Carditis - anyone have a cure?


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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What it says above. Carditis - anyone have a cure, or coping strategy?

Following my worst season ever last year, when out of 14 qualifiers I never buffered even once and consequently was given a shot back by our annual handicap review committee (Oh the shame! as it has never ever happened before:()

But thanks to a very good run of form December through to February I started out this playing season full of hope. Added to that my new Mizuno JPX 900 irons courtesy of our hosts and I was ready to take on the world by May.

In seven comps this year so far I have had three .1s, three buffers and a .9 cut, so on paper I'm nowhere near as dreadful as last season. But here's the thing...

Take last Saturday's Stableford where I scored 31 points. It was sheer purgatory as I played terrible shots left right and centre - shots that I don't play in bounce games. Specifically missed two stupidly short putts with the worst jerky pulls imaginable, bladed two balls that had been sitting beautifully after two shots within yards of the green into disaster for blobs on holes that should've been comfortable bogey 5s for 2 points (or even 3 points with an up and down). I easily counted ten squandered shots that should've seen me get a healthy cut (hmm I know, I know - the old shudda, cudda, wudda mighta rubbish when fact is I diddna).

Now in the end for some inexplicable reason only 38 points won the competition, which despite a good-sized field, meant that it was a rare occasion when our CSS rose to 72 on our par 70 so I made the buffer. But it was cold comfort.

I know my problem is Carditis, no doubt about it, but try as I might I just can't seem to approach a qualifying comp with the same 'enjoyment' and happy-go-lucky carefree outlook as I do in a bounce game or matchplay competitions. But when it matters in trokeplay I squeeze the absolute living bejesus out of my clubs - particularly on short irons and play a series Spanner Man shots that I reserve for competitions only.

I guess lessons might be an answer but my problem is that when under no pressure I can play most shots reasonably well and when I do practice it's pretty much the same thing. It's becoming so frustrating I'm thinking hypnotism might be the answer. Either that or therapy :confused:

Anyone worked through this in their own game, come out wiser on the other side and now has a strategy they use when there's a small piece of folded card in your back pocket?
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Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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Its just golf. Play golf and you'll get the handicap you should have. We're only amateurs, don't think, just play. I believe too many people put themselves under too much pressure by over thinking. Don't. Enjoy the course, hit a few balls, put it in the hole 18 times and see what you end up with.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Play more qualifiers.

I would go further - play every qualifier!

My best card scores came when I automatically entered every event, regardless of how I felt etc it tuned my psyche into that being the norm.

You need to completely dissolve the care/Don't care switch.

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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I find that the ability to 'not give a toss' works quite well and is an ability that I possess by the bucket load...

9 times outta 10 it works n'all, I just rock up on the tee and hit the ball, simples... :thup:


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Its just golf. Play golf and you'll get the handicap you should have. We're only amateurs, don't think, just play. I believe too many people put themselves under too much pressure by over thinking. Don't. Enjoy the course, hit a few balls, put it in the hole 18 times and see what you end up with.

This is it.....
Hit it, find it, hit it again until it's in the hole and what will be will be.
Stress not!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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sounds like there's a loss of focus on what should be happening at the 'present' shot when that next shot is reached

- so no real 'switch' back into focus of positive shot decision making with the 'process' of a 'real' repeating psr

- the walk inbetween to be enjoyed whether that's around the air the weather the company the chat - as in any bounce game - but when back at the ball the focus the process has to kick back in

- in order to have a clear notion of the shot needed this 'trigger' to shot mode needs to happen

& it needs to happen in any kinda game in order for it to become a good habit whether that's a bounce/matchplay or card in hand strokeplay - without that real repeatable mental & sequential process with real focus there's just tension & a want to hit it quick to get it over with - indecision lack of focus breeds tension - & the results are never good

with a lack of real focus on a definite target whether primary (end target) or intermediate (where the ball from a chip/pitch needs to land or a spot a putt needs to start out on) the brain has no clear intention to commit to - so it won't

being a ways too carefree in maybes the majority of rounds you play is not helping overall

- yes for sure have fun enjoy the game enjoy the bits in-between the shots but back at the ball then as a trigger switch say it's something like you 'see' a box when up behind the ball as soon as you step into it - then the thinking process of defining target seeing the shot positively choosing the club that start of the process you hear elite golfers talk about so often - we all may up to that point been talking about dinner cars baseball whatever with the caddy or fellow competitors - but once the 'trigger' kicks in it's the process of the present shot in hand - so having made the positive shot decision - step out of the box into set-up psr mode a sequence that's always repeated aim club/grip/postue/aligments/ then one or two looks at the definite target - eyes back to ball is the trigger for automatic swing motion - breathe think target - execute

take 15 secs to objectively analyze what you can learn from the shot that will be helpful going forwards - then forget it it's gone - back to enjoying the walk to the next - & repeat hopefully not too many times a round

don't think at any stage about the end result the index
stay in the present one shot at a time
- manage the emotional response to mistakes - don't compound mistakes by attempting the impossible
- remember to breathe - lot of folks get edgy & tend to hold their breath makes relaxed motion pretty impossible

it's a game should have fun & enjoy the challenge - maybes write a key word on the glove - if tension through grip pressure is a big problem - maybes write 'soft' atop the thumb base so you can see it at address - link that with a feeling of soft forearms - soft forearms means the tension doesn't move up into the shoulders & restrict the turn also means you won't be strangling the handle

