out for a full 70 yard wind behind shot a couple of weeks ago...Great contact....made it about half way:eek:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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obviously don't know what 'technique' you use - but the outcomes you describe often times go with a swing that's largely an independent arm swing with often 'active' wrists.
often times this means the 'angles' are lost before impact so the club contacts ground first or gets to ball with a vertical of backwards leaning shaft that adds to the static loft of the club so it's a ways more than 60º. (would can the 60º temporarliy, until you can work on better technique - worth a visit with ordinary pitching wedge to a PGA Pro)

in general, not speaking about specialist wedge shots here, but as with irons, you need to present hands leading a forwards leaning shaft, body weight on lead leg, hip cleared, so the 'dynamic' loft presented to the ball is a good ways less than the static loft of whatever wedge, iron.

important that the engine to a good wedge game is the chest/shoulders 'rotation' with a very connected arm swing with the angle in the right wrist retained into impact, then it's released - it's released really a by product of the connected swing & not an active motion folks do 'with' their hands/wrists.