Club Fittings - science in action or snake oil for sale?

People just need to realise it isn't a silver bullet, but at the same time I think they can offer a lot of benefit and make you select a club that is more forgiving for a swing you are capable of producing.

Besides, I enjoy them. Seeing the numbers and understanding why the ball is behaving like it is on the day. It's helpful if a custom fit is tied into a lesson of sorts.

I don't agree with AG style Custom Fits though. They are all about the sale, and there is no custom when you're getting off the rack clubs and just picking the one that happens to perform best on the day.
My son is going for a custom fit next week. The idea being that he got his current clubs 4 years ago. He's grown about 2 foot or more since then, now 6'5" tall. He wants to buy new clubs, wants to try a number of different options whilst ensuring he gets clubs that fit his frame and swing. He has a pretty good swing, which seems mostly consistent, surely a custom fit is beneficial in this instance?
I hope this doesn't spoil any future posts from 15 handicapper's giving advice or suggesting a fitting ... No need to spoil the fun 😂😂😂
I think it depends on the fitter, and then the golfer being honest with himself. The first fitter I went to was excellent, and the facilities too. It also helps if the golfer knows their swing well enough, and has the courage to say stop if they're just not swinging it well on the day.

Equally, I've had a couple of fitting sessions with TM, both of which were dire. As a result I wouldn't trust them to tie their own shoe laces let alone fit me for clubs.

I usually have a session or two on Trackman/Flightscope each year, and I'm looking for a particular set of numbers. At the start of a fitting session, when I'm hitting my own clubs, I'd expect to see something very similar. If I don't see those numbers, but the feel is good and the flight too I wouldn't have confidence in the session.
All I did with my clubs was to check em on the lie board, I lopped an inch off (they were a half inch over standard) got the lies checked and adjusted to standard then ran em over the lie board again, perfect, been hitting em straight ever since, sometimes to bloody straight...
Have been fitted on more than one occasion.

in terms of iron fittings every time bar 1 I ve been fitted to the same for irons. 1 inch longer and 2 to 3 degrees upright. I ve also have shocking days where I ve called an end to the session as my swing has gone all over the place. The worst was being fitted to 1/2 inch short and 3 flat which we funnily enough have in stock.
I know what my specs are now with irons that it's not as hard if I decide to change them.

in terms of wedge fittings did the Cleveland one form bounce and gapping more than anything else and was discouraged from 3 wedges after my pitching wedge to 2. Interesting part of fitting was the fitter recommending Ping Dyla wedge grips for me as he felt they would benefit me with gripping down the club.

driver fittings I ve always been after dispersion over anything else, I am above average with distance so better dispersion is always my aim, some fittings have been really good in this regard some really poor.

Woods and hybrid are so personal I find once you have something that fits it becomes very hard to change. Hence why my 3 wood is 10 years old, 5 wood 12 years old and hybrid 10 years old. Even the newer models when I've hit them on launch monitors can't improve dramatically on what I have. My local pro will tell me if something is better and having know him 20 years I put faith in his isn't trying to just sell me something.

Putters. I am self fitted for and my main putter was perfect for me except the wrong grip and my spare doesn't fit me at all but was my wedding present from my wife so still gets some use.

Fitting is personal to the individual, a good fitting can benefit in terms of :-

shaft weight,
shaft flex
clubs balance point and overall weight.

A poor fitting can hinder the same person as well.

I once went to see Jason Macniven who praised the driver I had with looking at the figures and saying I won't beat that so let's not bother looking.
I've been fitted several times, by pretty reputable folk.

Results have always been positive, but I've always realised that it's not a magic formula for instant improvement. The recommendations for 'best results for my swing and speed' has been very consistent. None have factored in (nor were they able to) the 'feel' that I prefer and how 'feel' affects my swing! All have been happy to admit that's something that's personal and un-measurable (except by me). Recognising this, my first fitters, who warranted their results, were happy to replace their, otherwise perfectly appropriate, recommendation with one more suitable, for that attribute!

Knowing what I like/need, I 'self-fit these days!

One thing that was a magic instant improvement though was the assessment and adjustment of loft/lie (my 'matched' set were way out'!), so I strongly recommend getting that done!
I think its more pseudoscience than science. Or 100% quakery.

