Claiming from a golf club


Tour Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Northern Iron (NW Region)
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Has anyone ever done this and how does it effect the club? I know all the clubs have insurance etc. But other than a increase premium the following year does it effect them any other way.

I find myself laying in hospital tonight waiting for op on my ankle it's basically broken in few places and needing pins and plates.

The reason I ask this and I hate myself for evening thinking this but I am now out of work for 8-12 weeks and my wife only works part time due to us having a young family. I don't know what the hell am going to do now. As I pay the mortgage and most of the bills at home and now we won't have any money coming in.

I wouldn't even think about it if it would really hurt the club other than a small increase in there premium.. and even at that I don't know if I have a case or a right to even claim. I'd like to know anyone experience in the matter


Apr 11, 2010
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I haven’t but I guess it depends if you think they’ve been negligent. I‘m not someone who’d 4ush to claim 3ither but if someone has been negligent you shouldn’t be out of pocket. That’s why they have insurance.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Has anyone ever done this and how does it effect the club? I know all the clubs have insurance etc. But other than a increase premium the following year does it effect them any other way.

I find myself laying in hospital tonight waiting for op on my ankle it's basically broken in few places and needing pins and plates.

The reason I ask this and I hate myself for evening thinking this but I am now out of work for 8-12 weeks and my wife only works part time due to us having a young family. I don't know what the hell am going to do now. As I pay the mortgage and most of the bills at home and now we won't have any money coming in.

I wouldn't even think about it if it would really hurt the club other than a small increase in there premium.. and even at that I don't know if I have a case or a right to even claim. I'd like to know anyone experience in the matter

In purely practical terms, speak to your bank ASAP; even if you have a case and are successful, that is in the future & the bills & mortgage need paying in the present. Sooner they know the sooner they can help.


Tour Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Northern Iron (NW Region)
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Basically winter golf conditions caused it. Wouldn't have in the summer month. Ground give away under my foot. Course is known for being hilly and with wet weather you do well to keep footing at times.

I mean i could say it's my fault for slipping. But at the same time if sand or another measures had been in place I wouldn't have slipped..


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I personally don’t see a case, if it was to go through it could potentially set a president for clubs to consider closing during wetter periods through fear of a claim should yours have merit.

Out of interest what hole did this injury take place on? If it wasn’t the first their defence would be that you had XXX amount of holes to assess the conditions prior to the accident.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Soft spikes, spikeless or proper spikes; given that the issue appears to be known, if you are wearing soft spikes or spikeless then that may not help any potential case (obviously may not apply if the club has a soft spike only policy).

Sorry about the position you find yourself in, hope you make a full & swift recovery.

Mrs BiM has asked if there is any possibility for your wife to work extra if you could cover child care duties whilst off (appreciate that may not be practical not knowing how old the kids are). She also said speak to your utility providers separately to the bank, and try the Citizens Advice Bureau to see if there are any benefits that you can claim; could also help re the bills.
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Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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What’s your job, can you get moved to a desk based one whilst you recover?
Home insurance has legal cover but they settle fast and low.


Tour Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Northern Iron (NW Region)
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Thanks for all the advise guys. Yeah will get something sorted am sure. Maybe my work has a sick pay system In place. Am there 5 years and never missed a shift. So not even asked about it. Just laying here thinking about option's etc .

I likely won't do anything against the club it's not a club i am a member off but I know it well. And am not that type of person. But I was wearing winter spikes but with all the mud on the course I might aswell have been in trainers for all the use they had. A lesson learned all the same I normally finish the golf in September/October time but with the milder weather in the UK. I played more than ever this year. Anyways thanks again guys for you support and advice.


Tour Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Northern Iron (NW Region)
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What’s your job, can you get moved to a desk based one whilst you recover?
Home insurance has legal cover but they settle fast and low.

No work in milk creamery little desk work and mainly on my feet. And health and safety wouldn't let me come into a factory with a cast even. Just going to be out long awhile.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 15, 2010
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Sorry to hear of your injury and the situation you find yourself in, wishing g you a speedy and successful recovery.

In my opinion, dont claim unless it's financially the very last resort for you. We all know the risks when we set foot on a golf course, and a claim will only hurt the club and fellow golfers in the long run.

Good luck to you, but you said it yourself, you're not that kind of person.


Tour Winner
Jan 4, 2009
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A couple of questions...

Do you have separate golf insurance? If so, perhaps you could claim on that.

As you are not a member of the club where it happened, did you pay a green fee? If so there might have been an insurance cost within the green fee. Worth checking.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
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So, worst case scenario you will be entitled to statutory sick pay from your employer - that brings in just under £100 a week - but many employers have more favourable schemes for permanent staff. There are some helpful details here:

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) - GOV.UK (

If you are on SSP, it would also be worth contacting the benefits agency as you would likely be entitled to a Universal Credit payment over that period as well as you have a young family. It won't be a panacea - you'll likely wait a couple of months to see anything - but it might be of use in clearing arrears and getting you back on a stable footing.

Once you know what you will have coming in, I would then suggest contacting your mortgage provider - if you are in good standing otherwise, they will most likely grant you a payment holiday for three months. You will unfortunately keep accruing interest over that time, but it solves the immediate issue. Its worth letting your energy providers know as well - their situation is more nebulous given all of the issues in that industry at present, but most of the big players will try to help where they can.

Good luck!

Deleted member 16999

Get well soon, hopefully you may recover quicker than you think.

If you do decide you may have a case to claim, make sure you get proper advice, you and your family come first and I wouldn’t worry about the course or other golfers.