Choosing new clubs


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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So, a golfing pal of mine, currently off 14 but improving with hard work is looking to buy some new clubs. We then start chatting about what clubs to change to the matter gets more complex. The questions we ended up revolve around how to choose the new ones.

Does he buy better players clubs on the basis that he should be able to hit them ok.

Would he be better with the easiest clubs to hit, especially game improvement irons, therefore leaving vanity out of it. He might then improve his worst shots and his best shots should still be the best

How can he test a variety of different clubs and get a custom fit. There are many makes of clubs, let alone, models that he's never tried so how does he find what's best for him with c/f of 4 or 5 of the best makers. Most places don't have test facilities.

Club manufacturers don't have demo sets any longer so he can only get the usual 6 iron and its unlikely to be in his spec so the test might not be accurate

This is the set that he want to get single figures with so it's important that he get the right make/type/set up

How would you approach this?

Deleted member 15344

My first approach was to my local pro

We had a quick chat about what my strengths and weaknesses were and he then played 9 holes with me

He got a selection of irons he thought would improve my iron play - AP2's , G15's and the TPMC - I then just hit a load of balls with them . He also suggested trying a few at AG as well so tried Mizunos and Callaways and Nikes.

I went through it all open minded and just kept trying until I found a set I liked and felt comfortable with - then the pro fitted them.

The pro would be the first point of call

El Bandito

Q-School Graduate
Jan 9, 2013
Wiltshire/Hampshire borders
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Going through a similar process right now. For my current bag, I bought off the shelf. Then got them reshafted by a fitter. Great way to pay twice. :eek:

I want to get to single figures in three years. There is nothing wrong with my clubs - and I am investing in lessons where I expect the real difference to come - however, I want new bats too.
My last fitting experience was a lot of fun. I got to try lots of different shafts, and got lots of data. However - at the end of the day, the fitter gives what you and he feel is best for your swing on the day.
This time, I am getting fit via the pro shop at my course. So with the input of the guy teaching me. i.e. someone who has a pretty good idea of what my swing is like and where it is likely to go. Someone whom I can look in the eye each time I come off the course!
To me - this seems a much stronger process - as I need to be fit for 'the whole of my game' rather than for the swing of the day, or the swing I want to get to....
So far - we have done a lot of talking and precious little else. I have promised that I will buy from him - but that he is going to have to work for it. For example - we see the transition from irons to hybrids/woods as being a challenging area. So - we have agreed that he will get some of the OEMs to provide the kit to test not just at 6 iron - but at 4 iron too.
The process is going to take longer - and I am going to probably pay more than I would if I went for custom fit at one of the usual fitting centres - but I think it will give me some real confidence that the bats are the right ones


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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My first ever handicap was 16 and I hovered around the 13 mark for a while. In the past 4-5 years I have got down to single figures so you could say I have already travelled that path. I did 2 things, purchased a nice set of AP2 irons with reg shafts (later moved to another set of AP2 with stiffer shafts). Obviously a brand you can trust and a model that is quite forgiving yet still suits the lower handicapper quite well. The other thing I did was to take much more notice of getting good basics in place , like the grip, stance, etc. Slowly over time remembering to do the basic things right and to try and make the swing less complicated, slowing it down and shortening the swing. Less things to go wrong and generally trying to make the swing more repeatable and dependable. I'm pleased to say that the plan came together!

AP2's are a nice club but I would also recommend testing out the Callaway XHP. I recently moved to them and they seem even easier to hit and the bad shots dont seem as bad as before (if that makes sense). ;)


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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Club manufacturers don't have demo sets any longer so he can only get the usual 6 iron
the pro at our club has had demo sets before, doesn't keep them all the time but I've certainly seen the emails telling me that they are available during the next 3 weeks for testing on the course. Maybe it's just some manufacturers that don't have them availbale.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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If your mate isn't in a rush, then it might be worth contacting a few local Pros and asking them to inform him when they have demo days on. I did that when I changed irons last year. My local Pro has a great shop that carries loads of gear. Every time they had a Demo day on he'd E-Mail me and I'd let him know if I was interested... That way I got to try different irons with different shafts and all with no pressure or cost..


