Building up to putting my first cards in...

Just play and hand your cards in, if you start picking and chosing which cards you hand in you will do the same in comps and not bother handing in if its not to your liking, people who shoot a great score but know they have won nothing are notorious for this as they dont want to lose a stroke. It starts you on that dodgy path of naughty golf tactics and unfairness.

If you have decided to putcards in, then play and do it, dont ask yourself questions or get psyched up to a method you have in your head for putting cards in. Just play the rounds and hand them in!

Sensational :) .....wise herbs from the great sage....or is that wise sage from the great herb!!

Im tittering now! :o :D
there is no rule that says you can't pick and choose, though why would you? one way gives you an artificially low handicap, the other gets you a rep as a bandit.

at my club the requirement is for 3 cards signed by a member with a handicap but the norm is that you declare that the round is for handicap before you start.
Some clubs still accept h/c cards signed only by the player, a honest person hands in a honest score, a dishonest person will not. yet I have seen both even when cards are being marked, often by friends who are members.
I have also seen pros look through the cards of a player handing in h/c, tell the player what it works out at and enter it in. Looking at the cards afterwards, the tee wasnt indicated nor were they marked as h/c cards, none of which makes it false or wrong, it all depends on the club and their proceedures. Some clubs do not place any value on a h/c until after it has been adjusted following a comp.