chip / pitch from the rough


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Was mucking around 2 weeks ago with shots from the light rough. I tried lowering the handle and found it to be a revelation.

Ive only found one guy on the net teaching this. Excuse the poor audio quality and in all honesty he doesn't even execute the shots all that well.

He says its hard to flight the ball high. Complete rubbish. He does it just fine. open the face a touch, Hit it harder and slightly further behind the ball.

He doesn't explain why its working. What it does is lowering the handle, takes the leading edge right out of the shot, engages the bounce even more and gets the ball out super soft.

Game changer for these type of shots. I've even tried it from longer rough and it does quite a good job. It allows you to be aggressive, bounce works its magic and ball pops up and lands soft.

For these shots, don't hit the ball, hit slightly behind it and allow the club to slide under the ball.

Here is the video.


Let me know what you think and more importantly how you get on with it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Additionally, I don't stand closed like he does. I stand open but move slightly further away like he does to allow room to swing with the lowered handle.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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This is something I practice a lot out of thick rough that is.
I haven't tried to lower the handle but I will give it a go tomorrow.
I have noticed that the more the ball sits down you have to be more aggressive and you
will get more roll out than a ball sitting up.
I suppose the key is to try everything and find out what works for us,but more importantly
practice getting out of difficult lies not just nice lies.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I actually prefer the ball sitting down. When it sits up there is the danger of going right under the ball if you have the weight too much on the lead foot. big Phil talks about levelling out the weight on such shots.

Your 58 wedge should be good for this shot. It will allows you to get aggressive I assure you, if you hit it behind the ball and let that bounce work it will come out high and soft.

I am a bit of a digger at heart. The worst thing I can do is catch that leading edge. Lowering the handle just increases the margin of error even more.

I was using a 56-11 and 60-8. the 56 worked the best.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Lowering the handle is part of what Stan Utley advises for bunker play & it works remarkably well. Gets the club sliding through the sand nicely. I can see how that would work out of rough too.

ive tried it in bunkers. works really well. just make sure there is plenty of sand. no good when its hard packed or not much sand.

here is someone else recommending it for bunker play. same principle works so well for the light rough.



Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Was mucking around 2 weeks ago with shots from the light rough. I tried lowering the handle and found it to be a revelation.

Ive only found one guy on the net teaching this. Excuse the poor audio quality and in all honesty he doesn't even execute the shots all that well.

He says its hard to flight the ball high. Complete rubbish. He does it just fine. open the face a touch, Hit it harder and slightly further behind the ball.

He doesn't explain why its working. What it does is lowering the handle, takes the leading edge right out of the shot, engages the bounce even more and gets the ball out super soft.

Game changer for these type of shots. I've even tried it from longer rough and it does quite a good job. It allows you to be aggressive, bounce works its magic and ball pops up and lands soft.

For these shots, don't hit the ball, hit slightly behind it and allow the club to slide under the ball.

Here is the video.


Let me know what you think and more importantly how you get on with it.

Went down and gave this a go this morning and the results were very promising.
It was quite good how the ball came out quite high and soft.
I was trying it from a short distance from the green with little green to work with purely
because I would find this beneficial if I short sided myself.
Thx for the tip


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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No problem, glad it helped. We have a lot of greens at lee park where its easy to short side yourself up to a small raised green from that kind of lie.

Its amazingly effective. Which club or clubs did you try?


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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No problem, glad it helped. We have a lot of greens at lee park where its easy to short side yourself up to a small raised green from that kind of lie.

Its amazingly effective. Which club or clubs did you try?

I only used my 56 degree,it seemed to pop up nicely using the bounce and hitting an inch
behind the ball.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I only used my 56 degree,it seemed to pop up nicely using the bounce and hitting an inch
behind the ball.

Nice lad. Sounds like you got it!

I have been gong about this wrong for quite some time. I always used to try and dig these shots out. Hitting down steep with a low bounce wedge. Prone to going very wrong and coming out at unpredictable trajectories.

Glad I've got it sorted. Another string to the short game bow so to speak. :thup: