chipping yips


Sep 11, 2011
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1. put the ball back in your stance. off the back foot.
2. lean some weight onto your left side. keep it there.
3. grip down sightly and move your hands also to the left. have you hands in line with your left thigh.
4. swing back and make a slightly decending blow into the ball. DO NOT SCOOP ! keep your hands ahead of the club head.

if you do this and hold the grip tight then you will hit a nice clip of a chip shot. alot of people talk about soft hands. i am practising this shot over 100 times every day at the minute. this is the best way to do it imo.

this is something similar to jim here. i have my hands slightly further forward than jim also the ball slightly further back.

try it now if you can :) weight on the left side is the most important part then decending blow!

Hello Kevin and welcome
By chipping I assume you mean short shots from around the green.

Use your putting stance/stroke/grip with a 5 iron until you feel comfortable and accurate then just work your way down the clubs.
I tend to use an 8 iron where I can, try to avoid using anything higher than a 9 iron.

Sounds good to me.

As for putting a pane of glass in front of you for learning under pressure. As a youngster I used to pitch from the back garden to the front and back again, over the bungalow we lived in. You learn to concentrate very quickly... but being older and wiser I wouldn't want to see my kids doing it.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Hi Kevin

I'm just coming out of the other side of this problem, had this exact issue for the last 2 years. Work on technique and lots of practice. Then more practice. After that, practice a bit more! It's the only way.

I was getting very flicky with the wrists and thinning or chunking everything. So I worked endlessly on hands ahead of the ball, arms tucked into my sides and then just rocking my shoulders, minimum number of moving parts. Keep your tempo smooth and even, no sudden increase in speed. SMMOOOOOTTHHH is the way to do it. My game isn't back to where it used to be but at least I now don't have a nervous breakdown over every chip shot. Every time I get up and down I bank a bit more confidence.

There was a standing joke with the guys I play with that I could hit any green on the course from 150 yards but none of them from 10 yards. It's a horrible place to be but keep the faith and practice, practice, practice.

Good luck!!
Still a work in progress I think.:p


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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Sounds good to me.

As for putting a pane of glass in front of you for learning under pressure. As a youngster I used to pitch from the back garden to the front and back again, over the bungalow we lived in. You learn to concentrate very quickly... but being older and wiser I wouldn't want to see my kids doing it.

the joys of youth Hobbit, no fear and confidence aplenty

I go mad at my kids for things I was proud to do as a teen... how age changes us lol


Dec 5, 2012
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thanks for all the tips, i practice every saturday and sunday before i play, i play off 7 and its the short chips/pitches thats costing me, practice normally after a nervy start gets pretty good, i had a good short game but after shoulder surgery i have lost all confidence in it, my long game came back no problem, asked my local pro to look at my techic he said it looks fine and to ease up on the grip pressure helps loads with the little 7 iron shots still struggling with loft in hand tho,

the hants reaper

Club Champion
Dec 12, 2012
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I had the same trouble for ages so i just started to play flop shots over a bunker onto the putting green , i practice this for hours and it help my chipping in the end , this shot routine help me to train my hands not to jab , stab or punch the ball but train both my hands and my mind just to make a swing at the ball , i no longer jab at the ball , worked for me and now chip with a flowing stroke , its all in the mind , the actions of just swinging the club through the line help my chipping in the end , help me so good luck


Jun 12, 2011
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I know it's not the best way to play chips around the green but I like to use my 58 and give it a lil pop and land it close with very little run. It's one of the best parts of my game so I'm going to stick with the method. I also feel its harder to control the power with a chip and run compared to my said method but its what I'm comfortable with and doesn't suit everyone.