Just get some clubs he likes the look of, make sure the shaft is correct for his swing, then play golf...


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Several options

Go to a decently stocked range or pro shop
Find and AG or similar attached to a range
Wait a few months and start looking at manufacturers sites for their demo days
Go to a fitting centre that don't tie you into choosing one (aka the Belfry)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Again thanks for the additional suggestions. I am going to chat with him during the week and plan to cover the ideas from here.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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It's funny chris in the last couple of weeks I've tried a few different irons,

ap2 didn't like the heads just felt to heavy,
s55 wanted these so bad but just didn't get any confidence in them
S56 as above.
Razr x forged - I brought these from Ethan, loved these clubs but again even a flushed shot was not as pure as the TM cb's

I think a lot has to do with feel, forget your A grade Sunday best swing , you need enough faith in the clubs and consistency that on a bad day you can still scab it round with a half decent score, off 14 I'd say full players clubs may be a touch to much, but the truth is when he hits them he will know which the right clubs for him are....

I've got one more set of irons to try, and if they are not any better than the cbs then their in the bag for another year!

Out of interest is it our Ashley


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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It's funny chris in the last couple of weeks I've tried a few different irons,

ap2 didn't like the heads just felt to heavy,
s55 wanted these so bad but just didn't get any confidence in them
S56 as above.
Razr x forged - I brought these from Ethan, loved these clubs but again even a flushed shot was not as pure as the TM cb's

I think a lot has to do with feel, forget your A grade Sunday best swing , you need enough faith in the clubs and consistency that on a bad day you can still scab it round with a half decent score, off 14 I'd say full players clubs may be a touch to much, but the truth is when he hits them he will know which the right clubs for him are....

I've got one more set of irons to try, and if they are not any better than the cbs then their in the bag for another year!

Out of interest is it our Ashley

Thanks OS .

No it's not Ashley but a guy who regularly plays and practises with me.

One problem is that our own pro is leaving in 3 weeks so running stock down and new on will need to settle in and we don't know which clubs he'll do.

I agree about wanting them to perform on your average swing and it's so difficult to try a real variety all in one place, in the right spec.

I have Ap2's which he has tried and may be what he goes for too, but he just wonders if, for example, there are a set of , say, Calloway's or TM's that would be the answer to his prayers. Without somewhere locally where he can try them all it's so hard to know that you're getting a set that's totally the best for his game.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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This is what I did when I got my JPX

had a look through the internet, looking at pictures to see what I like the look of. As I think how a club looks to your eye is important. Then I went to my local AG as they are attached to a range. I ended up taking an AP2, TM rocketbladz Tour, JPX 825 Pro and an MP69 to the range to hit some balls with. After half an hour I then made an appointment to get fitted and got my new clubs.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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This is what I did when I got my JPX

had a look through the internet, looking at pictures to see what I like the look of. As I think how a club looks to your eye is important. Then I went to my local AG as they are attached to a range. I ended up taking an AP2, TM rocketbladz Tour, JPX 825 Pro and an MP69 to the range to hit some balls with. After half an hour I then made an appointment to get fitted and got my new clubs.

There is a range in North Kent that sell a wide variety of clubs and have a Flightscope that costs £40 a session with £20 refunded if you buy a set. I mailed my mate just last night with the details, so it looks like he'll go down your route too. Thanks Adey


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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There is a range in North Kent that sell a wide variety of clubs and have a Flightscope that costs £40 a session with £20 refunded if you buy a set. I mailed my mate just last night with the details, so it looks like he'll go down your route too. Thanks Adey

make sure he has an open mind and isn't too fixated on one club, tell him to have an open mind when he chats to them. I was looking to to get the MP69 as that is what my heart was set on. But they made up a JPX to my rough specs from the fitting room to let me try them. Never looked back since and I am glad I took their advice.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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make sure he has an open mind and isn't too fixated on one club, tell him to have an open mind when he chats to them. I was looking to to get the MP69 as that is what my heart was set on. But they made up a JPX to my rough specs from the fitting room to let me try them. Never looked back since and I am glad I took their advice.

Sound advice Adey thanks