Hall of Famer
How does your club pass on the latest news. Do receive an e-mail newsletter every month? Do you get a table top bulletin. Does your club even use e-mail.
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in my club. I get an e-mail to confirm my start time in a competition and one from HDID but I never get any news. The only thing we have is a tabletop thing with out of date scores and results and a short monthly message from the captain.
The members rarely get asked if they are happy with the club. I know one club that have just sent an annual membership survey out and the majority have received it by e-mail. Those that aren't online can submit a written copy. I applaud this. It's quite a weighty tome and I guess as long as the views are taken into consideration and acted upon (within reason and budgets obviously) then its a worthwhile process.
The said club also sends out a monthly newsletter. It has all the forthcoming fixtures (and closing dates) news of club matches. Most importantly it has details of when the tees are booked (societies, comps etc) plus a piece from the captain and committee, pro and head greenkeeper.
Why is it my club seems so reticent at being pro-active. Once the template for an online newsletter is done its got to be easier than producing some three sided table top affair and convey a much more up to date message. It has gone to the trouble of a website revamp but never seems to bother using that to market itself and keep members up to date with what is happening. It doesn't even say if the course is playable or even open
In these times of dropping membership I'd have thought it would have been a simple operation to canvass opinion and do whatever could be done to keep the current membership happy and to encourage new blood. If the newsletter was to be sent out to previous societies and anyone on our mailing database it is simple advertising.
Am I being way too naive and overly critical. Is the club I mentioned unique. Does your club keep you up to date as much as you want. How could things improve.
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in my club. I get an e-mail to confirm my start time in a competition and one from HDID but I never get any news. The only thing we have is a tabletop thing with out of date scores and results and a short monthly message from the captain.
The members rarely get asked if they are happy with the club. I know one club that have just sent an annual membership survey out and the majority have received it by e-mail. Those that aren't online can submit a written copy. I applaud this. It's quite a weighty tome and I guess as long as the views are taken into consideration and acted upon (within reason and budgets obviously) then its a worthwhile process.
The said club also sends out a monthly newsletter. It has all the forthcoming fixtures (and closing dates) news of club matches. Most importantly it has details of when the tees are booked (societies, comps etc) plus a piece from the captain and committee, pro and head greenkeeper.
Why is it my club seems so reticent at being pro-active. Once the template for an online newsletter is done its got to be easier than producing some three sided table top affair and convey a much more up to date message. It has gone to the trouble of a website revamp but never seems to bother using that to market itself and keep members up to date with what is happening. It doesn't even say if the course is playable or even open
In these times of dropping membership I'd have thought it would have been a simple operation to canvass opinion and do whatever could be done to keep the current membership happy and to encourage new blood. If the newsletter was to be sent out to previous societies and anyone on our mailing database it is simple advertising.
Am I being way too naive and overly critical. Is the club I mentioned unique. Does your club keep you up to date as much as you want. How could things improve.