The whole process of custom fitting is based on two false premises: one, that a set of club specs that best suit your swing can be determined by measurement, and two, that such a spec exists that will make you play your optimum golf. Its a sham. And the claims are outrageous and must border or actually breach trade descriptions law.

The custom fit fad is driven by :

- golfers leave no stone unturned seeking the promised land of better golf: and sense or rational analysis of facts is frequently left behind in this search
- there is a huge industry and business selling golf equipment to the (by and large rich in disposable cash) golfers of the world and it has become very adept at devising ways to part them with more of their cash
- few golfers, and indeed, few professional golfers have any knowledge of golf club/ball flight mechanics (its pretty easy to sell them any dream you can concoct)
- club pros latched (cleverly) onto the custom fit business as a way to win back business and offer a more tailored and personal-expertise experience from the takeover in gear selling by the megastore chains
- elite world players into it. And it may even make a difference to them. But then they are paid to say that so no impartiality there.

There are no true scientific analyses showing club fitting has a clear effect on the improvement of anyone's golf.
I don't agree with AG style Custom Fits though. They are all about the sale, and there is no custom when you're getting off the rack clubs and just picking the one that happens to perform best on the day.

I'd reserve judgement on that one.

The AG in East Kilbride (one of their flagship stores) has just had its fitting room done up. A very large wall filled with all sorts of different shafts and the adjoining wall chocka with iron and driver heads. They offer a free fitting, using launch monitors, on to a very long range that allows you to judge ball flights very well.

The staff are generally friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to book a fitting there. Can't speak for other branches, but it's not fair to tar every store with the same brush.
Club Fittings - science in action or snake oil for sale? .... it really depends who fits you!!!!!

Does it though? Is there any evidence for 'club fitting', no matter who does it, that is is possible to improve someone's game, or have clubs that 'fit' a particular swing. Loads of fancy measurement equipment, computing power, and decimal places, or a knowledgeable pro or swing specialist, does not necessarily that it will a blind bit of difference to how well you will play the game.
Does it though? Is there any evidence for 'club fitting', no matter who does it, that is is possible to improve someone's game, or have clubs that 'fit' a particular swing. Loads of fancy measurement equipment, computing power, and decimal places, or a knowledgeable pro or swing specialist, does not necessarily that it will a blind bit of difference to how well you will play the game.

Ever been properly fitted?
I'd reserve judgement on that one.

The AG in East Kilbride (one of their flagship stores) has just had its fitting room done up. A very large wall filled with all sorts of different shafts and the adjoining wall chocka with iron and driver heads. They offer a free fitting, using launch monitors, on to a very long range that allows you to judge ball flights very well.

The staff are generally friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to book a fitting there. Can't speak for other branches, but it's not fair to tar every store with the same brush.

I wasn't referring to that, if they have such a facility. It was more the hit into the nets with half a dozen clubs off the rack and they call it a custom fit. Unless a fitter has the ability to swap out shafts, heads and everything in between, picking 6 drivers and seeing which gives the best numbers on the day is not a custom fit. That is what I meant when I said "AG style"
I'd reserve judgement on that one.

The AG in East Kilbride (one of their flagship stores) has just had its fitting room done up. A very large wall filled with all sorts of different shafts and the adjoining wall chocka with iron and driver heads. They offer a free fitting, using launch monitors, on to a very long range that allows you to judge ball flights very well.

The staff are generally friendly and I wouldn't hesitate to book a fitting there. Can't speak for other branches, but it's not fair to tar every store with the same brush.

Stirling AG is the same i.e. GC2 launch monitor, fitting carts and a long outdoor range, so "AG style" fittings are actually pretty good round my way.
Or has he ever driven a car that the seat isn't the right height or distance for his stature for 4hrs? After all it's just a seat we sit on? :whistle:

What a daft analogy. actually get custom fitted for your car seat then?
In a way, yes.
You do adjust it to get in the correct position don't you..?

no, there are several inches difference in height between me and mrs PK but we dont have differnt settings for the seat.
So why is the seat so adjustable..?
Height, rake distance from pedals, steering column comes forward/back/up/down..
Isn't this to enable "custom fitting"