Changing What's in the Bag

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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I've decided to stick a 5w in the bag for our longer (210 yards) par 3's, when we have the wind in the face, which is quite often.

I currently use either a 3w, 3h and a 4i. I find if I flush the 3w I'm through the back, 3h just flies too high and often comes up short and 4i is usually about right as it flies lower, but I never seem to hit it consistently enough.

I think a 5w is going to be ideal.

My 3h and 4i go about the same distance in calm conditions.

I've been debating which club to drop from the bag to make room for the 5w.

I have Driver, 3w, 3h, 4i-9i, PW, 52,56,60 Wedges and the putter.

I think it makes sense to keep a hybrid in the bag as it's great from the rough and such a versatile club, but I do like the 4i because of the lower flight into the wind.

The other option is to drop my 60. I mostly only use it from bunkers, which I could easily use my 56 for. But it does come in handy for the occasional shot over bunkers to a tight pin.

In a round I probably use all 3 clubs about the same amount of times, probably 2-3 times each at most. If anything my 60 probably gets the least use, unless I'm in a lot of sand that day.

But I just think dropping the 60 makes my bag very top heavy.

Any suggestions ?
Before bob comes along ill say it for him.... drop the 60* and if you need extra loft for a shot just open the face of your 56* :D
I would drop the 60deg wedge in a heartbeat.

Practice opening the face of the 56 and you will soon not need the 60.

Bob will be along soon to tell you the same

Could you possibly flog the 56 and 60 and replace with a 58 as a compromise?
Can't you use the 56 from the sand? And drop the 60, I did something similar at the start of he year and dropped the 60 for my 3 iron for windy conditions and links golf worked well for a bit.
I can use the 56 from the sand easily enough. That's no problem.

And can probably get away with the 56 for coming over stuff if I open the face up a bit. Might need to practice that a bit.

I was coming down on the side of dropping the 60 as I think it will be easier to manufacture the shots I need with other clubs.
One paragraph you say you dont hit the 4 iron consistent enough for this type of shot then you say like having the 4 iron for its low flight. If you dont hit it well enough that you need a diff club for this shot then surely its the 4 iron that has to go
This is probably going to sound a bit odd.

If I'm hitting a 4i into a par 3 where I need to fly it all the way. I never seem to hit it that well consistently and usually get punished badly for a wayward shot.

If I'm hitting into a green from the fairway where I can run it up then I seem to be ok. Most of the time. And the punishment for not getting a clean strike doesn't seem to be as bad.
I would use a 52 and 58 wedge.

That's only because it's what I've got and got used to it though, although by chance I seem to have stumbled across the best combination for me.

58 opened a little is dead easy to play the flop shot which I'm assuming is all you use a 60 for?

I only have 13 clubs but still wouldn't have 3 wedges in addition to a PW, would never know which one to use!
It's a discussion we have a lot on here.

I would quite happily leave out a few clubs, for example, at my home course, there's no use for a 3i hybrid club on any of the par 3s, and I never need it for a 2nd shot (unless I've messed up) so at the moment, it's the first to go.

I use a 5 wood on 2 of the par 3s and a few par 4s. Obviously, if those par 3s were a little shorter, then I'd swap them around. I sometimes carry a 60 degree wedge instead, it's fun and I have no problems using it.

Then again, I played yesterday with only 7 clubs in a pencil bag and didn't really suffer.
You want an equal spread of distances between all of your clubs. You appear to have a 3H and 4I that go the same yardage. Drop one of these. If its windy drop the 3H. If not drop the 4I.
I still have my 1 iron for the windy days.
What loft is the 3H ? Mines 19* but it goes about 10 yards further than my 2 Iron !
I would imagine if your Hybrid is 19* theres every likelihood a 5 Wood will fly just as high,if not higher.
I'd drop the 60, if i can get out of the bunkers (check out the website photo's on the link below) at my clubs with a 56 you can.

Have you thought about a 17 or 18 deg hybrid instead of a 5 wood.

I use the mizuno clk and can hit it low or high, much more consistant than the 2 iron i had before and can hit this club about 230 ish if i have to.
The 3h is a 19, same as the 5w.

The 5w arrived just before lunch so I took it up the range. TM R9 TP, got it from on-line golf for £99. They have the non-TP for £79 !!

It definitely flies lower than my 3h. Hard to judge distance until I get my skycaddie on it when I play next but it looked like it carried a bit further than my 3h and obviously rolled out a bit more.

tbh, I didn't actually hit it that well. The ones I did had the flight I was looking for. I'll probably take it out in a couple of friendly games I have this week and see what happens.