Deleted member 15344

It's just a game of golf - hit ball , walk after it , hit it again - whatever the score will be what it is - it's not your living it's just a game of fun and you can always wake up the next day and have another game


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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People definitely put far too much pressure on themselves playing in comps.
It's the same game as you play with your mates. Try to score the best you can..


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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Hi Coach, I need you on my bag next weekend to keep me in the right frame of mind. A lot of good advice in your post. Thanks for taking the time.:thup:

Ian, I agree and I surely fall into the category you're describing at certain times.

Phil and others, you're also all correct and it isn't life or death for sure - but I think it's men / women of iron who don't let this game put them under pressure and really frustrate them.

To those who can do so you have my admiration and respect. I salute you all and will have a pint of whatever you're all on.:cheers:
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Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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I would go further - play every qualifier!

My best card scores came when I automatically entered every event, regardless of how I felt etc it tuned my psyche into that being the norm.

You need to completely dissolve the care/Don't care switch.

Exactly - pretty much every game I play at the weekend thru the season is a qualifier. If there isn't one at my course I'll be somewhere else playing an open. Had some shocking scores but also some nice cuts, always sweet getting a cut at an away course.

It actually feels odd now playing when it's just a bounce game as I'm so used to it being a comp.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Having decided you're not on about the inflammation of the heart then go out, and play. It's 0.1 at the end of the day and even last place is yesterdays news at my place once you leave the bar. Play, no expectations, and just let the score look after itself


Aug 10, 2017
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Sounds just like me. I've tried relaxing, having fun, smiling and so on but .1 it is almost every time, 105 off 12 this year superb. Then remove the card back to low 80's. They should have comps where they only tell you it is a comp on the 18th green.


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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To add to what others have said. Just play the game.

Your handicap is probably wrong if you keep getting 0.1s.

Same for a lot of golfers.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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A friend of mine is exactly the same. Goes to pieces under any sort of pressure. He went through a spell of taking herbal tablets for anxiety, which appeared to work for a short while although probably placebo.

His latest solution is to just play less golf, which is a shame.

Have you considered alcohol? :D


Assistant Pro
Nov 10, 2015
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Exactly - pretty much every game I play at the weekend thru the season is a qualifier. If there isn't one at my course I'll be somewhere else playing an open. Had some shocking scores but also some nice cuts, always sweet getting a cut at an away course.

It actually feels odd now playing when it's just a bounce game as I'm so used to it being a comp.

Agree with that, I used to have a fear of playing from the White medal markers, but after entering all the match play comps and playing 90% of weekly medals, playing from the medal tees became the norm.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
Can you hand in cards for private rounds? It is called "Extra Day Score" here in Germany, I think you guys have it as supplementary card. It would require you to play strokeplay (at least Stableford) when playing with your mates, so no gimmies etc., but would allow you to play handicap relevant rounds with less pressure in a more familiar situation and just make it feel more normal for you to have a card in your hand.


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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With me it's not the white tees as we always play off them except in the very depths of Winter.

It's the event really and the pressure I (often but not always) put myself under*

Over the years I've had many cuts 26-12 so handicap is well maintained. It's just the stupid mistakes in a comp that I normally don't make in general play that get me. As per my OP. I'm down .6 overall this season so it's not all bad.

It's a mental problem.

*Of course it's only a game and not my living - that's totally understood - but it's a strong character that doesn't get bugged by playing badly in this game. I have yet to meet one such individual. I play regularly with 20 guys, all of whom without exception, are prone to bottom lip protrusion when it's not going well. :D


Head Pro
Nov 1, 2016
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Remember to focus on the "What" you're doing - not "how" you're doing.
After each hole "reset" meaning you've forgot about it. Focus on the next shot - execute pre shot rountine and go

You can also spilt your round down - don't think about the overall - play 3 holes at a time with a clear goal set.

Remember if you miss a putt - so what! what's the worse that can happen! you might gain one somewhere else! I like to think the round evens itself out. So when you reflect on your round in future - count how many you "missed" but then count how many shots you "got away with" or long putts etc it'll always even itself out.