Can't hit lower irons as well


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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I got fitted for irons back end of last summer and have Callaway X2 Hot with KBS Tour 100 regular flex shafts following a Trackman session.

Give me me any club from 7-SW and I love them. Lovely strike, ball flight and distance...happy days.

However move down to a longer hit with my 6 or 5 and it's a different story. Mediocre contact with frequent mis-hits and squirty slicing rights or fats.

Might my ball position be wrong? (I tend to hit out of the middle of stance whatever club I hit as moving it backward or forward feels unnatural and lumpy) or am I maybe slashing at it trying to over hit?

It's getting on my wick and would welcome views.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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hit any iron good the low point of the swings arc has to be target side of the ball. to get the low point there bunch of things folks have to do. important weight is on the lead leg before impact, left hip cleared head back of ball.

golf if primarily a rotary game, any sway laterally away from the ball means the sternum plus head is moving back off the ball so the low point is a then a ways backside of the ball.
without seeing the swing it's impossible to say exactly whats the cause is.

sounds as if you got some lateral sway going as you take the club away weight going onto outside trail foot, so weight staying to much on the trail leg on the swing through he ball.

generally it's often times a sway with weight going to outsides the trailfoot trail leg straightening up way too much or lift up out of posture or both. bunch of other things can happen to regarding swing plane & sequencing.

first off make sure you turn (so right shoulder simply turns behind you) weight stays on inside trail foot. so the motion to the top feels a ways more centered & vertical height level. from top put some weight onto lead foot head staying level & backside of ball turn & swing downwards so low point target side of ball - trust the loft on the club don't try help the ball up some.
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Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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I'm just starting to like my 5 iron again after leaving it out of my bag for months, like you i'm better with my shorter irons
The only things I'm doing different is standing a bit taller so the ball isn't too far away from me, taking a practice swing to see where my club bottoms out and placing the ball just left of this position (i'm a lefty)
I think as there is less meat on the longer irons to maintain consistent swing weight there isn't so much leeway on off center shots, just my opinion though, so the swing as got to be smoother than normal to get a nice connection
Just my thoughts, someone with more expertise will give a better solution. I try to sort things myself as we all play differently so we tend to change things to suit us personally